Which generative AI tool have you used the most and how?

Perplexity is a very versatile tool. Quite powerful if you want to search, process and synthesize information from the internet. And you can choose your own models depending on what you are working on. It's also easy to find promos for it as well, so you can get it for quite cheap
Can you share how you would use it differently from ChatGPT? I gave it a shot but couldn't find a specific use case where I would use it over ChatGPT (especially after web search and sources have been added) so my perplexity subscription has remained untouched.
did anyone checkout the yt video about ai agents by claude? man this will defientely eat up jobs once it reaches enterprise use level.

Also anyone able to signup for sora yet? not that its out for public?
I have been using perplexity Pro for the past 2 months. Helped me with my search for the second hand car. i occasionally uses Chatgpt too.
For coding I'm using Windsurf editor right now. Similar to cursor but half the price. The auto complete is really good. The cascade panel is also good but I don't use it that much. For $10 it's amazing value I think for how much faster is makes me.
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@detonator22 Looks like the pricing changed, Windsurf is now $15 a month while Cursor is $20 a month.

I'm apprehensive about AI autocomplete, I like to be in control of my code. I recently launched a tiny webtool and after I made it public, I felt such a strong sense of loss — actual grief — that I'm no longer working on it and it's no longer a part of my life, such that I went into a near-depressive state and slept for ten hours straight (which I haven't done since the 90s).

Now I'm wondering if this is a actual thing because I felt emotions that made absolutely no logical sense whatsoever. Why did it feel like as if my child left home and went out exploring the world without me? Gah.

edit: I spoke to my therapist about it and I feel a little bit better:


  • Screenshot 2024-12-16 at 5.05.27 PM.png
    Screenshot 2024-12-16 at 5.05.27 PM.png
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@rsaeon For people who were subscribed before the price change they've kept it same at $10.

I agree that being in control of your app and it's code is important. But this is why auto complete is awesome and I think better than coding agents. You start writing some code and it suggests some completion. You take a look if it's what you want else you just keep typing.

I have used a few different auto complete extension and services and I like windsurf because it's completions are very close to my intent.

As for your grief about you webtool forgive me but I don't understand? I'm still a new dev and haven't released anything major to public. I can't relate to this. But I've seen some people especially in the indie game community speak of what you feel. For them a game is like their child, a product of months or years of hard work. It's hard to detach your self esteem from the success of this project. Is this similar to what you feel?
Im using chatGpt to create a web app where i extract all the photos and description of a persons insta and then use chatgpt to make a story out of that and then present it like a story in along with pictures on my website.
As for your grief about you webtool forgive me but I don't understand? I'm still a new dev and haven't released anything major to public. I can't relate to this. But I've seen some people especially in the indie game community speak of what you feel. For them a game is like their child, a product of months or years of hard work. It's hard to detach your self esteem from the success of this project. Is this similar to what you feel?

Apparently, it's a thing. I had no idea since I never shipped a product before: https://www.google.com/search?q=product+launch+blues

I wasn't aware of the "12 days of OpenAI" so it was a nice surprise when Canvas popped up. I'd say that's definitely worth paying for. Looksee:

Screenshot 2024-12-22 at 8.09.02 PM.png

Which does this:

Screenshot 2024-12-22 at 8.11.09 PM.png

The script if you want to try it out:

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Holiday Theme for TechEnclave
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      1.1
// @description  Apply a holiday theme to TechEnclave.com (XenForo Forum)
// @author       Ye Olde ChatGPT
// @match        https://techenclave.com/*
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=techenclave.com
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    // Add custom CSS for holiday theme using a <style> tag
    const style = document.createElement('style');
    style.textContent = `
        .holiday-banner {
            width: 100%;
            background-color: #28a745; /* Green */
            color: white;
            text-align: center;
            font-size: 1.5em;
            padding: 10px 0;
            margin-bottom: 15px;

        @keyframes snowflakes-fall {
            0% { transform: translateY(0); }
            100% { transform: translateY(100vh); }

        @keyframes snowflakes-shake {
            0%, 100% { transform: translateX(0); }
            50% { transform: translateX(80px); }

        .snowflake {
            position: absolute;
            top: -10px;
            color: white;
            font-size: 1em;
            user-select: none;
            animation: snowflakes-fall 10s linear infinite, snowflakes-shake 3s ease-in-out infinite;

    // Add a holiday banner
    const banner = document.createElement('div');
    banner.className = 'holiday-banner';
    banner.textContent = ' Happy Holidays from TechEnclave! ';

    const bodyElement = document.querySelector('body');
    if (bodyElement) {
        bodyElement.insertBefore(banner, bodyElement.firstChild);

    // Add snowflake animation
    function createSnowflake() {
        const snowflake = document.createElement('div');
        snowflake.className = 'snowflake';
        snowflake.textContent = '❄';
        snowflake.style.left = Math.random() * 100 + 'vw';
        snowflake.style.fontSize = Math.random() * 10 + 10 + 'px';
        snowflake.style.animationDuration = Math.random() * 3 + 7 + 's';

        // Remove snowflake after animation ends
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 10000);

    setInterval(createSnowflake, 200);

I particularly like the autoincrementation of the version from 1.0 to 1.1 after I told it to change something, haha.

The only additions I made were to add in the icon line and author name, both up top.
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