What Did U do When TE Was Down?

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I -

1.Discovered Last.fm More

2.Browsed The other forum,only to get disgusted and Revert back To TE

3.Cursed that Login Panel using all the languages I know

4.Tried To slit my wrist :)
Me 2.
Not just other forum but all other forums where i've registered and posted nothing ;) .
Browsed tbhp and was looking for the aria and the M&M upcoming SUV.They make an interesting read.
Bawahaha! Instead of "Why TE was down?", we're discussing about "What Did U do When TE Was Down?" :P

Gaming all the way. :gunsmile:
after almost 2 years, played CSS (no choice, I am on HD3450 at the moment playing at everything low 1280x1024 scaled on 24inch 1200P LCD :P ), completed pending review over weekend.

Cleaned and Washed (yeah you heard it right ) the cabinet. Removed all components, disassembled my lian li completely, removed all wires and fans and gave it nice clean soap + water jet bath. Dried it, re assembled it. Re did the TIM on mobo NB.

Got bored, went onto XS, got inspiration to bench HD3450. Half way through 3dmark, got bored. Aborted benchmark, went out :P
epl, facebook and slept way too long than i was supposed. my boss will kill me very soon if i continue doing this :P
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