Party Monger
arun_rulezzz said:i dont know why everyones on about " this is how the system works" "this is what companies want" etc. thats bullcrap.
this is what i think-
if im going to say " **** man, i practiced for wcg and it isnt even happening "
i dont want some random ****er (spindoc) to say
"oh , dont you know - sponsors want this and want that "
**** you.
Let me get this straight:-
a) You practised really hard for a gaming competition.
b) It didnt happen.
c) You enter a major depression
d) You start flaming everyone, who doesnt pat you on the back and say "hard luck mate"?
Shit happens..Happens a LOT in this world..The trick is not to put all your bets on a single horse

If there isnt a good gaming event in India, then gamers are to be blamed..Companies wil look at their interest and profit..Its up to you guys to leverage your collective strength and make a difference.. Flaming in a forum, for what ever reason, will not make things better..
Instead open a thread "How to improve the gaming scene in India" And concentrate all that negative energy to making things better in the future..Im sure people like Spindoctor and others will pitch in with good suggestions..
In the end, best of luck, and wsh you a great gaming future..

Dont try to take people at the face value of their words..understand what they are trying to say..TE is different from many other forums where people post for the sake of posting or flaming..