X XTerminator Forerunner Jul 4, 2006 #24 BSc(IT) Finished last year....joining MCA this year...college to start pretty soon.
A Amol Discoverer Jul 4, 2006 #28 Only finished kindergarten, then left schooling. EDIT - Kicked out rather
Night Huntre Tarturus callin Contributor Jul 4, 2006 #29 Finished B.Sc (IT) This Year, Not Decided What To Do Next….
medpal Resident Medic Forerunner Jul 4, 2006 #33 Wraith said: Anybody call for a doc? Just completed my MBBS this Feb and now doin my internship! Click to expand... if someone need more precise speciality advise then me here too MS (Otorhinolaryngology) ; DLO; MBBS.
Wraith said: Anybody call for a doc? Just completed my MBBS this Feb and now doin my internship! Click to expand... if someone need more precise speciality advise then me here too MS (Otorhinolaryngology) ; DLO; MBBS.
H hunt3r Explorer Jul 5, 2006 #35 12th pass. waiting for college. after 3 months of hols, its gettin to the point i actually want it to start :S
12th pass. waiting for college. after 3 months of hols, its gettin to the point i actually want it to start :S
O overclocked Contributor Jul 5, 2006 #36 Electronics & Communication Engg. Final Year From YMCA Faridabad.
B bluediamond Explorer Jul 5, 2006 #37 btech computer science finished last yr.. used to spam te during those days.. now working in software company...
btech computer science finished last yr.. used to spam te during those days.. now working in software company...
U unlucky_devil Contributor Jul 5, 2006 #38 me be B.E. in E.E.E - down into the usual trend of software................
M Maxguru Contributor Jul 5, 2006 #39 12th science.. then printing tech. fromm JJ school of arts... then did piloting for 8 months... then started with graphics and 3d.... now full time in 3d business
12th science.. then printing tech. fromm JJ school of arts... then did piloting for 8 months... then started with graphics and 3d.... now full time in 3d business
Udit Herald Jul 5, 2006 #40 I have studied till class 10 after that I got Bed Ridden. could not give my board exams too.