What exactly is Government of India doing?

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No mate, you know nothing about what was done in Wuhan. Very few unfortunate people do and there was nothing they could do.
Tell me what you know then ?

Because what you have told me thus far about Wuhan equates to nothing.

I'm tired of arguing with you and giving up. You are a better epidemiologist than me. Congratulations!!
Stop whinging and back what you assert

Start with Kerela

How are they containing in a humane way
^^ Sorry, it's not possible to discuss technicalities of epidemiology with someone who doesn't understand the difference between false negative/ false positive, RT-PCR and serology tests.
Everything you read online is not true.
According to online resources, Spain is having a downward trend in death, in reality, we have reduced testing by 60 percent. Suicides related to this are not taken into account ( in fact there's possibly no report on this sudden rise in suicide)
Even doctors are not getting paid...there are many things you won't find on internet, no matter how closely you follow.
If you know someone in Madrid, give him/ her a call and ask about the suicides.
@Renegade this again. I hope you do something.
Forgive my ignorance. I am not sure about what's wrong with that misspelling or if it's a misspelling at all. Tried googling to find out but both seem to be legitimate spellings. Several travel sites and news site have it spelled as Kerela.

Though I did feel he is doing it on purpose. The only reason that I can think of is coz it's rubbing some people the wrong way. Again, I do not know why though.

If it's not racial or abusive or derogatory then perhaps ignore it? If it is bigotry then I hope it does not escalate beyond this as @logistopath has already warned.

If we cannot rise above and have a responsible discussion, we should definitely not go down to the level our politicians.
Forgive my ignorance. I am not sure about what's wrong with that misspelling or if it's a misspelling at all. Tried googling to find out but both seem to be legitimate spellings. Several travel sites and news site have it spelled as Kerela.

Though I did feel he is doing it on purpose. The only reason that I can think of is coz it's rubbing some people the wrong way. Again, I do not know why though.

If it's not racial or abusive or derogatory then perhaps ignore it? If it is bigotry then I hope it does not escalate beyond this as @logistopath has already warned.

If we cannot rise above and have a responsible discussion, we should definitely not go down to the level our politicians.

It is legitimately a slur based on context and repeated negative use, could give similar examples for other states, could even call him names back but would be defeating the purpose there. I'm sure blr_p being the most verbose person on the forum can manage to spell it right.
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I think Modi was quick to act on it unlike the other countries but that gathering at Nizamuddin was a total failure by the central government.
I think Modi was quick to act on it unlike the other countries but that gathering at Nizamuddin was a total failure by the central government.
I agree that the central government failed to track the missionaries who flew into India after the Kuala lumpur cluster became a hotspot for COVID but we can't really blame the government alone for that as if we are 5 year old kids and the government is our parent.

Indian citizens as a whole have a serious problem with the concept of personal responsibilty .

The government cannot be the major culprit here if some morons go ahead with their clusterf**k even after seeing the situation in Italy and Iran.

I see this all the time in Kolkata. Stupid teenagers go on a joyride on their bikes without helmets and die when they skid out of control.

Then the people of the locality start protesting and blaming the cops for not doing their job.

No one stops to think that the people who flout safety rules for the sake of their own bravado will end up meeting that end only.
I agree that the central government failed to track the missionaries who flew into India after the Kuala lumpur cluster became a hotspot for COVID but we can't really blame the government alone for that as if we are 5 year old kids and the government is our parent.

Indian citizens as a whole have a serious problem with the concept of personal responsibility .

The government cannot be the major culprit here if some morons go ahead with their clusterf**k even after seeing the situation in Italy and Iran.

I see this all the time in Kolkata. Stupid teenagers go on a joyride on their bikes without helmets and die when they skid out of control.

Then the people of the locality start protesting and blaming the cops for not doing their job.

No one stops to think that the people who flout safety rules for the sake of their own bravado will end up meeting that end only.
I agree. I don't have any sources but I think the meet was planned months ago and I guess the cops thought they will not have the meeting in the lock-down so they should ideally have been proactive in making sure it never happens. Assuming morons to follow law is something to no government should do anyway because morons are morons and we find them everywhere.
This virus is doing something very unique here now. About a week back, a symptomatic infected person was following a more or less predictable pattern and recovery/ death.
Now at least @ La Paz, we are getting patients with 1-3 days of fever and they are dying within 6-8 hours of admission. At least 2 CT scans were not bad, just mild interstitial pneumonitis!!
And I probably should stop criticising Modi specially in the covid situation.
He was probably right about the harsh lockdown. What Spain is going through would have killed millions in India and completely wiped out the nurses and doctors.
Though WHO is rightfully criticised for earlier remarks, we definitely are the best when it comes to sample collection accuracy, safety measures and medical containment etc. Even the slightest lapse in safety ( if found) results in harsh punishment, and honestly after years and years of practice things become like habit.
But this time around many of my colleagues ( including my wife!) got infected themselves.
And we definitely have the best possible PPEs available with us.
Can't imagine what it must be for Indian nurses and doctors.
Another small update,
I have serious personal doubts about the efficacy of HCQS in prophylaxis/ treatment.
Everybody except me in our team is taking it weekly ( I couldn't due to intense nausea and dizziness) 4 of my team members are now positive ( though symptoms are very mild, and they are still doing all the data entries etc.in isolation)
Received my first official warning from Spanish authority for ventilating a 73 year old woman.
Just couldn't bear it anymore, she wasn't even my patient, her asshole Spanish physician kept her on BIPAP for more than 36 hours. She became drowsy and was drowning in her own secretions. I forced the resident to intubate and ventilate her in absence of that asshole. He came back and made a big deal about it ( we are having problems since day 1, as once we reach a hospital on their request, we automatically take control of the ER and triage decisions, however we are not supposed to take decisions on cases who are admitted under local consultants without discussing with them. This asshole has a tendency to ignore the elderly people, he doesn't even try to give them symptomatic relief) and I lost it completely and punched him in the face! Could have been arrested also, someone from office of the most hated person in the world at present saved my ass.
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Many states are ramping up PPE for our health care workers and all states should be doing this. Out paramilitary is also using their man power to do PPE.

The materials used does do the job of protecting, but the PPE worn in china is the Tyvek type material mainly made by Du pont, which the Chinese have been hoarding and now the US is doing the same. Tyvek type material allows the PPE to be more comfortable to the user, with water vapor to escape. We have a material shortage of Tyvek type fabric.

Government should take the Tyvek fabrics from car cover manufacturers in india who have boat load of them.But I don't think we have laws like the US war time act.
Very true, Dupont is extremely reliable and possibly slightly less expensive compared to Ansell.
Even 3M makes decent stuff. They have very good reusable respirators.
Sample collectors must have the best protection. Eyewear and face protectors are also extremely important. Unfortunately AFAIK only Honeywell makes them nowadays, and they are very expensive.
It is legitimately a slur based on context and repeated negative use, could give similar examples for other states, could even call him names back but would be defeating the purpose there. I'm sure blr_p being the most verbose person on the forum can manage to spell it right.
Wow, so you are capable of more than one sentence in a post. I'm amazed.

I write it the way i say it. I don't say kerAla i say Kerela

Why are you making an issue out of nothing.

What next i cannot say Bombay any more ?
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I think Modi was quick to act on it unlike the other countries but that gathering at Nizamuddin was a total failure by the central government.
Given the proximity of the police station to the venue, how they could not know it was taking place you mean ?
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I have serious personal doubts about the efficacy of HCQS in prophylaxis/ treatment.
When are the results of the Solidarity study coming out ?
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Many states are ramping up PPE for our health care workers and all states should be doing this. Out paramilitary is also using their man power to do PPE.
The cops should also have them. I see no cops over here wearing them and nobody has thought to procure them.

I've seen videos of them lathi charging in mosques. Now, if one person is infected out of the lot all those cops will be infected too.

The materials used does do the job of protecting, but the PPE worn in china is the Tyvek type material mainly made by Du pont, which the Chinese have been hoarding and now the US is doing the same. Tyvek type material allows the PPE to be more comfortable to the user, with water vapor to escape. We have a material shortage of Tyvek type fabric.

Government should take the Tyvek fabrics from car cover manufacturers in india who have boat load of them.But I don't think we have laws like the US war time act.
China makes $1 knockoffs of these suits that would be good enough for what the cops have to do.
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No one knows for sure, AFAIK 79-80 countries are participating. Though it's very simple to submit cases, statisticians are having hard time.
Remdesivir may come out with best results. Lopinavir plus Ritonavir plus interferon beta 1a is very expensive but definitely helps in some patients.
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I will give up a few information about what CCP did to Chinese people in Wuhan.
Shot a 3 year old child , who was the son of a very popular table tennis player's sister.
They forcefully extracted thousands of non infected people ( as they had infection in family) and dumped them with infected patients in auditoriums with locked doors and sealed windows. Thousands are still missing.
You won't find these anywhere. There are lot more like these.
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No one knows for sure, AFAIK 79-80 countries are participating. Though it's very simple to submit cases, statisticians are having hard time.
6 weeks i heard which means this time next month we have some sort of clinical trail with RCT's

Chinese don't have or will not release any clinical data on it.

What's surprising is how many doctors are trusting it. So there is some thing there.

It's not safe for everybody and the govt placing it under Schedule H was a good move to prevent people self administering without any qualified guidance.

I will give up a few information about what CCP did to Chinese people in Wuhan.
Shot a 3 year old child , who was the son of a very popular table tennis player's sister
That is sad

Anything else that makes a difference in the way they tackled this crisis ?

Five million people left Wuhan for CNY as well as fear before the lock down.

Half the city emptied out. Now they reopened since Mar 28 but the streets look deserted.

Part nobody is talking about is when are those 5 million returning back
@red dragon - There are a lot of stats related to Coronavirus but I have been particularly looking at just 2. No of deaths and no of recovered. If we look at the Worldometer website, they have always listed 95-96% cases as mild and 4-5% cases as severe. Everything looks normal and hunky-dory when you look at the stat, but the picture changes completely when one looks at the stats I mentioned earlier. Suddenly there is a jump with 21% dead and only 79% recovered. I have seen that number to be as low as 10-12% but now it is at 21%. For a country like Italy, that number is 36%, for Spain 21% and a dismal 41% for US right now. Although there can still be misreporting of numbers and many deaths not getting counted, I still find this stat one of the most important as it shows us the end result and how difficult and horrible the consequences can be.
Everywhere it is being reported that how many people will be completely asymptomatic and how most will only have mild symptoms but, at least for me, those 2 stats show the real picture.

I lost my father in 2016 to something similar. All he had was slight fever for a few days and suddenly one day he couldn't breathe. He nearly passed out but we were able to get him to a hospital. 2 days later, he was no more. Turned out, he had Sepsis, in which the WBC start attacking the body itself when it is unable to weed out an infection. Correct me if I am wrong, but you have mentioned something similar as to the actual reason people are dying due to this virus.
^^ It is a RNA virus which uses reverse transcriptase to convert the RNA to DNA which integrates with human DNA and starts replicating, eventually the host cell dies and thousands of virions get ready to attack thousands more cells.
Now in response to this, our body produces cytokines ( there are many, but let's keep it simple by taking only interleukin for the time being)
If thousands of infected cells produce a lot of interleukin, this is cytokine storm.
This is causing the pulmonary damage, renal damage, multi organ failures etc.
The virus can also cause viral myocarditis, this is extremely dangerous and practically untreatable.
Regarding the data, personally I have stopped looking at them. What I have seen, the mortality rate is definitely around 20 percent. Some ( 10 percent approx) is leaving with permanent lung damage. Others are getting cured completely.
Symptoms of Corona is very different from normal flu. Cough, irritation in throat and a strange air hunger type thing.
Sorry, if my explanation wasn't clear enough. It's a fairly complicated thing, tried to avoid medical terminologies.
Sorry about your father's demise.
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