Which E-Book reader to buy?

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^ LOL @ mario on a 1GB card.

Recently one of my colleagues got his Kindle to office. Now only a few of us really knew what the device was, so while we were fiddling with, boss comes in (thankfully he knows the Kindle too), and calls up our security department - company has strict policies regarding electronic devices as they might compromise security. Security team is flummoxed on the word Kindle. Damn, can't even spell it properly. Since no mention of the device in the security policy, they deem it 'harmless' for office use :D
Desecrator said:
Possible cheaper alternative to the Adam for peeps who are not willing to spend for 3G and the PQ display? No Android market is sad.

Here's everything summed up nicely - Barnes & Noble unveils Nook Color | Crave - CNET

Yeah we can read it from the Engadget link alright. :|

The Adam is a Tablet. The nookcolor has no such aspirations

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atiamd said:
Ohh really. Why was it not mentioned in any of the tech specs?.......... oh wait............ it was....
And not everybody clicks through to links
atiamd said:
The Asus DR-900 Gets Reviewed and Videoed | The eBook Reader Blog

I think it is only released in China and availability is an issue

Thanks Atiamd. It's a shame Kindle DX doesn't have a touchscreen. Small screens and text reflow are no good for reading PDFs. Come to think of it, there aren't many readers with 9" screens. I contacted Wink. They say Wink X3G+ is expected to come out in the second half of 2011 and will have a 9" touchscreen.
sumit.sol said:
guys anyone IN for Nookcolor..I really love the features of this ebook reader
Not me, thank you. Say 12,000/- plus import duty and so on. LCD screen, so a battery life of around 8 hours. I'd rather go for a netbook.
LCD screen.... So no.... Really, B&N have now figured out the division in their target audience. One audience wants e-ink on their reader, the other wants to read comics and magazines on theirs.

So, really these color ebook readers are not aimed towards all but only towards a certain class of buyers who dont mind having to read on LCD. eink has no negative effects on the eyes whatso ever. No strain, no reddening, no long term effects like LCDs do. But then again, they are only good for reading and barely anything else, where LCD excels. So, really you need to figure out as a consumer what you want.

I can read on my Kindle for 8 hours at a stretch, but reading on an LCD is a PITA for even 2 hours. I spend almost 12 13 hours a day in front of a computer (9 hours at work and 2 3 hours gaming or movies. So, it really helps me a lot when I read on my Kindle for 2 hours a day and then some more on weekends. But, really to each his own. Some people dont feel anything with LCDs, some people like me do.....
The new Nook update is awesome!! The page turn speed has increased by leaps and bounds. It is now at par with Kindle 3. Also, finally they have listened to my prayers. We can now make shelves to organize the books that we add. According to author, genre etc. I've fallen in love with my Nook all over again! :P
Sei said:
The new Nook update is awesome!! The page turn speed has increased by leaps and bounds. It is now at par with Kindle 3. Also, finally they have listened to my prayers. We can now make shelves to organize the books that we add. According to author, genre etc. I've fallen in love with my Nook all over again! :P
I gave up and went with the kindle instead. Much lighter and better battery life. The nook's got a good touch screen though, and the external memory slot :(
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