What kind of Software used by Microsoft Corporation??

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btw, check out channel9.msdn.com for lots of interesting info/videos and what not. it was really cool around the vista release time, nowadays i hardly follow them. there are other similar sites like port25 @ technet i believe. i especially like the "going deep" series of videos for (sometimes "insider") tech info about their products and development processes and what not...
Gaurish said:
quoting From that thread:

you will notice akamai in the far right colume. akamai is a content delivery company. microsoft servers are probably behind theirs and akamai's are there if somebody tries to DDoS microsoft.com/live.com. akamai uses linux not microsoft

vishalrao said:
^ thats right. i had read about the akamai CDN thing but forgot/was unable to post immediately for mrintech's benefit :)

even the apps they use are their own (whatever is available), so yes, word, excel too. for stuff like employee time/labor tracking they use(d) a thirdparty tool but were planning to build something in-house (not sure of current status).

for intranet apps like HRweb and other internal websites they used to do ASP.NET and all but now they are heavily into "MOSS" (ms office sharepoint services) and their "SharePoint" product (last i know) which was supposed to get all fancy wiki/cms type features - dont know the latest status though...

some occasions they dont use their consumer apps rather in-house tools built with the underlying components, for example, by reading blogs i understand the devs use some sort of custom tool which uses the visual studio underlying compilers but not the visual studio UI itself...

i wonder what happened to apps like InfoPath - it was supposed to be the next best thing since sliced bread.

sri_rng said:
akamai is used to prevent DOS attacks. They route requests to MS web servers. akamai is used by many people for Distributed DNS.

They very much use Windows Servers, SQL servers, Exchange and SharePoint and Office 2010beta..

Tech_enthu said:
I will just repeat what other members have said before me, MS uses Akamai as its delivery agent and akamai uses Linux. For applications they use the office apps and some of the early releases much before beta even.

Microsoft.com runs on Win Server 2008, but the truth is that they have tried using linux too as they wanted to calculate the costs and the advantages or disadvantages of using it on their intranet and websites but that was for a test only.

Netcraft What's That Site Running Results

Thanks for Info :hap2: You all Rock :P
vishalrao said:
there is an interesting story to the term "dogfood" if anyone can post it here :)

Vaguely recall that ex-digital guy, Dave Cutler, NT's architect, forcing it on them.

Essentialy the devs use the system they themselves were developing.
yes, though the lineage of the name itself i believe is from a story about a dog food salesman, who, when challenged to demonstrate his claims of the quality/safety of his product, simply ate a few spoonfuls :)

so at MS they call it "dogfooding" or "eating your own dogfood" some times... Eating one's own dog food - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

so some software companies will proudly publicise the fact that they "eat their own dog food" meaning their code is safe, even at beta stage - and sometimes just to get some good (more widespread) testing done.
googling says everything from C (probably old legacy code but could be new stuff too), C++, C# - its all in there :)
vishalrao said:
googling says everything from C (probably old legacy code but could be new stuff too), C++, C# - its all in there :)

Is there any possibility of Java,etc..??
uttering the word java is like using foul language (it is after all, a "four letter word") over there :D

its like the wierd looks and scolding you might get running firefox instead of IE in the office :ohyeah:
^^When I was at M$ until last year, I used firefox on my office machines and used google for search. Use whatever you like is their mantra. Don't think it has changed.
you were at MSR, correct? they may be cool. if you do such stuff at other places you "dont have the right attitude" according to other softies :D
Chaos said:
^^When I was at M$ until last year, I used firefox on my office machines and used google for search. Use whatever you like is their mantra. Don't think it has changed.

wow..u r ex-member of Microsoft...cool........:hap2:
Then u can really help me in my Project. I have a practical called ISD(Information System Design) in which i have to select a Organization and do research(collecting info) related to ISD on that and also has to made a web-site according to the collected info. So, i chooses Microsoft Organization as a topic for it. I don't know if i have made a good decision or bad by selecting Microsoft?. But things can't be changed now.
So plz help me. :)
What I meant was, if I am "ex" MS then how can I give you the current/latest/correct info. On the other hand, if you find a present employee they are usually quite secretive in a scared/nazi terrorized kind of way :D
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