Websites blocked

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Hopefully border men's guns and ammunition is as is else even that would had been replaced by desi rampuri knives and desi katta.
I think it's about high time we know which jokers are running this gag on us.


For those not in the know, this site hosts AviDemux, a very useful utility for video editing.
Last edited: has been blocked on Tikona it seems.

Shows a white page with the following info-

*“This website/url has been blocked under instructions of the Competent Government Authority or in compliance to the orders of Hon’ble Court.”*
This is beyond sad. This is f**king pathetic. Fcking kulcha warriors getting their langots in a twist. Unless a site is illegal (child porn or revenge porn or drug market) Govt. shouldn't ban it. Of course its a moot point when what is and isn't legal is decided by some a**backwards babus.
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