I have a Myst TMA3 amplifier and Spendor LS3/5a speakers that I haven't used for a while.
They have quite a fan following in the UK.
In the UK the amp currently sells for UKP 300+- . The speakers sell for UKP 500+.
Is there a forum/site where I can list them for sale in India ?
Plenty of articles/reviews on the web, just google them : e.g.
They have quite a fan following in the UK.
In the UK the amp currently sells for UKP 300+- . The speakers sell for UKP 500+.
Is there a forum/site where I can list them for sale in India ?
Plenty of articles/reviews on the web, just google them : e.g.

Myst TMA3 amplifier
Back in the '80s, several British 'cottage industry' companies made integrated amps for purist customers, but this is surely the most 'mysterious'. How will it sound today? In hi-fi as in life, the 1980s was a transformative time.

BBC LS3/5a loudspeaker 1984 Spendor version
A review by Dick Olsher of the Spendor version of the BBC LS3/5a appeared in August 1984 (Vol.7 No.4):