Storage Solutions What's The LIFE of a BURNT CD/DVD?

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I was of the opinion that once I burnt programs and music/videos onto a CD/DVD, It would be there forever, but after reading the following(contradictory) articles
here & here,
i'm but confused!!!!

Now,What do i take the TRUTH? :huh:
i didnt even see those articles but lemme tell u this the lifeo f a cd/dvd depends on two things, well three 2 be precise but mostly 2

they are
1.The Writer
2.the Media
3.Your computer

1.well u need a good quality writer that delivers good burns,nowadays most writers have reached the level that they deliver well but it doesent hurt to have the best that comes in about the same price. quality, well when u see some dvd available for 12 bux any another available for 40,trust me if u want that data to last for a long time its worth the spending, the dye used,media quality etc depends on how long that data will last, also you should take good care in storing the media if u toss it around like it was a toy + scratches the life will reduce

3.and last but not least make sure ur comp fits the min reqs,few people i know have a dvd writer but have very less ram and theyre comp majorly slows down when burning a dvd,dvd tajes longer to burn but burns fine but when played back(if movie) stutters n stuff.

so depending on these three things you can approx the life of ur dvds, if yoou want something 2 last more or less than your life time use something like good quality media like sony/verbatim/taiyo yuden and burners well benq is pretty damn good from wut id say

hope that helped.........
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read the articles,didnt realy make any diff 2 wut i said, wut i hold still holds true, i have with me 9 yr old burnt hp cds that costed me around 150 bux for one at that time and its still readable and works without a hitch
SoulFire said:
i didnt even see those articles but lemme tell u this the lifeo f a cd/dvd depends on two things, well three 2 be precise but mostly 2

they are
1.The Writer
2.the Media
3.Your computer

I think there are 2 more ....

4. Handling
5. Storage
The discs should be handled with care - that is no fingerprints and scratches and they should be kept away from the sun and stored in low humidity to avoid fungus spreading inside the discs.

I too have some of those GOLD HP 150/- 4x media which still work perfectly - they were burned on a 4x Yamaha SCSI writer about 10 years back - I still have some unused discs of those 4x HP media which I have saved for really important burns :)

I have never had a disc which worked earlier become unreadable over time.

EDIT: I used to read the pages at cdmediaworld for info on CD media a while back - they have a lot of info on quality of media and their expected life. I think this has not been updated for a while in which case I wonder how accurate their conculsions will be for todays media... worth a look ...

CD Media World - CD-R Quality
The plastic cd's are made from is rated at 25 years.

That is, if its left undisturbed and stored in a cool dry place .
what abt dvds? dvds have organic dyes right? so they wouldnt last longer then most of the cds .... am i right?? any more light on the quality of dvds?
chic_magnet said:
what abt dvds? dvds have organic dyes right? so they wouldnt last longer then most of the cds .... am i right?? any more light on the quality of dvds?

I read in the CDFreaks forums that DVDs have a worse lasting quality then CDRs :( If I find that thread I will post the link here.

I think TechHead should be able to give us some good info on this...
ya that i know too..... but is there a way to measure the quality... .. and i guess everyoine here knows too .. which is precisely why everyone here wants aiyo yuden dvds..:tongue:....

also some writers need to burn some dvds in certain ways to increase thier longetivity?? .. and hmm does speed of burning a dvd play an important role in determining how long the dvd would last?? ....

i got maxells..... and hmm write quality is good.... moser baer burnt in december last year went kaput..(some of them atleast).... so that`s why wanna knwo the factors that can determine if the dvd would last long.. and is so.. how long...
Dvd's have much better lifespans than cd's

PC World - Burning Questions: Ten Tips for Durable DVDs

Something i just thought was noteworthy from the writer of that article:

once you write to a disc, don't place it on a flat surface without putting it in a protective case. Otherwise, "the disc can pick up anything, whether it be abrasives or a liquid," D'Ambrise says. Keep in mind that paper or plastic sleeves may take less space, but neither offers enough protection from dust, scratches, and other debris.

Also, use a case that's designed for DVD media. Cautions D'Ambrise, "you can't just buy a CD jewel case and put a DVD in there, even though it's the same size disc. There are differences in the center hub that holds the disc in place." Unlike CDs, DVDs are really two discs chemically bonded together, so you can't put as much pressure on a DVD as on a CD when you take it in and out of its case. Some DVD cases let you depress a button in the hub to eject the disc; with others, you push in the edges; and still others have little plastic teeth or a smooth doughnut design that's similar, but not identical, to what you find in CD cases.
Nice share of information, but btw, i use the Black DVD cases for storing those DVD movies(by default)....dunno,if it will actually matter/can only check for that validity after 2-3 years!
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