Hi guys. I was just curious how wordpress blogs manage to attain (relatively) high rankings on Google search. I made a wordpress blog, and, before this blog I used to actively maintain free hompages at angelfire, geocities, awardspace et al, and one at blogspot, and they never got as much as a mention on Google search. And now, I've made this blog on wordpress and I get ..errr... ahem...70 hits per day :ashamed:
My point is, the content on my free homepages was as good as, if not better than, this wordpress blog. And I never even got 70 hits in an year. So whats so special with wordpress?
PS: I'm just worried (well...not exactly worried...but) that one of these days, Wordpress' 'manipulations' with Google search engine (if they have any) will be discovered and my blog will disappear from the search results, just like my free homepages.
My point is, the content on my free homepages was as good as, if not better than, this wordpress blog. And I never even got 70 hits in an year. So whats so special with wordpress?
PS: I'm just worried (well...not exactly worried...but) that one of these days, Wordpress' 'manipulations' with Google search engine (if they have any) will be discovered and my blog will disappear from the search results, just like my free homepages.