which game for multiplayer?

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Guys i decided to buy a original game to play online.i really like call of duty
series i play cod 2 on taiwan servers pings range from 120-180.Please
tell me which game should i buy cod4 or cod5 or tf2 or any other game :S .
i have an airtel 512K unlimited connection :).i dont want to spend Rs1000
and the ping ruin my fun :P .Also does any of the games i mentioned have bazookzs,tanks in multiplayer :P.
I think you will be able to manage TF2 with those pings. Not sure about COD4 though.

TF2 and COD4 are superb games. Both have "bazookzs" and COD4 has tanks too(IIRC).. though you are not allowed to drive :P
I would go for TF2. It's very playable even with pings as high as 250ms and you'll find at least 20-30 servers under that ping. It's a very funny game too! :P
tf2-5 VOTES .

so playing cod4 multiplayer not worth it :'( .What about call of duty 5 :S .
I am surprised u guys recommending GRID is it very popular in the online arena :ashamed: .Is no other game worth spending for its multiplayer experience :( .
can u guys tell me the games u play online and pings u r getting :bounce: .
sam000 said:
tf2-5 VOTES .

so playing cod4 multiplayer not worth it :'( .What about call of duty 5 :S .
I am surprised u guys recommending GRID is it very popular in the online arena :ashamed: .Is no other game worth spending for its multiplayer experience :( .
can u guys tell me the games u play online and pings u r getting :bounce: .

its not that cod4 MP is not worth it. COD4 is really great and fun in MP.

but the thing is, TF2 is even better. :P

both are very good. pick your choice.
WOW cod4 gaining votes thanks:hap2: .Its true ping sucks in cod series i been playing COD:UO,cod2 i have to use magicwallhack+cubot+antirecoil to get the game going for me :P .In united offensive my ping is like 400 so cant use
guns so run around with tanks and bazookas:rofl:.I gonna get both COD4
and TF2 i want to stop using hacks:D .Thanks for all the suggestions guys :clap:.

I LOVE U ALL :hug:
Sei said:
Thanks for the info, downloading it right now :D

PS: Repped!!
Thanks. My first reps :clap: . I hope you realize that you will need a source game in order to play this game. It can simply be installed from the steam window. Just go into the store>free mods>Insurgency. You will get addicted for sure. It leaves COD in dust.
Darthcoder said:
Havent installed insurgency yet but doesnt it look just like CSS?
I'll dload it tomorrow, thanks :).
Well it's not like CSS. You will know when you play it. You will have to strategise and play with your team to get anywhere in this game.
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