Which notebook compares to 13" MacBook Air 2013 ?

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I am surprised no one has mentioned "sony vaio pro 11 and 13"
Its supposed to be lighter than mac book air and offers similar specs.
It will be out soon. Flipkart has a page for it, this could mean launch is very soon.

Sony has really outdone themselves this time around, if the reviews are to be believed. The only issue I have with them that their laptops are known to have heat issues. Hopefully since these are premium offerings, they have worked out the kinks and truly launched a MBA competitor.
I am buying my macbook air 2013 13" from kolkata on thursday. I can answer any questions you might have. Getting it with the student discount. Comes to the same price as the base 13" in usa. 63k total.
Interesting that my friend is opting for the vaio pro 13" so it will be interesting to look at them both side by side. His comes to 74k

I personally like the rigid macbook air but others may prefer the carbon fiber bendy material.
BTW I am switching to mac after being a windows user all my life. I have used macs before but I always believed that macs were overpriced and for dumb people. Interesting now I realize that I just love the simplicity of macs and osx and the build quality. Anyways I can answer more questions after I get the air.
I know PC's are needed for gaming but the only game i play now is tf2 so my macbook air should be fine. I'll b e doing some design work photoshop, indesign, and movie watching so it should handle it fine. A pity though I can't get the 8gb upgrade since they don't have that in India.
Which model 2012 or 2013 as 2012 last offered price was about 65k and 2013 was 69k as quoted to me yesterday in Nehru place. Yup 2013 Haswell's are readily available in Nehru Place now.
Normal price is 74990 less student discount 7% comes to 69740. The sales guy said he will get it rounded off to 69000. So how come yours is coming to 63000.
Yeah. 256GB is the default for top end. I Inquired in local Aptronix. They say stock will be here in 10 days.
More then the SSD I was interested in the 8GB RAM version but that's not available in India.

Also the base config after student discount is for 69k odd. Please confirm once you make a purchase as I am this close to getting mine. Wouldn't mind some extra discount.
The new generation MacBook Air models are also available under the Back to School discounts that Apple announced on some of the other Mac desktops and laptops earlier. The Back to School discounts for eligible students and teachers are Rs. 8,000 on the 11-inch base model, and go up to Rs. 11,000 on pricier models.


Maybe your dealer is cheating you?
He probably made a mistake.

11" normal 67900 - 8000 = 59990= 59k
13" normal 74900-11000 =63900=63k
Was just PMing you regarding this. Anyways going to the Reliance store nearby. Let me see if they are offering any students discounts.
since you are based out of kolkata, can you help me get a student discount, too old to be a student! this can be via your friends/classmates ... let me know if this can be done.

also, what about the invoice is it in the name of ** the student ** ?
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Just came back from Vijya Sales. The discount is infact Rs11000 on the 13" Air. The bill will not be in the name of the student. And yes you can also get it financed from the bank at a small fee.

The documents required are:

Student ID card.
Voter ID/License/Ration Card for residence proof
Latest Fee Slip

Thanks @madmanic for pointing out the discounts. Also they offered the last gen 13" Macbook Air for 60K. Could have gone lower but as I was more interested in the latest gen didn't bother much about the discounts.
Macbook air 2013 after Back to School Discounts = 63,900

I was about to buy then my friend who has mac air 2012 put me off and said 4 GB ram aint enough and he always runs out of memory really soon with normal multitasking and with annual os updates 4GB is gone now
I am planning to buy a laptop too, but after trying a touchscreen one for a few days, I'm not getting a non-touchscreen laptop ever. Will wait for Haswell to arrive on other brands and see how it goes. Otherwise, the MacBook is a great choice.
the air ram isnt upgradeable is it?
No , i highly recommend the 8 gb one .....[DOUBLEPOST=1373518258][/DOUBLEPOST]My situation is

I cant get the 8gb mac air in india and the retina is not an option for me as haswell is just few months away ...
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