Car & Bike which bike to go for

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@ neo... Dude, I have a FZ16 since 5th dec, having 500KM in the odo. According to wat i have experienced, i can say these things :

1. Superb Styling and looks !!
2. Very Comfortable Riding posture and stance. I mean u have to Ride it once to get wat i am saying.
3. Really Good Handling in traffic. Thts the USP of this bike.
4. The rear seat does look like kinda small , but its not uncomfortable. I myself have ridden the bike as pillion and its doesnt seem to be of much concern.
5. Average i am getting is 38-40 in local streets and short trips (2-7 kms for single trip) which is good considering it will be better in longer trips (like more than 10 KM on main roads.)
6. Good Suspension.
7. Precise Brakes spcly the front one. My friend was riding the bike with me as a pillion on 25th and once at a fourway crossing, the bike was rammed into a maruti omni (on the side part, like a T POINT). we were around 40KMPH and the car guy jumped the red light, Still the Discs got the bike stopped just before hitting the car and though the bike did fell on the ground with both of us, there was no damage, except sum minor scratches on the Small Fin type plastic part under the tank, watsoever to any three of us (including the bike) ... I was really amazed coz at the point of impact, i thought that it was a gone case. May be i was a bit lucky but still ... i thanked the YAMAHA guys at the spot for making such a stable and strong bike.

There are some minor negative aspects too .. like

1.No Visor on headlight (though i like it better without one) means no space for notebooks or wiping cloth.

2. No footrest on Saree gaurd ( though i got it removed it same day i bought)

3. No leg gaurd.

So now its ur choice. But please, Do test ride it once. It deserves atleast that much effort.
IF you're not planning to race and shit(like that racer dude said) the FZ16 is the best choice at 150cc right now. You want looks? Nothing looks better. Its small and has a very very nice stance to it.

I regularly go on rides with 2 guys with p200s, I own a kari and a cousin just bought the fz16. I've ridden all three of these quite a bit, I've ridden the rtr160 too but I got up in 2 mins after I sat on it cuz it wasn't well maintained and I hated it, so no views on that.

Comfort wise, if your running is a lot, like mine nearly 35-40kms a day, kari is the best. The leaned position of the fz is nice and all but it becomes a back strain for long distances (unless you got a metal backbone or something). For inner city riding and short distances (like 15-20kms daily) the fz16 is the best. Once in a while long rides is fine, but everyday it will start becoming a pain.

Power wise its
200 -> kari -> fz16.
Considering all are kept well, a 200 is faster than a kari after 110kmph, which is faster than a fz16 after 80kmph. How can I say this? We tend to lose our heads and start gunning it if we end up lining up straight next to each other on signals.

Handling wise, its fz16=kari, then 200. I've had the 200 guys swearing by my bike for handling. But the kari is a bit uncomfortable in inner city traffic jams.
Being a kari owner I've ridden the fz16 and I like it.

Which leaves only one point maintenance. I have no word on fz16, but from the looks of its quality I think its going be a great bike, with minimal maintenance if you do your duty of servicing when needed, oil changes(with good quality oil).
Karizma, its 11800kms, 1 year and 4 months, I've had only 2 issues so far. Both of these are something nor hero honda or any other mech is able to fix and pin point. A wierd chain noice when I'm deccelerating fast from 60+ and once in a while my bike decides to go mad, like its so excited to start going fast, that it decides not switch off after hitting the started button(even after removing the key!!!!). Requires me to put it in gear and stop it and wait till battery drains out. Apart from that kari is forgiving, you forgot to go for servicing some months? No problemo! Just do it next time.
Pulsar... dont get me started. Needs very very good regular maintenance. 2 friends, 2 200s about 19 months on both. One is in tatters barely keeps up with fz16 and one constantly hands me my ass.

Just put in ngk iridiums on my bike yesterday, wanna see how it fares with that guy now :ohyeah:
Myth_Pharoah said:
IF you're not planning to race and shit(like that racer dude said) the FZ16 is the best choice at 150cc right now. You want looks? Nothing looks better. Its small and has a very very nice stance to it.

I regularly go on rides with 2 guys with p200s, I own a kari and a cousin just bought the fz16. I've ridden all three of these quite a bit, I've ridden the rtr160 too but I got up in 2 mins after I sat on it cuz it wasn't well maintained and I hated it, so no views on that.

Comfort wise, if your running is a lot, like mine nearly 35-40kms a day, kari is the best. The leaned position of the fz is nice and all but it becomes a back strain for long distances (unless you got a metal backbone or something). For inner city riding and short distances (like 15-20kms daily) the fz16 is the best. Once in a while long rides is fine, but everyday it will start becoming a pain.

Power wise its

200 -> kari -> fz16.

Considering all are kept well, a 200 is faster than a kari after 110kmph, which is faster than a fz16 after 80kmph. How can I say this? We tend to lose our heads and start gunning it if we end up lining up straight next to each other on signals.

Handling wise, its fz16=kari, then 200. I've had the 200 guys swearing by my bike for handling. But the kari is a bit uncomfortable in inner city traffic jams.

Being a kari owner I've ridden the fz16 and I like it.

Which leaves only one point maintenance. I have no word on fz16, but from the looks of its quality I think its going be a great bike, with minimal maintenance if you do your duty of servicing when needed, oil changes(with good quality oil).

Karizma, its 11800kms, 1 year and 4 months, I've had only 2 issues so far. Both of these are something nor hero honda or any other mech is able to fix and pin point. A wierd chain noice when I'm deccelerating fast from 60+ and once in a while my bike decides to go mad, like its so excited to start going fast, that it decides not switch off after hitting the started button(even after removing the key!!!!). Requires me to put it in gear and stop it and wait till battery drains out. Apart from that kari is forgiving, you forgot to go for servicing some months? No problemo! Just do it next time.

Pulsar... dont get me started. Needs very very good regular maintenance. 2 friends, 2 200s about 19 months on both. One is in tatters barely keeps up with fz16 and one constantly hands me my ass.

Just put in ngk iridiums on my bike yesterday, wanna see how it fares with that guy now :ohyeah:


Need I say more?
test rided both fz16 and rtr 160... both way better than pulsar 150 on which i have experienced biking. I was told price of 73k for fz16.

Does the price make sense? Also i cant decide should i go for red or black..??

neomustdie said:
test rided both fz16 and rtr 160... both way better than pulsar 150 on which i have experienced biking. I was told price of 73k for fz16.

Does the price make sense? Also i cant decide should i go for red or black..??


Good that you test rode them...
Well,the FZ-16's price makes sense given its superb all-round capability !
Black looks kewl(like always) but red is unique,entirely upto you though !
Go for either the new Unicorn(better commuter honda reliability) or the RTR 160(better performance/looks) @ roughly the same price bracket.
If you can exceed that, go with the FZ .. (or even R15 :P )
Not sure what review sites you're talking about, but when my cousin bought it here in Pune about 4 weeks back he bought it for roughly 74.

Caution: fz-16 has surprisingly low average for a 150cc. My cousin gets about 33-35 on normal carb setting, about 40 on lean. He talked to a few other fz guys and most at max are getting 40 on normal setting. p200s are getting more.

For a 150cc I'd still recommend it.
Go For Apache 160 Efi Solid Engine Great Looks Awesome Mileage And Mindblowing Pick Up Having Top Speed Of 114.4 Km/ph But Odo Shows 130:ohyeah:
Personally i would have gone with Apache RTR or Hunk from your list. Both the rides are extremely comfortable and smooth. The suspension is also very awesome its more like built for Indian roads. About the average they both give around 45-52 depending on your riding style.

Outside your list i would have gone for Yamaha FZ-16. Its a very cool ride, the smoothness, efficiency, the gear and above all it gives a good average as well. So even this perfectly fits into your category. ;)
At the same price of fz-16, avenger 200 is also available these days. I own one and it is really very comfortable to drive and very good pickup too. Fz16 might anyday be better as a sports bike but do test drive a cruiser (partial :P ) once to feel it.
neomustdie said:
yeah but on review sites prices given are 65k bracket..??? how come the 8k increase...??

review sites??which one...did they mentioned on road or ex showroom road tax differs from state and also mah has in comparision to delhi it will b 3k expensive....btw i heard it to b 72k that too b4 excise cut so i guess it shd b ard 70k now...check with 2-3 dealers
rajshah said:
Pulsar (200 / 220) - Fresh tech / Overall looks / decent average / great service network / ready spares
Unicorn - Bland looks / dated technology / good average / great service network / ready spares
Hunk - Not to sure - your take
Cbz Xtreme - Outdated tech rest all good
Apache RTR FI - Fresh looks / new tech (FI / Digimeter) / good average / spares n service (me not too sure) / very reliable / good if you are around 5.5ft tall
I own a red P200. :)

Edit: And ya.. to top it all.. do as Nikhil says.. ride em' all and buy what your heart rides for ;)

+10 with rajshah... buy pulsar 150 / unicorn know its outdated but work buying it...
+1 for Unicorn...
i have taken many pulsor and apachi up and down when running 100+.
gone 400kms+ at least 14 times in single shot.... sexy bike..
no problem at all..

problem not to bike i am talking... to you:bleh: .... try 400+ in single shot and 3 times in a week on others and you will understand what i am talking..
ani_meher said:
Wait for Suzuki GS150R. I took a test ride, and I was very impressed at the end. If my finances would allow, I would get it in Jan itself. Now saving for it for atleast March-April Buy.

wats the price of GS150R??? hows engine sound, perfomance??????
jai :hap2:
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