Car & Bike Want to sell my 1 month old FZ-S

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chiragsthakur said:
@Vheezay : As people have suggested, Check the bike properly before selling it... use it for one or two months more, coz anyways either 1 months used or 3 months used, the resale value would not change much.

Output power/input power :P ;)


just asking because I have seen people manipulating economy based on gauge reading..

they check there the needle was before fueling, they check needle position, after fueling, they come to conclusion when the needle is back to initial position.


let us know how you calculate so that we can avoid the whole confusion and relative steps of tuning :P
i calculated by the reserve to reserve method... i.e when in reserve filled up 1 lt petrol and then rode the bike till it went back to reserve..... got 35 before the first service...... thereafter am getting only 25..... Wonder why the service guys tune the bike if they already know the bike's FE is not that gr8 ??? :X
I measured the FE using reserve to reserve method...i.e when the biek was in reserve filled up 1 lt of petrol and then rode it until it came back to a FE of 35 kmpl irst time but thereafter after servicing got only 25.....Wonder why the service centre guyz goof up the tuning when thye know in first place that the bike predominantly has a low FE
chiragsthakur said:
You filled up petrol exactly when your bike went in reserve??? :hap5:
you don't need to do that. :)
just Zeroing the trip-meter when comes to reserve, refuel and check meter reading on next reserve. This is how I check myself.
madnav said:
Wouldn't say so because Unicorn used to cost on similar lines and current pricing of unicorn stays 74k (not sure if that includes ON pricing)

I do not see why a digital speed shall relate to 10k difference in price.

Its not like all the 10k hike was bcoz of the digital panel. Could be other things as well, like hike in price of iron,plastic, labor etc. :P

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mathrisk said:
you don't need to do that. :)

just Zeroing the trip-meter when comes to reserve, refuel and check meter reading on next reserve. This is how I check myself.


This is the right approach, vheezay try this.
mathrisk said:
you don't need to do that. :)

just Zeroing the trip-meter when comes to reserve, refuel and check meter reading on next reserve. This is how I check myself.

Yup that is one method.

Although I would suggest minimizing error in this method by using larger amount of fuel.

reserve indication when bike starts to catch air is not consistent unless you bike is in a rock stable position..

When you fill 1L after tripping to reserve, you risk an error in calculation if petrol in tank is not in a steady state...

This error in terms of amount of petrol will not deviate much as it is bound to occure just before it reaches reserve..

Thus, amount of error remains constant whether you put 1L or 5L

suggest you put 5L because that delta i.e. error in amount will get distributed in 5 parts; giving you a close to perfect value on economy.

Another fool proof method is to do Full tank to Full tank calculation.

1. Fill the Tank Full.

2. Ride a few hundred km; call it dX.

3. Fill the Tank Full and notice the amount of petrol that was required to do so this time, call it dP

4. Economy = dX/dP

and shall remain constant at respective values of P at any values of X with no error ideally.
madnav said:
Wouldn't say so because Unicorn used to cost on similar lines and current pricing of unicorn stays 74k (not sure if that includes ON pricing)

I do not see why a digital speed shall relate to 10k difference in price.
Thats cause the Unicorn is still in heavy demand. Basic demand - supply :)

@ OP

I wouldn't suggest you sell it off. You would incur atleast a 10k loss just on selling this off, rather than that keep this and ask a service mechanic to tune the bike for Mileage the next time you give it for servicing. That should reduces the cost of maintenance and fuel and that itself should be less than 10k over the next few years.
Honestly, I don't think you should be speaking about low Mileage after completing 800Km's. Let the Engine Run in a Bit. A Oil change and and Oil Filter change will help you. After that Control all your adrenalean for a Tank full of Petrol and Ride it in range of 40-70. Check your Mileage....!! My RTR gave me a mileage of ~35kmpl in my towns Signal free roads till it got it's second service. Then the value got raised to ~50kmpl. [Yeah FZ is different and RTR is different but engines need Some care initially].
Atleast run-in the engine completely (~4k kms) before coming to low mileage conclusion & calculate the mileage by tank full to tank full method...

This could be fault of petrol pump too, try another petrol pump. Fill the petrol from COCO Pump if possible...
I would say a run in of 1.5k kms is kinda necessary for good mileage to kick him. Yes Fuel Injection can make a lot of difference but he does not have an option of that anymore. The run in was the same with my car. Pre-runin it was giving me shit mileage, between 8 and 11. Now its somewhere near 16. I dont believe it myself but i have checked and confirmed on many occasions.
Also too much use of clutch can bring down the efficiency. Did a lot of wheelies during early days and now my clutch disk seems to be kaput and is giving shit mileage and improper power delivery to the wheels while on clutch :P

Do anyone know how much does the clutch disk costs ? glad it did atleast 18k.


service center guys might have tuned the fuel intake to high, for some special kinda run-in or faster run-in which might be that one mechanic's opinion and cant blame them. Next time ask them to tune for highest mileage.
Does clutch affect the FE???? i ddint know that.. i use a lot of clutch while braking .....What are the other measures that i have to take into consideration to improve the FE....even if i get a FE of 35-38 kmpl (whioch i used to get when the bike was brand new) i'd be happy !!
just read the whole thread..i myself just graduated to the manual mode of riding from the automatics and got my first bike (FZ16),6 months back.
dint do proper run-in as i dint know how to ride a bike!!!
always used to get mileage of 30-35 but after after completing 1500 and doing 2 services i was getting 44-45kmpl and even got 51kmpl on 2 occaisons.

few things to note are:
1)the FZ fuel meter isnt that accurate and it depends on when you think its reserve.either when the last fuel block blinks or when no block is present.
2)proper run-in is required.
3)you will get tons of articles of how to ride a bike to get the best FE

you may not get the FE of other 150cc bikes as the FZ is a fun bike to ride and keeping the throttle subtle isnt what a FZier would do!!
in short,give it some more time of atlst 6 months and decide on if you want to sell off!
vheezay said:
Does clutch affect the FE???? i ddint know that.. i use a lot of clutch while braking .....What are the other measures that i have to take into consideration to improve the FE....even if i get a FE of 35-38 kmpl (whioch i used to get when the bike was brand new) i'd be happy !!

Excess Clutch usage is not good. Use it only when shifting or when required to keep engine from stalling. While braking, one should brake without clutch as using clutch frees up the transmission from engine and hence even more braking is required using brakes alone without the help of engine friction (engine braking).

never apply clutch while braking. It brings down the effectiveness of braking by half, only after recovering from the stopping force, apply clutch just before when you need to accelerate after downshifting. Also engine braking for normal slowdowns is an important factor during run-in. FZ is great for engine braking thing and is fun as well.
Guyz.....Update - > Sold off my FZ-S for 69.5k after a lot of negotiation to one of the office guys... had put up an add in my office intranet portal... Now planning to buy a Used UNICORN (Sept 2010 MODEL) 5000 km run for 58k....... what say it a good deal ????
I warned you earlier. you should've got the pulsar 135ls. its performs better than the yamaha fzs and gives better mileage and is cheaper to run. to all pulsar bashers out there -- let this serve as a reminder to you!

Wait for the next gen pulsars they are arriving soon--15-20 days tops as per xbhp threads. i would wait and see how those perform.
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