Udit said:Fans = 100W? are you on weed?
even the extreme 3400-4600RPM 59-65dB Delta eats 30W per fan & no normal person can use such loud fans
normal 60-100CFM fans are 5W max
asingh said:Thanks for the comment. But I do not dope anymore...!
If you would have read my full post, you could comprehend, that I have a slightly above then 'noob' knowledge about PSUs, and component requirements.
You yourself have said that the 'extreme' fans use 30W each. What if he mounts 3 of those..? Ok, we remove the 100W for the 'n' fans, and make it 50W..? His overall total -- and ball park figure still remains within 500-550W. Hope I did not commit any sin by quoting that 100W for 'n' fans..?
Crazy_Eddy said:If you're looking for a PSU with better 3.3/5V rails for your hard disk, dont bother. A hard disk sources its power mainly from the 12V rail. In fact those molex-to-SATA power converters don't even have the 3.3V rail on them, and yet HDDs run fine with them.
Rockfella said:If this is correct the purpose of the thread has been achieved i guess. (i don't know if this is correct though)
Lol marijuana is one of the best stress busters, unfortunately it is hard to find good quality in NCR these days. The problem with most users is that marijuana starts smoking them instead of them smoking it (People never get physiologically dependent on marijuana, its physcological)
asingh said:Weed aka grass aka dope aka marijuana aka mary jane aka 'maal' is the gateway drug. Also it is a criminal offense caught with it..or pushing it.!
If you're looking for a PSU with better 3.3/5V rails for your hard disk, dont bother. A hard disk sources its power mainly from the 12V rail. In fact those molex-to-SATA power converters don't even have the 3.3V rail on them, and yet HDDs run fine with them.
asingh said:Thanks for the comment. But I do not dope anymore...!
If you would have read my full post, you could comprehend, that I have a slightly above then 'noob' knowledge about PSUs, and component requirements.
You yourself have said that the 'extreme' fans use 30W each. What if he mounts 3 of those..? Ok, we remove the 100W for the 'n' fans, and make it 50W..? His overall total -- and ball park figure still remains within 500-550W. Hope I did not commit any sin by quoting that 100W for 'n' fans..?
asingh said:^^
What happened when you tried to run the 7 HDDs in tandem on the VX450..?
Crazy_Eddy said:Where is the connection? Whether a PSU is jointly or individually regulated, it affects only its cross-loading behaviour.
Just out of curiosity, have you tried running the 10 HDD setup on your CM RP 700W? I still think looking for a controller that supports staggered spin-up might be a bit more fruitful than looking for a big PSU.
asingh said:Is this true guys....? Where do the molex puppies get the load from. Cannot the PSU dynamically switch the load on the rails..?
Rockfella said:If this is correct the purpose of the thread has been achieved i guess. (i don't know if this is correct though)