Which E-Book reader to buy?

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atiamd said:
It depends on the document. Sometimes calibre is better, sometimes Amazon

Although, the best way is to first convert the file using mobipocket and then convert the resulting PRC to azw or mobi using Calibre. It even keeps the pictures and description intact. I am quite happy with it. This is the best there is, although not perfect.
well, i usually use the mobipocket and clean up the html file generated in the intermediate form. It does give me reasonably good results, but as i have never used amazon service was curious about that and calibre.

Though one thing i can say, prc=mobi. so if you put prc file into your kindle it should work fine. I really like pagebreaks after every chapter and a reasonable index, so i create the index via mobipocket creator
Yeah, prc = mobi, it does not make any difference. Its just a matter of choice. Are you guys into graphic novels or comics too?
atiamd said:
Yeah, prc = mobi, it does not make any difference. Its just a matter of choice. Are you guys into graphic novels or comics too?
well, i really like comics, but then at 6 inch, it might not be really a good choice to read comics. for that i guess the DX is more suitable kinda gadget. Have tired loading some asterisk comics, which look ok ok in the landscape mode.
@ATIamd: Can you give a short tutorial on how to use proxy and all. And which one are you using. You can use PM. I just realised, I can't buy from amazon anymore. So I just deleted the US address I was using.
@ATI: Is it safe to enter my VISA card details with this Proxy on? Or will it be any safer if I setup one-Click buy first and then start using this proxy and entering my US address. And which Hotel are you staying at in US? I would love to be your neighbor ;-P

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BTW, I can't rep either you or bitsandpieces because I need to spread some reps around first.
atiamd said:
It depends on the document. Sometimes calibre is better, sometimes Amazon

Although, the best way is to first convert the file using mobipocket and then convert the resulting PRC to azw or mobi using Calibre. It even keeps the pictures and description intact. I am quite happy with it. This is the best there is, although not perfect.

I will try this out tonight. Calibre sometimes removes the image or keeps the image but removes the text in the image.

Why do we need to convert prc to mobi??
I think E-book readers with E-Ink technology is the one you need to choose over LCD or LED screens. Because after all the goofups, people find their natural godgiven eye will not get adjusted smoothly with artificial ligh sources in LCD or LED screens(or even CRT). thats y people who thought of reading a loat from their computer screens and downloaded a lot of pdfs and text files, are frequently complaining about the eye strain and tend to take print outs of the documents which in turn against sole purpose of ebooks and online media.
E-ink which require natural light sources to read will give same feeling like a normal printed book and which is a proven menthod to read over centuries.
So no matter which brand you choose, let it be E-ink display.
Sei said:
^ I agree. E-Book readers are simply not meant for comic scans. A device with a color screen is much better.
Hence I found out that a Netbook is better for me. I read a lot of comics from Marvel, DC etc....

It reads practically any format you throw at it from PDF's to CBR & CBZ.

I really enjoyed reading my Batman collection on my Gateway LT2104u netbook plus it is still able to give a battery life of 7-8 hrs when reading it. Also I have lots of storage space at my disposal.

About iPad, it is a good device but not worth the value.
anandkrishnantc said:
I think E-book readers with E-Ink technology is the one you need to choose over LCD or LED screens. Because after all the goofups, people find their natural godgiven eye will not get adjusted smoothly with artificial ligh sources in LCD or LED screens(or even CRT). thats y people who thought of reading a loat from their computer screens and downloaded a lot of pdfs and text files, are frequently complaining about the eye strain and tend to take print outs of the documents which in turn against sole purpose of ebooks and online media.

E-ink which require natural light sources to read will give same feeling like a normal printed book and which is a proven menthod to read over centuries.

So no matter which brand you choose, let it be E-ink display.
well, I use a kindle but i really wont agree that the biggest reason for eink is the lack of lcd like artificial light.

Rather the two most important criteria to me are.

1. Battery life

2. Weight

I really dont mind reading on lcd screens, and therefore laptop seem to be a perfect choice for me to read books.

Plus you get a lot more flexibility when compared to a device like kindle. But then, hardly any will last more than few hours of charges, and they while today are far lighter than anytime else, its not like they are going to be 200 odd grams in weight with battery.
Please dont use the visa details with a proxy. Never use proxy if you have a credit card installed in the website. My idea is only useful for free books that cost $2 in India and free in US. Anything else, I would never use a proxy and a credit card together, ever.

Also, For the transactions that require credit cards, I have two ways of doing it:
1) Use my work internet. I wok for a big American client. So, I am lucky with that
2) I have shared my credentials with my girl who lives in US. So, she buys the book for me. Then, I download the book from manage my kindle page.

If you dont have either of the options, then you can not help it mate. :(

Another solution can be buying an American VPN. Google for it. I think that this solution is safe as people use it for netflix etc., I am not sure though
Kindle 3 + nook tablet = killer combination (reading + comics)

I am still waiting for that Samsung to come out. BTW, Nook has Android 2.1. Will it be upgradeable to Froyo (Android 2.2 and above)?
atiamd said:
Kindle 3 + nook tablet = killer combination (reading + comics)

They already call me Gadget-Boy at the place I work :S. I am not going to buy any more gadgets.
BTW guys, isn't the Nook's screen just 7"? So how can it be good for PDF's? PDF requires at least a 9-10" screen to read comfortably.
^^^ hahaha, bang on.

These people are in for a surprise who think that they can read pdfs on it....... Good for comics and movies on the go though..... at least for Naruto and other Anime if not inception... hehee

Over at my place these people did not even know what an ebook reader is.. One of my colleague was like "it has only 4GB memory and is black and white, kya yaar!!" Makes you wonder how far these people live from reality that they cant even notice new things that are available today. Just like the gfx card thing...

buyer: "wow, this gfx card has 1GB memory. Should be good
Seller: "indeed sir, this nvidia GEFORCE 9400 GT can play all games in HD"
buyer: "Thats great, its too good a card for Rs. 5000. But, I will pay you only 4700..."

Seller is happy. As for the buyer... well... he is happy too playing mario in HD....
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