Which Organization you work for

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good to know abt u guys...good going...btw, no one from govt. sector so far...so here's my profile

Org: RBI
Work Exp:4 years
Description: Look after all aspects related to IT management...including proj mgmt, s/w development & maintenance, web development, security implementation, lots n lotsa coordination work,tech support to banks, procurement of h/w, s/w etc.

sorry guys...no access to the cash pile in our vaults:rolleyes: nor do i have access to the note printing facilities!!
Hehe, mods are free to delete the last 3 posts + this one after this has been made into a sticky, and all the other posts wanting this to be a sticky...after all we want this thread to have useful info, not stupid requests :rofl:
your attenion : EAZY

in reply to your pm i had this message
Eazy has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her.

i am confused, feel free to fire any question you have, :D.
ehhh!!!! :O

No students around here ..like me!!!

Sounds strange... I was thinking people stop playing & stuff after getting into a job...
IceFusion said:
.......... :)
Karan, one of CyberMedia's chief editors is like family ;)

Org - Vendio, Inc.
Work Exp - 10+
Designation - Dir, International Biz / Dir, QA
Brief Description - Taking the fall when we miss revenue goals and when products/features fail to ship on time :)
lazybugger said:
ehhh!!!! :O
No students around here ..like me!!!
Sounds strange... I was thinking people stop playing & stuff after getting into a job...

many ppl start what they really wanna do after starting to get their own paychecks :p
Org - Franklin Templeton Investments Ltd (IT Division).
Work Exp - 3+
Designation - SSE
Location- Hyderabad
Brief Description - ERP Implementation (PeopleSoft), Data Warehousing(Informatica,DataStage,Cognos yadda yadda yadda...)
Org - Satyam Computer Services Ltd

work Ex - 10 months

Designation - S/W Engg

Location - Chennai

Brief Desc - Cheap, bonded labourer getting paid 700 bucks a day to do the worst job possible. Removing my own comments from my code so that client can throw it to some other company and call it their code. :no: So not fair.
Good thread

Org - Computer Sciences Corporation India Pvt. Ltd.
Exp - 10+
Designation - Deputy Consultant
Location- Hyderabad
Brief Description - Into Infrastructure Support Services, again a cheap alternative to foreign labour, comparatively new to this field (1 year).
Works maily on HPUX administration.

any HCLites here?
Org - SBI
Exp - 1.2
Designation - AMSy
Location- Navi Mumbai
Brief Description - Finacle...Works mainly on HPUX and Oracle...
Incidentally joined Govt. after doing BE/ME CS to have an easy, secure life .... :rofl: :ashamed:
Now Getting Crappy Pay,as overworked as we are understaffed .... so much for life's Eazy way out ..... :@
Org - ienergizer
Exp - 2 mnths
Designation - QA-tester
Location- Noida
Brief Description - Test games for THQ

apart frm this been resident in some clubs in delhi ..lookin for another residentship dis season
Org: Alcatel - Lucent Technologies(formerly Lucent Technologies)
Work Exp: 5.5 yrs overall
Designation: Senior Software Engineer
Location: Bangalore
Brief Description: Currently involved in the testing of Telecom n/w mgmt systems(worked as a developer before but got bored with it:P ). It's my 3rd company. I've been fortunate to work with some of the top global telecom players, Nortel, TeliaSonera, Alcatel, Lucent.
Org - Mphasis Software Services - An EDS Company
Work Exp - ~4 years
Designation - Software Engineer
Location - Mumbai
Brief Description - My work exp. includes call center, KPO, Web Programming...and now working in C, C++ and a propreitary language...
Just cleared my interview at Siemens today :hap2:
Will be joining this Monday :D

Org - Siemens
Work Exp - None yet :P
Designation - Trainee
Brief Job Description - No clue
Org: Intel Technology, Bangalore
Exp: 2+ yrs
Desig: Component Design Engineer
Work: Microprocessor Design. Front-end to back-end design till tape out.
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