Very Very Urgent- Which cellphone for 12-18K

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if you decided already then i would refrain from saying anything but anyway n73,k790,e65 come recommended. . don't have experience with win mobiles. .
superczar said:
almost forgot to outgoing phone (Nokia 3230) was with me for an amazing 2.5 yrs :)

doesnt beat my p800 lasting me for 5 yrs and still going lol...

congrats man, great phone, DC got one recently and simply loved it...
Rave said:
doesnt beat my p800 lasting me for 5 yrs and still going lol...

congrats man, great phone, DC got one recently and simply loved it...
Christ ! That's one goood investment !
He is very comfy with it... + it's light and thin so he absolutely detests the idea of changing it

Unlike me, my Dad (and I guess yours too ) is averse to the learning curve that comes with a new gizmo :P
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