What exactly is Government of India doing?

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Sorry, Bhakts are blocking my twitter, cant see anything, Serbians do not have rain coats?
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Now I am scared, Spain!! I love that country and people and can speak Spanish a bit...but this time...Lord! Tomorrow is going to be super hectic. Lets get drunk for one last time. Since my wife became positive, she remained drunk for most part.Thank God the kid is away.
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To those who are against lock down, what is the best preventive measure according to you - other than lock down of course. I am specially looking for answers from @chiron , @red dragon

I expect this lock down to be lifted after 21 days as the government cannot admit it screwed up. What should have been done has been brought up many times in this thread regarding preparing and planning before implementing. But cannot undo this now.
We don't manufacture PPE, everything we have is from US, Germany or China. However we give it to other countries who ask for help. India didn't.
India sent several tons of medical supply including PPE to china in the beginning of their spread in china. This is according to chinese government.
We continue to send medical supplies to our allies like israel or other friendly nations.

I am mostly aware of situation of doctors here, Some of the good ones have left, who stayed behind are yet to see better days mostly financially. In 2014 1.5-2L/month income was sufficient in an inexpensive city like kolkata. Now most of them are earning around 2.5L-3L/month, yet they are having a hard time financially. I do not understand how the economy is getting better.
I have seen doctors here in my street go from Mauthi 800 in 90s, Honda city hyundai accent in late 90s, octavia/civic class vehicles in late 2000s and 25Lakh plus vehicles in the last 5 years. So clearly it depends on how you spend your money.

India`s progress seems great on paper, but even as Indian, it was difficult for me to feel.
I don`t think India will be able to sustain this 21 days. Let`s see how many private companies can pay salaries. I know of one huge private hospital ( industry which has suffered considerably less) unable to pay full salaries to doctors for the month of February!!
Indias problem is its population. Also the current generations don't save much and have huge credit card bills.

How's India's ventilator project going? Any prototype yet? What about the elusive 1200Rs.kit?
How much time does it take to rebrand old Siemens ventilators?
Its going as fast at any other country, granted our ventilator manufactures are the basic type, but say a healthy person or a rich or influnetial personsl demands a ventilator out of fear, those cheap ventilators can come in handy.
There are plenty of prototypes, this company as tied up with maurti suzuki to make 10k ventilators/ month, some of the models have o2 supply capability.

DRDO has give various designs to companies which can take it from drawing board to manufacturing.
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Meanwhile the peaceful community doing what it knows best, not follow rules. This super spreaders will soon occupy all the ICU ventilators and those who tried to help them will have no ventilators.
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I expect this lock down to be lifted after 21 days as the government cannot admit it screwed up. What should have been done has been brought up many times in this thread regarding preparing and planning before implementing. But cannot undo this now.
Every country wasn't prepared, I seriously doubt chinese claims of only so many deaths. But they have much more heavy handed approach of the military sealing of the city.

What I don't understand is why our government allowed incoming flights from EU and middle east, till last sunday. They should have also allowed all goods vehicle and courier companies to functions irrespective of whether its essential or not, the local governments and police where also slow to react in lifting the vehicle ban of essential goods.

Lastly the pathetic people of india do not follow rules. No government in the world will be able run a country with people who disregard the rules and have no concept of basic cleanliness.

Japan, Taiwan and south korean people wear masks all the time even before this pandemic and they follow the rules.
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This young lady from Kosice lost both her parents. She is also infected and still has fever. Me (blue gloves), my wife (in the middle) and a paramedic trying to convince her to stay back in the hospital.
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Buddy, the flashy car is where all the money is going. In India for an average superspeciality (DM/ MCh level) doctor doesn't earn that much to buy a 30L car. They went to seminars abroad and saw people driving those and impulsively buy them and regret for years.
We somehow never fell for that trap.We rather save up for the kid's college fund and travel.
Car is just a tool.
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Sorry, Bhakts are blocking my twitter, cant see anything, Serbians do not have rain coats?
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Now I am scared, Spain!! I love that country and people and can speak Spanish a bit...but this time...Lord! Tomorrow is going to be super hectic. Lets get drunk for one last time. Since my wife became positive, she remained drunk for most part.Thank God the kid is away.

This is the tweet message:


I think you are very reliable person to comment on this as UNDP is involved here.

Thank you for all your comments and concerns for fellow Indians.
Told you things were moving in the background. Whatever people complain about today is addressed a few days later.

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Erodov refugee - but I liked the way you did this - remember Amit Malviya and his team members - probably you should join in too. Hatemongers - when you Bhatks don't have anything to react or respond too - you guys take this route and sometimes it goes below the waistline or causes verbal diarrhea.
Are you able to conduct a civil conversation without name calling ? You are quick to rush to judgement on people you do not know at all.

Check my posting history. This is the good thing about forums. The audit trail.

Bring your friends, i'm interested to see what positive contribution they make to topics here :)

This place needs new blood and fresh meat to chew on

Awesome, another Nostradamus in making.. you should consider it as a side business.
Double rations, double benefits to the needy for three months. What does that tell you ?

The curious thing ? British & Indian PM make a speech on the same day about a lock down of similar duration with similar conditions.

I hear they want to extend by 12 more weeks. 36h later I hear three months here.

I would love for this nonsense to end or at least ease come Apr 15.

What fellow TE friend @red dragon and others (including myself wanted to share) -
What point do you want to make here. He's covering a number of things and i don't even know why NK is relevant.

dissel posted a hindi video here earlier that was a summary of news on the topic which i thought was excellent.

This is a fast moving topic so any thing said dates fast. Becomes incorrect as the ground situation changes.

The worst thing is it has not even begun yet. We don't know the extent of the problem.
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@red dragon
Can you please confirm this news. I am finding it hard to believe.

This is the tweet message:

View attachment 85246

I think you are very reliable person to comment on this as UNDP is involved here.

Thank you for all your comments and concerns for fellow Indians.
Sorry, I didn't know anything about it. I can ask someone in Serbia. But isn't it strange? What exactly can India send? Hope it's not PPE.Just gloves.
You are quick to rush to judgement on people you do not know at all.
You did the same when you ran out of comments for a moment and called the account as proxy. It tell all the story what kind of audit you're talking about
This place needs new blood and fresh meat to chew on
Exactly an old guard like you is not making sense at all. Let others do this job
Double rations, double benefits to the needy for three months. What does that tell you ?

The curious thing ? British & Indian PM make a speech on the same day about a lock down of similar duration with similar conditions.
Bring in some list or article stating migrants workers' are getting all of this too. We can talk about it once that list comes and not the Anand Vihar like Incident.

Oh my, you're comparing with Brits now. You will compare with their NHS too. Can imagine the fantasy world you lives in.

What point do you want to make here. He's covering a number of things and i don't even know why NK is relevant.
Obviously, this entire planning of South Korea got the mention and how they tackled the situation of CV. I don't recall any planning did before announcing the lockdown.

And you will not see any valid point in the video as it doesn't promotes hatemongers or anything relevant to them.

Told you things were moving in the background. Whatever people complain about today is addressed a few days later
Before you brag about this; just check the ground situation about Medical Staff and Cops, even if they go home - they meet their family as if they already under isolation. Imagine what they must be going through and they're continue to support the government (not to mention that public also comes in too for the support). Where do all this come in the background part you mentioned. Our friend @red dragon mentioned about this situation multiple times but his points were simply ignored because of ground situation.

Final point to rub on the fantasy world - Do you understand the difference between the pre planning and course correction. I hope you do and you should call this bragging as course correction and not planning.
On my way to Spain by road. We started at 04 hrs, now it's 6 in the morning. Watched the beautiful sunrise, we will survive this.
On a serious note, I don't know if you guys have noticed what kind of protective gear we are using ( in a photo I posted) still some are getting infected. I'm really fearful about the doctors and specially the nursing staff in India.
Even if the supply is adequate, it takes significant training and practice to wear those uncomfortable things all time, every time. Considering the Indian summer, it's a very tough job.
I expect this lock down to be lifted after 21 days as the government cannot admit it screwed up. What should have been done has been brought up many times in this thread regarding preparing and planning before implementing. But cannot undo this now.
Could the preparations be handled better by the government - May be
Was the quarantine necessary - definetly yes.
Lifting the lcokdown before or after 21 days even if cases are on the rise ? - this will definetly be a mistake. In that case, 21 days lockdown has already impacted economy, cases are still rising, and lifting the quarantine means more cases and eventually we become the new italy and go for a extended lock down.
You cannot correct a mistake by a mistake.
Red Dragon
Do you think the hot temperatures here in India 35°c during the day will help curb the spread of this virus ?
You cannot correct a mistake by a mistake
very well said my friend. We can not correct a mistake by a mistake. Lets stay at home during Lockdown and help others (in the form of any means) - stay positive and stay responsible and pray for the recovery of those who either fighting this (like doctors) or for those who got infected and in danger. That's the least thing we have under control.
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Can anyone post a link of the donation page from Modi? Are they accepting online transfer from non Indian banks?
I heard donation can be made through Flipkart. But it's not working for me.
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Red Dragon
Do you think the hot temperatures here in India 35°c during the day will help curb the spread of this virus ?
There was one theory floating around, however everything is theory and in vitro studies under controlled environment. I honestly do not know. May be a microbiologist can help.
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The thinking process behind the lockdown in India didn't have the population's welfare as it's centre.
It was a very crude cover up for a non existent health system.
Nothing in India has been done in recent times for people's welfare.
Even the worst hit countries still don't have a very strict lockdown ( purely for optics and correct narrative, that is a very bad decision) simply because the government there still have community welfare as no.1 priority.
Some people will tear me apart for this particular post. But I can't change my stance on this.
No matter what, India is not in a place to enforce a nationwide curfew for 21 days. EVERYTHING will breakdown if they try to extend it.
People who are in support of this are not at fault.
Middle class in India has not seen the horrors of extreme human depravity. And the virus won't be responsible for that.
Even in NYC with so many infections and deaths, some small businesses are running. If they can't afford a complete lockdown, no other nation can.
My dear friends, I have seen an entire village dying hungry in Burundi ( they locked themselves out during an ebola outbreak in 2018 for close to 4 weeks as they had adequate water, and was not sharing with the adjacent villages, and when they had to open up the checkposts after 3 weeks for food, all the other villages barricaded them...)
You won't find these on internet. There's a huge world outside our safety net.
I sincerely hope Modi gets his senses back and drops his crack pipe.
The only way to deal with this situation is to increase the test drastically, with whatever kit they have.
Thankfully India still has time to test, but the government should stop giving excuses and get kits ( Indian kit will take minimum 60 days to mass manufacture)
The sensitivity of the kits don't matter much now. Germany is testing like crazy with whatever they could get. That's the only reason for their better position, despite being in such a risky position.
There's a rumor floating around about Czech' s success with masks. It's completely untrue.
They have identified hot spots and tested everyone there, contact tracing and isolation becomes slightly easier when you have sufficiently tested population.
The ONLY way to survive is to test...contact tracing...quarantine.
Locking down an entire nation with very few tests is just delaying the inevitable.
Modi's decision really baffled me. Initially thought they are locking down to smoothen the process of testing and contact tracing.
However that's not the case.
To all the Bhakts, there's nothing wrong to support a political ideology. But it's anti- national when you support every wrong step and try to justify those.
Blaming the kits for not being sensitive enough is just stupid. We are not having a rare disease. We are having a pandemic for ****'s sake!!
All the governmental efforts should be focused towards acquisition of kits.
India have a big advantage due to the massive population. There are no shortage of volunteers for contact tracing. But no one is talking about using this to advantage of the nation.
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I hope the lockdown does not get extended. All my bank balances are close to minimum limit. I need to go to AMC to sell off my MF investments to get money. No trains, no autos, no bus. All my money is locked. I have bills to pay. I'm not rich and never had a full bank balance of lakhs/ crores lying in it. All I had was put in savings so I could gather a bit more paltry money through investments. I don't have job, so no money coming in bank in April or May or June. If I cant go to the AMC in April to sell my investment and get money in bank, I don't know what will happen in May. This is a dire situation for me. I don't even have anywhere else to go like the migrant labourers. Will the govt give me money to pay my bills? I doubt it since they are begging for money from Tatas, Ambanis and Birlas and common people and wont even take money from their own pockets. I'm 100% against this extension of lockdown for my own survival. I don't care if you want it extended. If it's extended I'll break all rules. Simple. Even if I break all rules and manage to go to the AMC office all I will see is a shuttered place.

Remove all money from your purse or wallet and keep just 5000 in it. Try paying all your monthly bills from this amount. Pay gas bill, electric bill, society bill, food bill. See what remains. Now in such a situation will you want a extension of the lockdown? what will you people do in May, June or July? How will you pay next months bills? Eat air? Eat rocks? Survive on plain water?

And there are thousands of self employed or unemployed people in same situation as me. No savings left. No jobs. All are on brink of depression thinking where they will get money or food from. All factories are down. All production is down. Some day all food stocks will vanish and no matter how much money you have you wont be able to buy anything. I think some planting season is coming close in May or June. Imagine no fertilizers, seeds etc. That's one entire crop gone. That a few lakh tons of food like rice or rabbi not being grown. All you people wanting extension - do you want to run out of all the food soon? Are you ready to play war games or survival games? Can you survive with your children on 1 meal a day?

You will say there is FCI godowns full of grains. But those are mostly rotten and kept in bad storage conditions. I've seen those godowns from train tracks in Borivali in Mumbai. Don't even think Govt will supply ration to rich and middle class. Most of the bad stuff will go to PDA shops and all the good stuff will be horded by black marketeers who will sell it at high rates to get profits. Even during bad wheat and rice production season when prices had gone up, Congress never allowed food from FCI into open market. All they did was allow import of rice and wheat from outside. Imagine in this situation - no aeroplanes or ships to get food imports because all countries are facing food shortages. India wont get anything. Countries that can pay higher amount of money will get higher share. Most countries are already in lockdown mode now. I have no idea if they allow farmers to grow or harvest crops. Even if they do, there's problem of storage and sending the produce to the market. What if the food or container has coronavirus on it? Will you throw the food out or destroy it?

Everything looks nice on paper until you have to face the consequences in real life. There's no real justification for an extended lockdown now. Just these few days have shown that Indian people are not getting that much infected compared to foreign countries. We are not hitting 1000+ infections per day like Italy or USA. In my opinion, this was an overblown kneejerk reaction to the pandemic. I'm sorry I think this way but having no money in the bank has made me completely selfish. If people get infected, so be it. Indian companies like Mahindra etc will come up with home made solutions and money and give it free of cost to Govt. All the money they didn't give to workers in the form of higher wages are given to the govt now. Maybe Indian companies will build hospitals in one week like Chinese govt did. Maybe they won't.

Absolutely understand these sentiments.

What is this lockdown going to achieve, it will buy time. What are we doing with this bought time? I think that plan should be communicated clearly by the government.

Are we hoping that things will improve on its own? Not happening. The virus that spreads fast, remains active for very long and has no cure forthcoming for a year will not magically disappear. It will start spreading as soon as it is allowed to. How long can we sustain this lockdown? I doubt beyond April. What will happen then?

I see two scenarios playing out:
  • People getting infected and 5-20% people dying
  • People dying due to lack of essential supplies
Which will have a larger impact on the long term. Not very easy to predict. But you see the sentiments mentioned by @6pack above. I think the second situation is more dangerous. Probably thats why UK wanted to let their citizens build natural immunity when it all started. They had to buckle down due to pressure. Not easy to choose between the two.

And its not just food and medicine that we are talking about. Is anyone thinking about the impact on mental health that it will have due to financial problems and the depression due to isolation that many will endure.

Announcing measures and ensuring that they get implemented is very hard, at least in India. It is not a new problem specific to this government. So should we not criticize the government for this, should we only consider that they are doing their best? Anyone who has ever run a project would know what releasing pressure on stakeholders leads to. We need to respect both the sides for playing their parts and keep it civil, for now.
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