Monitors Which LCD Monitor to buy ?

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I wouldn't get any more TN panels . as simple as that.. I'm tired of poor viewing angles from my monitor lol..

my 32" LCD rocks from everywhere
Chaos said:
^^Watch a TN beside an IPS and u'll puke :P. As simple as that.

What are we talking about watching here exactly , movies, GUIs, games :huh: I dont care about angles, as there's an easy hack for that, question is viewing quality, you need to take your own movies etc and play on both. Is the difference that obvious ?

If you sit still when watching something is there any difference then ?

What does the original poster want the LCD for ?

the topic says monitor, does this only mean when working on the PC or will it also include watching movies.
blr_p said:
What are we talking about watching here exactly , movies, GUIs, games :huh: I dont care about angles, as there's an easy hack for that, question is viewing quality, you need to take your own movies etc and play on both. Is the difference that obvious ?

If you sit still when watching something is there any difference then ?

What does the original poster want the LCD for ?

the topic says monitor, does this only mean when working on the PC or will it also include watching movies.

Yes, there is a huge difference.
If you really want the quality playback you must go 8bit.
Colour shades appear soo different on 6 bit that you will be shocked when you actually see 8bit and 6bit side by side.
Magenta appears pink on my dad's TN panel, TE logo appears completely different in shades.
If you have seen some movie / tv show on your crt and then try to watch it on the TN panel and you will be disgusted.
Honestly if you cant afford the 8bit panel, dont go look for one. Because if you are really into true colour reproduction and cinematic experience, and by mistake you see 8bit panel and end up purchasing 6 bit you will be disappointed.
There is basic different in amount of colours these 6bit panels can reproduce even with dithering. Leave alone the watching angles. There is a basic problem in colour reproduction.
Hmm, seems like CRT is the standard to beat here.

I won't accept less than CRT, the whole idea going with lcd is to reduce power draw and get a bigger screen at the same time.

..without sacrificing colour...

thats such a subjective thing tho, all these TN's offer the fancy features, but you only know if its good when you compare to your old crt. So i guess you got to watch some test video loads of times so its stuck in you memory then give these new LCDs a spin, if they even let you try them out.
Okay below is a comparison bet. a Viewsonic VA2012wb (TN panel) and Dell 2007WFP(S-IPS panel). It's from Half-Life 2: Lost Coast.

Viewsonic VA2012wb


Dell 2007WFP



the viewsonic appears washed out compared to the Dell.The diff. will be more noticable in movies.I know TN panels have improved but they still have a long way to go.
WOw, i see ..the details..all of them (or at least more than the TN)

But the downside they say is response time, if you're gonna get that detail. Isn't that rather important in a shooter.

A movie by contrast would not be too crucial and with photshop.
Dude, if you are serious about buying a good monitor, take a demo.

These S-IPS, PVA and P-MVA (vx2025wm)panels. even though rated at 8ms are much better than 6-5ms TN panels even in response time.

I am on VX2025WM and there is absolutely no ghosting on this monitor what to ever.

Take a demo and see yourself. the way how is the VG1930WM which panel is it ?? is ot for movies and gaming ?
blr_p said:
WOw, i see ..the details..all of them (or at least more than the TN)

But the downside they say is response time, if you're gonna get that detail. Isn't that rather important in a shooter.

A movie by contrast would not be too crucial and with photshop.

I used to regularly play Q3 CPM a while back and there was no ghosting whatsoever in that. If there's no ghosting in quake, there's no way any other game on planet earth will have ghosting :P.
^^Supra had a VX2025WM until recently and he's used my Dell as well... He rates the Dell a couple of notches higher than the VX2025. Let him post for more info :P. That comparison is an old one with the initial run of bugged 2007WFP displays.
one question, the samsung 206bw is TN and has 16.7mill colors.
Arent TN panels sposed to have 16.2mill colors and SIPS and MVA sposed to have 16.8mill?
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