Where this country is heading - do you have any hope ?

how to survive and have a respectable life in this country?

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Its preparation for 2019 elections. They will need their whole rioting team out of jails to have even a tiny chance of winning again.
How much of this is informed speculation vs wishful thinking ?

What i understand is they will win 2019 just not with the majority they got in 2014. Which means they will be weaker than now more susceptible to coalition pressures and this means takes even longer to get things done. Hopefully the momentum of actions of the first term carries over into the second and we don't have too any bumps. We have to maintain our present growth if we expect to have any say in the region ten years hence
BJP & its pawns have played hard hindtuva and got away with it for a two decades now. Cause people never thought that any line would be crossed. That we are not like jehadis. Breaking a mosque down is symbolic but theres no personal element to it.
No, the hard hindutva of the 90s didn't pay off so its soft hindutva. Upper caste politics doesn't win elections. Got to pander to the lower classes like Congress. And the politics of the BJP has been just that. What is notes ban if not class warfare ? who was it supposed to appease. The lower classes at the expense of the middle classes those with assets and means to actually have any black money to begin with. It's funny to see this from a so called right of centre party. But then the right in India isn't exactly like the right elsewhere, at some point it loops back on to the left

The babri thing didn't play any role in 2014, it was hardly mentioned because the people who voted Modi in weren't even born then. You seem to think Modi got in on the Hindutva vote, which incidentally is what the fringe promotes. All the research i've seen suggests its was the young, those desperate for jobs that voted him in. The hardcore don't appreciate this fact, they think its hard hindutva that did it. I see no difference between yur position and their which does not surprise me but i think is mistaken

This caught attention cause Hindus like us, who were disgusted at how a kid was raped & killed in a Temple, with the aim to intimidate a minority. That's not an easy pill for sane people to swallow. Religious or not, temples are places with extremely positive energy. Raping kids in the place you worship goddesses, put things in such a contrast that no one could look anywhere else, it was not something you could ignore.
ask yourself how is it possible
a) to hold some one against their will in a place of worship, how many people have to be in the loop there
b) rape them in said premises, in which places of worship is this tolerated

This temple thing is suspect to me

If i were to be cynical, the findings were to prevent a communal flare up and prevent militants from further exploiting the situation. This would then explain why these ekta mach types take to the streets because they find themselves completely shamed perhaps wrongfully even. Something about that 4k number makes me think something extra happened.

I don't get the involvement of BJP MP's in this affair either. It just looks incredibly bad. Distancing is what you expect not rallying and defending

This response was a roar from the non-right wing hindus, which is like 90% of hindus, that you wont do this kind of shit in our name. That we do not stand for that. That we have taken notice that you are crossing lines, and you wont do that in our name. At the height BJP got 31% votes with the fake development chant covering the religious bigotry. Now all the pretenses are off, and theres no effort to even hide it.
I don't see this as right wing or not. Any one in their normal sense would react. it remains to be seen how much the fallout from this incident is. How long lasting it will be. Might effect elections in the short term but after a year who will remember. That is unless the opposition manages to keep it going and we don't get further adverse developments
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...Hopefully the momentum of actions of the first term carries over into the second...

I would genuinely like to know, either from bjp supporters or otherwise, what are their achievements in these 3+ years. Other than the failed demon... and failed gst.

All the research i've seen suggests its was the young, those desperate for jobs that voted him in. The hardcore don't appreciate this fact, they think its hard hindutva that did it.

Post winning, the bjp has been (indirectly but not so subtly) pushing an extremist right-wing hard hindutva agenda. Which is why people think that's the reason they won. The reality is they lied to the people and the people believed it, that they will really bring a change, a new india, with progress and development for all. and everyone fell for it and voted them in, sick of the congress and their scammy ways. Well, i kept using this example even before they won 2014: if you toss a drowning man a large rock, he will cling on to it, even though it actually makes him sink faster. People wanted a change from the congress and they actually believed that the bjp would make things better.

The way i try to judge a person or persons, when i have insufficient data about their intentions and agenda, is to look at their past. Because people rarely change at the core. Past events in guj should have been a clear indication of what's to come. Speaks volumes about the character of the person, rather than his speeches and hyperbole.

...Might effect elections in the short term but after a year who will remember...

A year !! I give it a couple months at best. Does anyone even remember madhu now?
ask yourself how is it possible
a) to hold some one against their will in a place of worship, how many people have to be in the loop there
b) rape them in said premises, in which places of worship is this tolerated

This temple thing is suspect to me

She was a 8 yr old kid man. And theres these things called drugs that will make it easy for a 10 yr old to hold you in a temple.
I've seen plenty of temples. Its pretty easy to hold someone. There are rooms for priests, store rooms and what not.

I don't get the involvement of BJP MP's in this affair either. It just looks incredibly bad. Distancing is what you expect not rallying and defending
Yes cause people that think Internet existed during Mahabharata, are rational like you :D
She was a 8 yr old kid man. And theres these things called drugs that will make it easy for a 10 yr old to hold you in a temple.
I've seen plenty of temples. Its pretty easy to hold someone. There are rooms for priests, store rooms and what not.
How do you get permission to do that is my question. Why would the person in charge consent ? false pretences maybe

This is a normal temple not some ram rahim cult where anything can happen

Why use a temple to begin with

Yes cause people that think Internet existed during Mahabharata, are rational like you :D
Valid question, why defend the indefensible. Have to strip the politics away to get a coherent answer. Right now that is not possible
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Thanks to stupid feku and his idiotic foreign policies we have succeeded in alienating Russia.
Now they will supply arms and ammo to pak
I've tested that line out but it does not amount to much. The Russians supply 60% of our weapons. They give us access to the latest tech. So both India & Russia need each other, for the time being

There are certainly reasons for India to have pause with Russias behaviour over the last few years. But that's a tight rope we're willing to walk
where was russia when china was attacking us at doklam? Get some reality check.

russsia was still there,
but our politicians were busy convincing rafale suppliers that India is okay with lesser and lesser number of jets 'in national interest'.
russsia was still there,
but our politicians were busy convincing rafale suppliers that India is okay with lesser and lesser number of jets 'in national interest'.

wake up from ur dream its 4pm.

I would genuinely like to know, either from bjp supporters or otherwise, what are their achievements in these 3+ years. Other than the failed demon... and failed gst.
From my perspective the way the world sees us. India looks like an up and coming power. Open for business. The govt has gone out of its way to tell foreign investors they would not be pulling the rug from under their feet like happened with vodafone earlier. This invariably means they get to profit in India. Which is what everyone wants. I think Trump wil be useful here. Harley's now have 50% duty instead of 100%. Will imported items have less duty than presently, who knows.

Why do you think GST has failed ? speaking to people that make in India, the first thing they say is it has simplified their lives a great deal. There is no extra tax here and there. The key point is those savings may not transfer over to cheaper prices for the customer. They will most likely turn into profits. But then let competition do its thing. If one decides they will pass on a portion of the savings, others will follow. Assessing GST takes time, its not an instant panacea though it is for makers in India.

Maybe over time fuel & alocohol will be moved out but this is the best we could get with 288.

Post winning, the bjp has been (indirectly but not so subtly) pushing an extremist right-wing hard hindutva agenda. Which is why people think that's the reason they won. The reality is they lied to the people and the people believed it, that they will really bring a change, a new india, with progress and development for all. and everyone fell for it and voted them in, sick of the congress and their scammy ways. Well, i kept using this example even before they won 2014: if you toss a drowning man a large rock, he will cling on to it, even though it actually makes him sink faster. People wanted a change from the congress and they actually believed that the bjp would make things better.

The way i try to judge a person or persons, when i have insufficient data about their intentions and agenda, is to look at their past. Because people rarely change at the core. Past events in guj should have been a clear indication of what's to come. Speaks volumes about the character of the person, rather than his speeches and hyperbole.
Don't look at 90's behaviour to judge present behaviour is all i can tell you. What hard hindutva agenda re they pushing. All i see are photo ops, with some outfit being appeased here and there. These outfits think the BJP owes them a living whenever it comes to power so they get thrown a bone now & then to shut them up.

I have zero doubts that the seculars & market are in charge despite what anyone tells you.

A year !! I give it a couple months at best. Does anyone even remember madhu now?
Right so the media is milking it to the max then, like always

There will be an enquiry so more details are going to come out. Will anyone on this board care ? hah, no they will have moved on to the next thing to whine about.
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