I personally use videocon d2h HD dvr. I can vouch for the SD channel quality, DVR recording, HD channel quality (except active d2h movies and music) and Multichannel audio to be very good. Demo it if you can.
Well you must note the videocon DTH has the least amount of transponders yet has the highest no of HD channels.
Tata Sky has a space crunch,so any future addition of channels are limited.
Airtel seems to have the highest number of transponders but are yet to launch star cricket and ESPN HD.
Reliance Digital is the only other DTH that is currently offering ESPN HD,they also give star cricket HD,NGC HD,star movies HD,Movies Now HD,Star plus HD. It is said that they are going to give discovery HD and star Gold HD by diwali.
As far PQ reliance has the best SD picture quality.But their UI sucks.
Airtel Hd is best bet , I m using and quality of SD channels is very good even better than reliance (have reliance HD DVR too but its UI really is very irritating )and thy have 8 HD channels till now and got much more space to add more channels in future , I think they will add ESPN HD since Airtel is official sponsor of Indian F1 Grand Prix .
Until then I think I will have to wait until a sign from god.
Never ever had a good experience with reliance. Videocon is relatively new in the business. Somehow I will have to choose the best I can get.
The only issue I have with airtel is that their CC is nuts.
My airtel dth connection that I had in Pune has been inactive for the past couple of months and they have been harassing me like a mad person. Calls, SMSs. Im so irritated...
Videocon has quality + price + no of channels + excellent cc.
ESPN HD is true HD. But I can see the quality to be very good for few contents and not so good for others(Still much better than ESPN SD). This might be because whether the content was shot in HD or not. Overall I am satisfied with all HD channel quality. But some channels show some compression artifacts for some content only when watched closely.
Well they haven't updated their website,but trust me ESPN HD is there ,i am sure they will show EPL since i do see the tv schedule showing some soccer matches like barclays premier league.