I have a spare PC lying around which I intend to convert into a low-power [downloading rig]+[mini server]
It will
-download torrents
-download from Usenet using SabNZB
-will be given a external IP address(through DyDNS) and act as a small time FTP server
So which of the above should I use?
According to my views:
Windows 7- good option but overloaded for just a downloading rig'
Ubuntu-Setting a automation and other programs on it through terminal is special kind of pain in a** for me
Windows Server 2012-Dont know anything about it, thinking of using it cause have a spare legit key of it
Configuration of the PC
-Core 2 Duo
-1 GB ram
-500 GB HDD
It will
-download torrents
-download from Usenet using SabNZB
-will be given a external IP address(through DyDNS) and act as a small time FTP server
So which of the above should I use?
According to my views:
Windows 7- good option but overloaded for just a downloading rig'
Ubuntu-Setting a automation and other programs on it through terminal is special kind of pain in a** for me
Windows Server 2012-Dont know anything about it, thinking of using it cause have a spare legit key of it
Configuration of the PC
-Core 2 Duo
-1 GB ram
-500 GB HDD