Weight gaining diet.

Hi to all the body builders over here. I was just wondering about the type of diet I would need to gain muscle and automatically gain weight.

I work out for 2 hours a day, plus an hour of table tennis for 5 days a week. Got a routine off google and I follow that. For the past month I've been taking coach's formula whey protein supplement and was thinking of moving onto creatine+whey protein as a diet supplement.

Now my problem is with my normal diet (khana). I eat 5 meals a day (not counting the supplements I eat) but I'm not sure they get me enough protein.

Heres my diet

Morning (8am) - 3 rotis, 1 cup daal
10 am - 1 packet parle-G, 1 cup coffee 400 calories, 6 gms protein
1 pm - 5 rotis, 2 cups of daal, 1 cup vegetable (north indian stuff. aloo, gobi kinda things)

4 pm - 1 packet parle-G, 2 cups tea (400 cals for parle-G, 6 gm protein)

5pm - 1 glass water+whey proteing supplement (7gms proteing, 100 cal)
8pm - 1 glass water+whey protein supp (" " """""""")

9pm - 5-6 rotis, 2 cups dal, veggies (same to the 1pm routine.

I'm 5'9, weigh around 55 kilos (had the dreaded 7 day fever.. screwed my happiness...). Thing is rotis will get me enough carbs to keep me going, but I doubt wether the daal+protein combo will get me enough protein to bulk up.

Is this diet enough for gaining weight as well as building muscle? I will start creatine from tommorow.

PS - Next person to point out the irony of a body-building thread on a computer forum gets it :p .
What's your total daily calorie intake ?

try to break those 5 days into 4 with wed as rest, go split, 1 week between workouts for the same muscle groups. You gain the most in the last rep, thats what you push for, and you push with all you got. You are trying to tear muscles here in order to grow, so the rest helps recover for the next workout.

don't forget to properly stretch before you work out and save the cardio for last, you want all your energy for your workouts which would be no more than 10 reps a set max.

The most important thing if you are using free weights is form. I can't stress this enough, learn the proper form in any movement and resist the urge to compete with the others by piling on weight until you master it.

Egg proteins over vegetable proteins as the later are incomplete. Theoretically thats all that's really needed, meat helps if you trim the fat out but maybe you have reservations about that. Lots of water and sleep.

When i was into building i did not bother with creatine as it gives you a temp boost but once u stop it you notice you ain't pushing as much..that can be a serious psychological downer. And this game is all in the mind uppermost. Less gimicks if you want to go the natural way.

When I was in the west, a product produced by twinlabs was the best money could buy, the other stuff was not that great, you might need to enquire from local builders here as to what's the best bulker. If you keep a diary you will notice what works and does not.

All things equal, if you stick to your training and diet and are not a hard gainer, you can expect a 10-15 kg weight gain annually. Now if you keep that up without monitoring body fat content you might not be watching for the bad kind of weight, maybe round off the yr with high intensity workouts or alternate every 2 months bulking with trimming.

if you are into reading, i'd recommend this book, it helped motivate me many times.

Body building is a lifestyle :cool2:
Will eating raw eggs be harmful? I saw tuff on discovery where a guy had like 25 raw eggs and had a mild stroke due to an increase in his cholesterol level.

I'd go for some of those imported, whizz bang supplements but I'm just a student. No way I can spend 2k on a supplement : (

And yeah, most of my workout centres around free weights.

Thanks for the reply : ).

Btw, total calorie intake - 400(perle-G)+400(Parle-G)+200(supplement)+600(10*60 (5+5rotis))+1000(4 cups dal rounded off)+600 (2 cups veggies) = 3200

So around - ~2500-2800 (Taking into account errors in measurement)

Protein content - 2x Parle-G - 12 gms

10x Roti - 30gms

Supplements - 14 gms

4 cups Dal - ~40gms

2xVeggies (Rajma) - 40gms
So thats like - 140 gms of protein in an ideal scenario.. add the stupid stuff, measurements, absorption rate, blah blah and it should come down to around 100 gms.

So 2700 cal food, 100 gms of protein. Is that enough for gaining muscle as well as weight?

Source for chapati - Calories in Chapati or Roti, baked whole wheat bread

Parle - G - Back of the wrapper

Source for pulses - Are you looking for Information?

Supplement - Back of the box.

What do you think of this diet? I've used it for a few months now (2.5) and have gained only 5 kilos. Though I now have a 6 pack and no longer look like a coat hanger when I wear a loose T-shirt. :p
whats the carbs-protein-fats percentage breakdown ?

Depending on your body type and i'm guessing you're ectomorphic a

60% carbs- 20% - 30%protein- remainder fat would be right. If mempory serves me right i was on about 3k+ calories daily and that did work well.

thing with eggs is as you said you got to remove the yolks as they don't give you anything, and make damn sure you refrigerate them. salmonella can't multiply at temps lower than 5 degrees C.

I had a builder friend come down with a nasty case of salmonella poisoing from unrefrigerated eggs. This was in the UK. The guy was not that big but could lift more than guys twice his size but that one bad egg knocked his competing days right out.

In the end a tiny egg brought this big guy down.

there is one tip i can add...a box of complan a week..and you wil be getting nearly 400 cals in a cup ;)

excellent stuff.
whats the carbs-protein-fats percentage breakdown ?

Hang on while I check the dustbin for my parle-G wrappers.

2x Parle-G = 80x2 = 160 carbs

4x pulses = 50x4 = 200 carbs

10x Roti = 11x10 = 110 carbs

supplement = 4 carbs

veggie = 2 x 55 = 110 carbs

Total = 585 carbs or around 500

so carb:protein ratio = 5:1

Fats dont really matter cause they don't seem to do anything for me so I can hog away whatever I want and it does'nt change a thing.
5:1 is bit low for the proteins, you need to increase that somehow, the proteins are what will repair the damage and enable you to go on. I used to gorge on canned tuna to make up the diff, low fat to protein ratio with fish.
Raw eggs should be ok if you refrigerate them for a day at least...then while breaking check each before adding to the whole load. Otherwise just boil them and eat the whites, but then you get full faster.

Breakfast for me was a mug of quaker oats, some honey and milk, put into the microwave for a few mins, then put into a blender. Drink it down :D

The hard part bout packing in the calories is to somehow have part of it in liquid form otherwise you are too full to eat.
Oh dammit, looks like I missed my morning meal in that list.. oh well, me at 1 AM in the night = not very smart.

Thanks for your help though.

@Saumil - I think you left the door unlocked again. :D
Are you veg by any chance ?

if not . then try geting animal protiens as much as possible to gain weight they are anyday better than veg protiens in terms of incorporation int muscle mass

anyway if you take any desi protien suupliments that uaually weight trainer take it manily got egg and animal protien .

Frequent meals - as u already takes alsol help a lot

Get you baaic hormones checked that is Thyriod in this context hyper thyroid might be eating away everything !

Limit areobics in your work out and instead increase weight training as eating too much and the too aerobics basically cancell each other

P.S : Yes !you can trust my advice as I am MBBS doc
I've got my T3, T4, TSH done, everything is normal. And I do weight train. I do eat chicken but once you're away from home, getting an animal protein rich diet becomes hard (un-affordable)
forget the dieticians, or the trainers, make friends with builders that you think push the limits. then pump them for tips :)

i think getting carbs is easy, its the proteins you might need supplements for, take too little and your body will cannabilise itself to repair itself, not quite the effect you are looking for.
Try this and see what happens in a month. :cool2:

A glass of milk(Buffalo preferably or cow's will do too- preferably whole milk but without cream).
Add two ripe Bananas (the normal ones- not the tiny yellow ones.)
Blend it up in a mixer for a few seconds to a smooth consistency- voila- Banana milkshake. :p

Twice daily- once in the morning, say 10am and once in the evening(maybe you can give one of the wheys shakes at 5/8 a skip).

Report after one month :rofl:
Try this and see what happens in a month. :cool2:

A glass of milk(Buffalo preferably or cow's will do too- preferably whole milk but without cream).
Add two ripe Bananas (the normal ones- not the tiny yellow ones.)
Blend it up in a mixer for a few seconds to a smooth consistency- voila- Banana milkshake. :p

Twice daily- once in the morning, say 10am and once in the evening(maybe you can give one of the wheys shakes at 5/8 a skip).

Report after one month :rofl:
Skipping the technicalities Bikey mentions, I'd simply recommend 2 bananas a day + 1 liter cow's milk - in any form, milk shake or just drink the milk and eat the bananas :p
Milk is teh sux. But I am willing to try out horse shit for a week if it will make me bigger. Not massively, I jsut wanna gain like 6-7 kilos. Get to around 63-65 and I'll be happy.
^^ u need to have patience dude!

ur not a cartoon to grow a belly as soon as u've eaten a lot ;)

weight dosen't build up in a week or month even if u hog till ur tummy hurts! - u'll only overload ur digestive system.

even i'm doing some basic body building and i was already underweight. i've lost some 1/2 kg in beginning but now my weight seems stable from past 2 months. my friend says eat lotsa cheese, chocolates, i think he mentioned to take abt 2 Trepton biscuits per day.

except the biscuits i eat abt 4 times a day (normal food) - workout on alternate days only, do some aerobic exercises on the days i'm not working out. i eat just one cheese cube in abt two days, and have some fruit juice at night.

I'm feeling just good now, muscle seems to have increased in biceps by abt 0.5mm ;) but great thing is that my stamina has increased a lot! i can run up three floors in abt 20 secs and not feel exhausted.

keeping a timeframe of abt a yr i'm sure i'll gain some weight - but most of it will be pure muscle - almost no fat there!!