Graphic Cards Which GPU did you game on most?

My GPU history is as below

Intel 915 onboard - i even played oblivion on it with special hack. God, how did i do that I have no idea. That onboard is below the minimum requirements. :)

NVIDIA 7025 - it was part of the nvidia onboard chipset nforce 630a or something like that.

NVIDIA 9800 GTX+ - THIS WAS THE FIRST PROPER VIDEO CARD that I had and i played the crap out of it. It was a massive card of its time. It was one of rare cards of those times which used to occupy 2 slots while majority of other cards were single slot. Also the first card was a DOA and that was the first and last time I have ever faced such a weird issue. This card failed 2 times within the warranty period and each time I was given a brand new replacement card. Lol. XFX was really good with this one.

AMD 4850 - This was just a card for the time the above mentioned card was doing RMA.

NVIDIA 560 Ti - Again this card was great of its time and i used it extensively. This was the time when I had just joined office and had quite a busy schedule. But still i used to make time for gaming. Had this card for the longest time. Until WITCHER 3 launched and this card was too weak to to run it. Somehow the card died during its last warranty month and i had to RMA it. MSI took their sweet time of about one month but they replaced it with a new one. I sold that replacement on ebay for a fair amount. I wish Ebay was here. Had some really good days on ebay.

Nvidia 1060 3 GB - This card was bought for WITCHER 3 and boy did the game and card make a great combo. I also played some other games on it. But the most memorable ones are Witcher 3, Mass effect series, and tomb raider.

Nvidia 1060 6 GB - Sold my 1060 3gb and got the full 6GB version during the golden times of GPU. I fondly remeber selling my card and getting 6 GB version for mere 3k extra. It lasted me a long long time. As I learnt as to how to keep your computer parts happy. Lol. Heat is the no 1 killer and replacing the thermal compound once a year does wonder to CPU and GPU. But a sudden power surge and that wonderful card died in sep 2021. Worst time for a GPU failure.

Nvidia 1650S - Paid a hefty premium for this card. And under normal scenario i would not even bother with such a card. But beggers can't be choosers. So took the plunge and got this one from one of my known shopkeeper. Presently using this card. But unfortunately not so much gaming on it. I rarely even use it. As during my GPU search times between sep 21 to dec 21 I could not find a single decent offer and shifted to console gaming. And they are pretty decent. PC gaming has become exorbitantly expensive these days.
for how much did you got 1650S? also on console have you tried ps4 gaming how it is compared to that?
for how much did you got 1650S? also on console have you tried ps4 gaming how it is compared to that?
Ah the terrible 1650S :rolleyes::rolleyes:. Paid a mighty premium for it and got it for 19k last December. The guy from whom I bought told me upfront that his purchase price was close to 13k (before the crypto boom) and he was making a profit. But that was the best deal at the moment and so I bought it. Only good thing about the card is that is a cool card (literally) and runs at 70° C at max load.

PS4 gaming is actually quite good. Earlier i used it to play only the exclusive ones on it. But off late i even tried playing a FPS game on it. And it's surprising good. Of course it's quite difficult to land a headshot with a controller but it can be done , with enough practice. I just a casual gamer and hence it's not a big deal for me. I completed FAR CRY 6 on the PS4. It was good. The area where the PS4 really shines is the action adventure games like say HORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST (presently playing that). Dangling from cliffs , and making combo attacks are far easier on the controller than on PC. I even tried the DEMO of ELDEN RING on PS4. That also runs super smooth and one does NOT even feel that it is 6-7 year console. There are no micro stutter even once. Although it looks a bit flat, especially the grass and light are little pale as compared on PC . But once again controls are far easier on the PS4 than on PC for ELDEN RING also.
Intel GMA 950! Those sessions of NFS underground 2 will never be forgotten!

My first real dedicated GPU on which I have the most gaming time on was the GeForce 9600GT.

Here's my timeline:

Intel GMA 950

FX 5200

GeForce 9600 GT

GTS 250

HD 4890

GTX 570

HD 7950

RX 480

GTX 1660

RX 5700XT

GT 1030 (lol)
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Mine dates back by a couple of decades.

I played the most on SiS 6215 1MB GPU. Back then we called it video card. I would often skip meals, sit for 11-13hrs a day playing AOE, Chasm The Rift, and Delta Force. I have put some ungodly hours on AOE.

A couple of years later, my first proper GPU for those times, a SiS 6326, allowed me to play Project IGI, Quake, etc.
My first gpu was amd 4850 which i used for 3 years ,
After that i purchased gtx 680 and used breifly after that i got gtx 980 from zotac,
Later i got 1060 6gb that i used for 6 months then purchased 1080 and now i got 3060 for a good price which i have been using from 6 months,however i will updagrade to 4000 series as it comes out.
  • Sapphire Radeon HD 6570 : Used for around 4+ years
  • Sapphire Radeon HD 6850: Used around a year. Still kept as backup in case current card fails.
  • Sapphire Nitro+ RX 580 8GB: Currently using for past 2 years.