Wat's Ur Educational Qualification?

12th passed.. now gonna be a Rickshaw puller( as my dad says) cuz i aint gonna get admitted to any collg :)

PS: will take help frm u guyz for any possible mods in my rickshaw :) Thnx
Chaos said:
Just curious... what real purpose does this thread serve... especially for blokes like me who hate studying :p.

stfu, ure the person whose doing P.Hd, u have no right to say so :p
Go ask my mom how much I hated studying... especially cramming things up. Research has nothing to do with studying :p and anyway my question still remains... whats the use of this thread :p.
Chaos said:
... whats the use of this thread :p.

No purpose whatsoever. That's why this thread languishes in "General Talk". :D General Talk ought to be named OffTopic, always loved that title. This thread also helps us understand the kind of community we are all in... :D :D

Soooo many 10th/12th/Undergrad first year chaps in here. I actually feel old. :-s Seems like only yday I was doing my engg. :( Crap. Am starting to sound like an old foggie now. :|

Anyway. B.E (ECE) frm CBIT,Hyderabad and a PGDM right after that at little_known_institute_of_management_in_central_india (in the news for the wrong reasons lately :( ).

I am a BE in Comp Sc., but now i repent not going for MBBS instead.

The doctors have such an easy life. They learn all their fundas during the MBBS,MD and apply these theories for the rest of their lives. Whereas a Software Engineer has to constantly learn new things because of the changing technologies and scenarios. Also, doctors can open clinics in their own home and also, they work in more than one hospital (which is not possible with SEs as working in more than one org is not possible). I know of a doctor who works mon, tue at clinic 1, wed works from home, thurs, fri at an hospital 1, and saturday at hospital 2!!!
DCEite said:
I am a BE in Comp Sc., but now i repent not going for MBBS instead.
The doctors have such an easy life. They learn all their fundas during the MBBS,MD and apply these theories for the rest of their lives. Whereas a Software Engineer has to constantly learn new things because of the changing technologies and scenarios. Also, doctors can open clinics in their own home and also, they work in more than one hospital (which is not possible with SEs as working in more than one org is not possible). I know of a doctor who works mon, tue at clinic 1, wed works from home, thurs, fri at an hospital 1, and saturday at hospital 2!!!

Dude, your are the only engineer I know who wants to be doctor for a better life. Hahahaha. How old is this doctor you speak about? No med-grad gets to earn or live the way an engineer does till at least 5-6 years later. Sure, doctors earn more and get to be all jazzy but that's only after wayyy late in life. No med-student I know is going to be done with their education before they are 29-30yrs old. At least, and doctors keep piling on degrees too...how do you think they get all those fancy acronyms beside their names? :)

Dude. Trust me. I know a lot of med-students and everyone envies the life of an engineer. Especially an engg+MBA. ;)

The grass is always greener on the side, boy. Innit? :)
