What is your plan c?

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They have a certain clause that they can apply in such situations so that they don't have to give away money. That clause is worded something like this: "in the event of natural calamities, or act of God,.....”
Have you seen the Bollywood movie Oh my God!? Deals with this subject, though in a humorous way.

Also, banks do not have any compulsion to give back full amount in your savings account in such cases I think. According to RBI, they only need to keep 10% or so of actual amount with them. So in such cases,I don't think we will get more than 30-40% (probably even lesser than this) amount of money back in case bank fails.
Is this true? I don't think so, but not sure. RBI can easily fill back the lost currency as they have the authority to do so.

Staying on topic, have any of you made some "emergency evacuation kit" or something like that?
I have one, but not for such emergencies. I have one to get away on a long ride in my bicycle or motorbike.
Last year there was a earth quake in Kolkata (most people felt it - sikkim was the epicenter) - and rumor was there that it might be followed by others and we were indeed preparing our emergency evacuation kit. It included of course the various papers (certificates, insurance-bank-vehicle-property docs).
But I have never imagine any situation without cell towers or ATMs or Petrol Pumps.
In such cases, say after a "Judgement Day" (lets say about a city) - if I survive, getting a basic necessities would be priority (roti-kapda-makaan) and of course family before that.
Getting a job might be tougher since I am in IT and so does thousands of other folks around. I don't think unless I'm an "star resource" - my company would reinstate me in some other location. Gotta look for alternatives or alternate location.
The question really hinges on whether one prepares for such eventualities or not. If living in an area where there is some risk like this then plans can be made, coming out of the blue is a different question.
I might be not answering the question here but i am glad that in many countries the Government helps the people to rebuild homes and provide food etc for some time. I will never see this happening in India. Ignore those 'packages' declared, they are always consumed by corrupt politicians who i personally think should be publically humiliated and killed.

True It will a Scam again in the name of rebuild homes
The govt here is corrupt
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+1 to what Sabby said. For such a catastrophic disaster I don't think anyone can have a plan for that, unless you have Air Force One. The only thing would matter is how you can stay alive without killing others and how strong is your urge to survive. The rest of the action you need to figure out based on the situation.
Bear Grylls survival guide :eek: .I will go hunting cockroaches .. build home on top of trees .. and who knows what
I don't think that's what being discussed here. You are not lost in the jungle, but you have survived a disaster. There are other people and basic necessities (hopefully) around, but how do you build your life back?
I don't think so.

Would you like to call your branch manager and have this conversation with him instead of posting hyperlinks, and then report back?

The DIGC is only applicable for insolvency - which I have mentioned, and you have either not read, or forgotten/neglected to quote it.

Besides, we are talking a calamitous event in one geographic region, not bank insolvency. The two are totally different situations.
I find it interesting that many people are talking about storing their docs online. Question is in case of a shambolic earthquake/heavy rain; what are the odds of cables/towers working perfectly in the aftermath? In India my guess is - pretty slim. That being the case is storing docs online - best plan of action? or better to have a phsyical (even if xeroxed) copy?
You'd be surprised.

During the Mumbai floods of '05 we had landline connectivity till almost 8pm ( the deluge had started around 2), and mobile phones worked till about midnight after which their backup generators ran out of diesel. Power had gone since about 4pm, as the water level was already above the distribution boxes. Those from Mumbai will remember: most highways in the suburbs were under 8 feet of water due to the cloudburst.

As it may be, after the rains cleared on Wednesday evening most of the city was back online after midnight. Thursday was almost normal and by Friday everybody was in business. We had to launch a newspaper on Saturday, and though we had only two days to do it as against the two weeks it normally takes, we managed to do so.

And anyway, you wouldn't mind a week or so delay in getting all your important documents back, even if it did take that long. Physical copies are less safe because they tend to be useless after a bit of water contact.

Storing online is a good idea (apart from photo copies and all) since the servers usually reside on some other continent and your documents can be always obtained at a later date when communication is restored.
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I find it interesting that many people are talking about storing their docs online. Question is in case of a shambolic earthquake/heavy rain; what are the odds of cables/towers working perfectly in the aftermath? In India my guess is - pretty slim. That being the case is storing docs online - best plan of action? or better to have a phsyical (even if xeroxed) copy?
It's more to do with safety than immediate requirement. You can always retrieve your documents at a later date.

Having a physical copy is not a bad idea too. Store your important documents in a bank vault and only keep the Xerox with you. This is not only helpful during natural disasters, but also in case any untoward incident happens in your place - for e.g. fire.
@raksrules, @blkrb0t @cranky - Frankly I dont have high hopes of the government/private sector being able to regroup and rebuild so quickly if things go as bad as they have in Uttrakhand. Especially when they will struggle only to put up the basic necessities - access roads and building. My guess is a tragedy as bad as Uttarakhand will push us back by at least 10-15 years. Remember the access we had 10-15yrs back?

Aside blkrb0t wouldn't you like us to store it on the cloud - Skynet and all ;)
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You'd be surprised.

During the Mumbai floods of '05 we had landline connectivity till almost 8pm ( the deluge had started around 2), and mobile phones worked till about midnight after which their backup generators ran out of diesel. Power had gone since about 4pm, as the water level was already above the distribution boxes. Those from Mumbai will remember: most highways in the suburbs were under 8 feet of water due to the cloudburst.

As it may be, after the rains cleared on Wednesday evening most of the city was back online after midnight. Thursday was almost normal and by Friday everybody was in business. We had to launch a newspaper on Saturday, and though we had only two days to do it as against the two weeks it normally takes, we managed to do so.

And anyway, you wouldn't mind a week or so delay in getting all your important documents back, even if it did take that long. Physical copies are less safe because they tend to be useless after a bit of water contact.

I agree with you. However parts towards Kalyan were affected till 4 days. I could recollect very well trains started to run only after 4 days in those areas and tracks were washed out with no land to support them. I stayed at friends house for 4 days before I returned to my place.

OT: I m a subscriber of that newspaper from its launch :P
Saw a special on the uttarakhand disaster yesterday on ndtv. People's home's in many areas near some dam was submerged under 7-8ft of silt. The silt was so high, it completely covered ground floor and people had to take shelter on the terrace of the bungalow's. Some guy was showing how among his recovered belongings, even the laminated mark sheets of his son were completely soaked and the water had made the ink run. Poor people are waiting for some relief from local govt. who is busy in removing tourists out and probably does not care about local people at present.
Since we are talking about digitizing documents, what options do we have if we don't have access to a scanner ?
Any good smartphone app to do the same ? I believe there are some smartphone apps that act as scanners.
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