100Mbps is a distant dream & I wouldn't be too optimistic about the targeted date... It would take much beyond 2020 to get 100Mbps...![]()
Isp's Like beam,act & Upcoming Yada Yada should make it possible. definitely possible.
100Mbps is a distant dream & I wouldn't be too optimistic about the targeted date... It would take much beyond 2020 to get 100Mbps...![]()
What is the NTP Saying Exactly. Most of the Online Sites messed up the Stuff.
So basically it is 2Mbps by 2015 and 100mbps by 2020?
That's correct. right now its suppose to be 512kbps but most ISP's are still providing 256kbps as broadband, After 2015 the new definition would be revised to 2Mbps but again there would be a lot of red tape involved & unless Govt. agency put its foot down most ISP's would not implement it just like most still don't... Everything gets delayed in INdia so rest assured your broadband definition & its implementation would as well...
100Mbps is a distant dream & I wouldn't be too optimistic about the targeted date... It would take much beyond 2020 to get 100Mbps...![]()
10 mbps 1000 bucks pm Hyderabad beam fiber
There is hope
Isp's Like beam,act & Upcoming Yada Yada should make it possible. definitely possible.
But as for 100mbps being available to most users? On some networks it already is - just no ISPs are really offering such speeds yet because of this myth that seems to continually be perpetrated that providing higher speeds costs more money, yet if you'll read my previous diatribes, it is my experience that it really isn't more expensive in any way, shape or form. The only prerequisite is that the ISP itself has sufficient bandwidth and that the connection between the LCO and ISP is sufficiently large.
You know how it works. For Example If Some ISP like ACT offers 100mbps with 200Gb fup and 5mbps unlimited for 3k.
You broadband will Start > Followed by other ISP's.
mgcarley Thanks for sharing your insight.
I have to ask, how does a guy from New zealand (if I am not mistaken) end up in India and start his own ISP.
I checked the coverage map on your website and I guess you provide services in Dadar East, thinking of getting a prepaid copper plan for my parents. The prepaid plan is cheaper compared to 600 bucks I pay to MTNL every month plus I want to support someone who is actively trying to change the internet landscape in India.
Also if there's a TE admin around: why do percentage signs get mangled in to the HTML code?
...Bugger... I fear I have involuntarily hijacked the thread again.
Not really, this was more likely a news thread & members ought to get involved & informed among others with the limitations in broadband. The topic in question is just a part of what makes broadband not reaching to the masses yet...
You can advertise here if you become a dealer (for the sake of, mods can clarify). You may also help people in getting answers directly from you about the areas covered and price related doubts or anything. Not saying you have to do this but in case you do come to this forum as a formal dealer, it might help many of us who are looking for reasonably priced true broadband services which is at the same time flexible as per our requirements.
^.. I don't think that's practical 'coz then he would be bombarded with the same questions again & again on limit, speed, plans, FUP, services (Copper or fibre) & areas of service... I've seen this on BroadBand Forum again & again...
^.. I don't think that's practical 'coz then he would be bombarded with the same questions again & again on limit, speed, plans, FUP, services (Copper or fibre) & areas of service... I've seen this on BroadBand Forum again & again...
Though I love his inputs on the current scenario 'coz it helps me understand the ground realities much better...![]()
Right. Because we all people (except mgcarley) are all talking based on what we read in newspapers and internet, our one off talks with some ISP engineer or other random stuff. But here we have this person who has first hand knowledge of what the ground reality is and we can get much more accurate information from him.
Just saw your plans, I must say they're fantabulous :bigok: Also, in your *future* plans/roadmap, bhopal falls en-route. When are you landing here? I promise to be the first subscriber![]()
MPCG is one of the most left out circle in the broadband arena... Don't see any improvement since every ISP neglects it thoroughly 'coz market here is not mature enough....![]()
^. Presence of many companies does not boast of good service/plans/speeds in MPCG circle... But if you are content that you are beating Bihar in no. of ISP's while other circles get faster broadband then CHEERS!! to that... :lol: