Wat's Ur Educational Qualification?

Udit said:
I have studied till class 10 after that I got Bed Ridden.

Ahhh !! At LAST a person with my education qualification.... I failed class 10 and left school and rode off into the sunset never to return again. :)
Nikhil said:
So, how did you earn a lliving ??

I did a few very different type of jobs - but lets leave that for another thread.

But let me say that it does make a BIG difference how people treat you when they know you are not educated... I have often felt this. Even when I worked in a foreign Travel Agency after I had worked there for 10 years my BOSS hired an MBA at double my salary and this guy was an absolute IDIOT .... but... like my BOSS said he was an MBA :@
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Diploma in Computer Engineering.

B.E Biomedical Engineering.

Planning to do PHD/MS in nano technology or advanced medical imaging next year.
Have done Hsc exams and got 85.6% . Done C++,java course, now planning to do another compo course. Right now busy With Maths, Computer....:hap2: