Which mutual fund to invest in???

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hi guys,

I need to make a little:D investment from my monthly pocket money of 1500 rupees. I hardly have any idea, could ny1 pls enlighten me on some gud mutual funds where the probability of loss is bare minimum. I wud only like to invest for a year at the moment.

coool said:
hi guys,

I need to make a little:D investment from my monthly pocket money of 1500 rupees. I hardly have any idea, could ny1 pls enlighten me on some gud mutual funds where the probability of loss is bare minimum. I wud only like to invest for a year at the moment.


If you are scared of losing money, why not invest in a recurring deposit? Returns are lower but the risk is basically zero.
lol i know that guy, he is a kiddo, 16yr old....he needs to multiply some bucks and save for his comp. upgrades after 12th....WeLcOMe back techboi...i m saying this cos he asked me the same question too...by the way techboi do u know u r underage to make any kind of investment
@hotstuff, are you crazy or what?

@iosoft and chaos, thanks. I know this is a tech forum but then I don't know of any other non-tech forum as such and I have seen all sorts of off topic threads in the recent past in the General section. thanks neway!
lol TB apart,

anyways, i am managing to earn like 2.5k~3k per month by investing in share(1by investing 10k) and 1~1.5k appx. every 2 months from mutual fund(again 10k invested).
thanks a lot magnet,:cool2:

@hotstuff, stop screaming techboi, never raise a finger without proof and pls don't spoil my thread:@
akshit he has 3200+ + a 1900'XTX' and not XT+ a TTBT + neo he ....and the ruddy list goes on.....and he need moeny to turn it to C2Q + R600....after 12th from his 1500 a month pocket money...lol

Edit: the sempron is his 2nd rig
@hotstuff, had enuf of ur crap. dis is prolly ur last warning before reporting to the mods:@

btw may I ask who the hell r u talking abt nyway?
techboi aka techboy aka kcab aka illusion(recently banned) aka coool(soon to be banned) aka akshay talwar aka a pain in the a** for switch who has stopped picking up your calls
dude if you were a new member, you would not be aware of TB

So since you were aware of his antics, you were mad since you were noticed right away!!

well, it would not have come into my had my friend ^^ not mentioned it.....

well to come to think of it, welcome back to TB

You were seriouly missed!

its about time we had some fun


Enjoy your stay while it last
yes surely, u were "seriously missed" :rofl: :rofl: :tongue:

if you arent techboi, take some pain of introducing yourself at TE Introduction lounge...lets see then if you are not akshay talwar then aka TB
@hmasalia, what r u talking abt man? who says I am aware of techboi? hotstuff keeps bringing up the thing again and again.

@Hotstuff, I have introduced myself at the TE Introduction Lounge. One more post from you and here you are handed over to the mods, there are many of them at this time.
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