CPU/Mobo Which CPU Powers your Rig??

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Lets see who is more popular AMD or Intel....
Did my best to list all the Cpu's i could think of...please add if i missed anything...

BTW i have a AMD 64 2800+
Dont we have options for voting more than once in special situations....just like the one Rave is in???
AMD 64 3200+ 939.

Voted as well.....

I think here on TE, the AMD 64 may win coz' they are clearly the superior product. And TE members make informed purchases.
Got a 2000+ oc'ed to 2ghz for about 2 years now.(CBID rating:2507+),no plans to change it as I am going abroad for studies soon.
BTW,Chic_magnet u got the same smps I reviewed?For how much and how has it been doing?Since u got a neat rig to push the PSU. ;)
NOt for a debate or a fight ! Juz my opinion.......

AMD rox and Athlon XP 2600 + still rockssssssssss :clap: :hap2:

So u all shud know my prc :tongue:
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