Which mutual fund to invest in???

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Techboy - "What's the difference between linear sorting, bubble sorting and selection sorting ?"

Moi - "We've just done Bubble sort in school."

Techboy - "Hmm. Ok."

Moi - "Bye........ By the way, what's the deal with the mutual funds thread ?"

Techboy - "Pocket money ....."

Moi - "Ahh. Right. Bibi."

Techboy - "Bye."

And I lived happily ever after :P ...
Chemistry is pretty simple. They both try to take the cover off you

Btw, do you still experience shuttering and image tearing ? And do games work at 16 X 10 at your place or did you need to lower that ?
wat u talking abt?

stuttering??? my speech is just fine. image tearing, wat is dat? wat do u mean by 16x10?
okee...lets see now...post a screenie of your games while playing of 1900TX and we will see if they tear or not...moreover post a pic of yourself and there are a lot of people here to confirm if you are techboy or not....me, switch, akshit and who else...i think 3 people are enough witnesses to identify a person
y wud i wanna pst my pic on a site where my id is hardly a few days old! lol! i am not gonna get in any scam mess, and now if you cud pls let the thread be on topic.
y wud i wanna pst my pic on a site where my id is hardly a few days old! lol! i am not gonna get in any scam mess, and now if you cud pls let the thread be on topic.

:S :S :S :S :S :S how lame can this get :| ?
or the other way round is that you search google with the phrase as i have written and you will get to know all about techboy and his idiotic feats not only on TE but also on AT and XS.

search: 'techboy techenclave' without quotes
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