Wat's Ur Educational Qualification?

Nikhil said:
You seem to have enjoyed your engg life if you are boasting abt it like that :P

Na re. The id was created when i was still in college. I saw an id "IITian" at some MBA forums a few years back (i think it was pagulguy something like that). So i thought, why not have DCEite as my id. :ohyeah: :ohyeah:
ReNaGAde said:
Doing 12th with PCB (Biotechnology) from Modern school v.v .
....Is there any scope for biotech in india??

you have biotechnology specialization PCB right from 11, 12th nowdays ... awesome.
i had biochem specialiation PCB only in my last year of graduation lol :D
Chaos said:
Just curious... what real purpose does this thread serve... especially for blokes like me who hate studying :P.

Chaos said:
Go ask my mom how much I hated studying... especially cramming things up. Research has nothing to do with studying :P and anyway my question still remains... whats the use of this thread :P.

*from a different thread*
Chaos said:
Org: Microsoft Research India
Work Exp: 2yrs (after a lot of time spent on studying and getting some lame degrees )

ok .. Me at office with nothing to do !!!
^ ha ha....well i guess it'd be fair if we replace the term 'studying' with 'learning'....or make it studying/learning....

studying is such a boring term....in my college days we used to call the studious souls as 'maggus'...quite a common word i believe...across most engg. colleges...

i know lots of guys who hardly ever studied n still were the best of the lot when it came to securing grades n all...so i guess its not hard to believe such ppl do exist....

btw, i did my ug+pg(maths n computing) from iit,kharagpur some 4 yrs back...it feels like its been decades....
I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree

Major:3D Character Animation/Minor;Digital Paint - School;Academy of Art University - San Francisco,California
PiXeLpUsHeR said:
I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree
Major:3D Character Animation/Minor;Digital Paint - School;Academy of Art University - San Francisco,California
Pixel Painter- why the new nick?:P
Even 'Artful Dodger' was cool.:)