Monitors Which LCD Monitor to buy ?

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I need monitor for gaming,internet and some office work. no movie watching

I read on net that VX2025WM has backlight bleeding problem.

How is the VG1930WM panel ?

Dell 2007WFP is 16ms.....isnt it low ? We are getting 2ms lcd monitors nowadays...other than dell are there any good S-IPS monitors available in India ?

@chaos, Can ASUS lcd monitors be considered ?
2ms is grey to grey. AFAIK the 2007WFP is 12ms white-black-white. There's an asus 19" widescreen that is decent. However if you are planning to spend 20k or more, the only option is the Dell 2007.
Supra had a VX2025WM until recently and he's used my Dell as well... He rates the Dell a couple of notches higher than the VX2025. Let him post for more info . That comparison is an old one with the initial run of bugged 2007WFP displays.

Well from the comparison also u can see in P-MVA panels there is variation in contast once u go on to the side or vertical viewing angle (of cuz much lesser than TN). In fact with newer TNs(2 ms 1000:1 contrast ones) the horizontal viewing angle is almost same or in some cases even better as found by behardware also.
S-IPS is much better when it comes to viewing angles. As of clor-reproduction if u like rich over saturated colors go for P-MVA otherwise S-IPS is just natural with zero bleeding. Only thing where i think P_mVA is better is in movies as there is almost no twinkling effect at all compared to S-IPS panels.In fact I have not seen 2007WFP...whose new A04 rev should also have no twinkling...btw twinkling efect can be fixed with Nvidia cards compensation :P
Funky said:
Take a demo and see yourself.

Is there any test i can download to try out these monitors to see how they do in different areas ?

If there is i bet it was done by the IPS guys to show how good thiers does in comparison to the rest.

I realise those pics posted are actually meaningless, if the settings are jigged you cant tell, so u tell me to see a live demo.

btw a friend has got a Dell 3007WFP-HC, what tech is that ?
the specs i could find don't mention (TN- PWA-IPS)this at all. Its done with LG so i expect its an S-IPS one.

..fancy price tag, i'd expect to get a relatively modern PC (mid-range)+monitor just for the price of that Dell

oh and one downside (apart from the price) about S-IPS in comparison to TN & PWA, if you get a bad pixel over time it shows as a black dot instead of being nearly invisible with the other tech. Wonderful for the resale price eh :S
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