Which is better: Omnia HD, iPhone 3gs or Google Nexus One?

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Am finally dumping my faithful 2g iPhone and thinking of upgrading : Which of the above is the best buy in terms of features/looks/performance?
Plz understand that i am not looking for VFM here, just the awesomeness.:ohyeah:

You missed the HTC HD2, I am mentioning it and declaring it the winner here, the amount of apps available and the ease of the platform is awesome, dont look elsewhere.
Since you've already used an Iphone, i'd suggest you have a look at the other two phones on the list..

My preference would be the Nexus one because it's newer and has Android...

Another alternative would be the Nokia N900
No please dont go for the HTC HD2 cause it has a Windows OS .....It's file explorer and all looks very outdated only it's home screen is good i had used the HTC HD2 for 2days and trust me it was the worst phone i have ever used and 4m that it's also bulky ....go for the google nexus one i am using it and trust me it's a superfast phone ever used and it's andriod OS also rocks
Konquerror said:
What about Palm Pre? I have heard good things about this phone :)

Palm is a limited platform right now, the Nexus suffers from abnormal issues and poor support from el-Goog and Omnia HD users are being treated like street dogs by Samsung's firmware department. Plus, the current iteration of S60v5 is on its way out so you don't want to own a high end phone that will have an EOL'ed platform by the end of the summer.

My vote would be either the 3GS or HD2. In addition, I'll throw in an additional option - the N900 (Maemo) 'cuz it is sure to garner a lot of development in the coming months. For sheer ease of use and glitz, I'd definitely go with the HD2.
Nokia N900 has a very poor battery life and about HTC HD2 it has a got a very sad OS the windows it's totally outdated ....Andriod OS is the future all latest upcoming mobile are loaded with Andriod and i am using the nexus one and i am not having any abnormal problem as Gforce said ....Do use the phone first then comment here @ gforce
dineshnadar said:
Nokia N900 has a very poor battery life and about HTC HD2 it has a got a very sad OS the windows it's totally outdated ....Andriod OS is the future all latest upcoming mobile are loaded with Andriod and i am using the nexus one and i am not having any abnormal problem as Gforce said ....Do use the phone first then comment here @ gforce

WTH is Andriod? That's a phail before you even started.

Guess you don't venture out of your house much. Start reading some international blogs son. For starters:
Nexus One Users Complain About Poor Support - Getting the Google, HTC, T-Mobile runaround? - dslreports.com
Nexus Ones Plagued By Strange, Nationwide Data Outage - Nexus one outage - Gizmodo
Nexus One users complain of poor 3G connection - V3.co.uk - formerly vnunet.com
You're the not the only person in the world to own an N1.
It might be difficult to use another phone after you have used the iPhone. And iPhone 3GS blows the 2G in terms of speed and graphics.

I would suggest going for the iPhone 3GS. You can retain all your apps as well.
gforce said:
WTH is Andriod? That's a phail before you even started.

Guess you don't venture out of your house much. Start reading some international blogs son. For starters:
Nexus One Users Complain About Poor Support - Getting the Google, HTC, T-Mobile runaround? - dslreports.com
Nexus Ones Plagued By Strange, Nationwide Data Outage - Nexus one outage - Gizmodo
Nexus One users complain of poor 3G connection - V3.co.uk - formerly vnunet.com
You're the not the only person in the world to own an N1.
You do realize that none of those issues bug Indian or International customers right?

T mobile 3G coverage sucks in US. See UK and EU user feedbacks, no such issues.
Support is much better than one might think. emails get replied within 24 hours.
Start reading XDA if you want remotely accurate feedback about any Android / WM phones :P
dineshnadar said:
No please dont go for the HTC HD2 cause it has a Windows OS .....It's file explorer and all looks very outdated only it's home screen is good i had used the HTC HD2 for 2days and trust me it was the worst phone i have ever used and 4m that it's also bulky ....go for the google nexus one i am using it and trust me it's a superfast phone ever used and it's andriod OS also rocks

Don't mean to step on any toes but that is such a noobie assesment of the HD2. While WinMo might not be much of a looker, it is by far one of the most versatile OSs out there. Most people that knock WinMo haven't really used it much and don't really know how to get into it's guts.

WinMo with Sense UI is IMHO better than anything available on the market today. Spend sometime using some of the newer Sense devices out there (Touch Pro 2, Diamond 2) and you'll see the difference. After that, pick up the HD2 and be blown away by the speed.

It is such a pleasure to surf the web on such a large screen. I wouldn't call it bulky, rather very tastefully crafted.

There is no other phone that I would recommend if you don't have a spending limit.

Iphone... you've already been there and done that.
Android... isn't as exciting as you would think. It's new and has along way to go.
HD2... there are ports of Android available over at XDA for you to try on your HD2. It'll be a while before it is perfected, but rest assured that it will be. This way you get the best of both worlds.

Also remember that the HD2 is a run away hit and is also a hot favorite to be the device of the year.
Konquerror said:
What about Palm Pre? I have heard good things about this phone :)

I have palm pre and the UI simply blow away iPhone.:ohyeah:

It is very fun to use and the Multi tasking on it rocks.:hap2:

The only problem with it right now is that it doesn't allow a non US user to buy paid apps.:(

Right now I have both iPhone 3GS and Palm Pre.:clap:

And I have used HTC HD2 of my friend and it was not as easy as iPhone is and HTC anyways have hidden the Windows OS with their Sense UI.

And Symbian is very bad so don't go for it.:P

About Nexus One the only problem is that it will be best phone only till a new Android model does not launch see what happened to Motorola Droid.:bleh:

And I think Nexus one does not support the 3G band in India,Correct me if I am wrong on this.
Actually HD2 is considerably big. Its not top shirt pocket device for sure.
157grams is no joke for a mobile phone.

Sense is fantastic. There are no doubts about it. Its HTC that has managed to make HD2 a good WM device, not WM itself.

But so is Android. Those who call Android not mature enough or ready for mainstream are also the people who havent used it for some period of time. Its Market is wayy ahead of windows marketplace. And there are tons of actually useful and free apps. And just like WM, Android has been blessed with community and cult support.

Now come to Nexus one. Its fantastic device.
And its getting better.

You will soon see devs rolling out roms with second memory bank enabled. JIT support is improving and it will so become stable enough to be used on daily besis. Its already 80% there. And it transforms already fast device into something with mind boggling speed and responsiveness.
You gotta see and experience it first hand to just get your mind to acknowledge how much difference JIT and enabling additional memory bank actually makes.

And with launch of HTC bravo imminent, we will soon have its ROM with SenseUI ported to Nexus one.
If you are happy with whatever Steve Jobs offers you at his terms & conditions than iPhone 3G should be your bet.

But If you are someone who believes in little bit of hacking and tweaking than Android is the platform. You won't believe the kind of work that guys at XDA do. Sample my experience:

I bought HTC Magic with a standard OEM Cupcake Firmware. I got bored after a while and flashed HTC Hero firmware (with sense UI). I realized it was too much of bells and whistles and I wanted brute speed. So later I flashed the immensely popular Cyanogen. Lot of press coverage of N1 and Droid got on to me and I flashed OpenEclair (community port of N1 firmware). While using OpenEclair I realized that HTC Hero keypad kicked a*se so I grabbed that Hero keyboard and installed it on top of OpenEclair. Openness of platform is amazing and hacking is modding is dead easy.

In a nutshell if all this hacking and cracking gives you a high than an Android phone (pref. from HTC) is what you should be looking at. WinMO - to put it bluntly - it sucks; after you are past sense UI its only garbage:tongue:.

BTW isn't Palm Prē a CDMA phone how is it working in India?
kaps2010 said:
I have palm pre and the UI simply blow away iPhone.:ohyeah:
It is very fun to use and the Multi tasking on it rocks.:hap2:
The only problem with it right now is that it doesn't allow a non US user to buy paid apps.:(
Right now I have both iPhone 3GS and Palm Pre.:clap:
And I have used HTC HD2 of my friend and it was not as easy as iPhone is and HTC anyways have hidden the Windows OS with their Sense UI.
And Symbian is very bad so don't go for it.:P
About Nexus One the only problem is that it will be best phone only till a new Android model does not launch see what happened to Motorola Droid.:bleh:
And I think Nexus one does not support the 3G band in India,Correct me if I am wrong on this.

Droid is still very capable device. Nice and fast and people who people physical QWERTY still take it over nexus.

And Nexus does support Indian 3G band. Works just fine with both MTNL and BSNL 3G.
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