PC Peripherals Which ram should I buy?

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funkymonkey said:
guys guys.
Understand this thing. He has been asking this questions since forever.
The corsair XMX PC3200c2 is winbond UTT. To run these at low latecies he will need to give it something in range of 3.1-3.2v
THis is not possible on A8N-E. and Winbond suck at higher latecies.
It has max 3V for Vdimm.
The XL on other hand is tccd but costs 14K.
He is not getting it from abroad, he wants it here.
To run masky's RAM he will need to vmod his mobo. I dont know if he is experiened enough to do that or he even want to do that.

Those options gone the next is D43 and new Twinmos.
Twinmos POwerchip overclocks to 250Mhz at 3-4-4-8 at 3V.
SO does the Hynix D43.
Get any one of these.

Its BH UTT... doesnt need as high voltages as CH and if he doesnt wanna overclock(which seems like it), it'll do 2-2-2, 200MHz @2.8V. As a matter of fact, even hynix needs atleast 3.2V to do well. Plus with hynix there's no guarantee of an overclock either. I've seen far too many dud hynix D43 dimms that dont overclock at all. yeah original that is with hyundai electronics spd info. I dont deny that hynix can overclock well but its more of a hit or miss.
does it matter? We have talked about this like million times. I wont be surprised to see same questions again asked in 10 days ;)
is twinmos avauilable in india?

also is there a place called okhala in delhi where i can get get hynix

also,can i get 1gb * 2 ddr 400 hynix or 512mb ddr 533 * 2

also,how do i ensure it to be genuine hynix?
also is there a place called okhala in delhi where i can get get hynix
LMAO!!!! :rofl:
BTW,there is a place called Heaven where we all have 7800GTX SLI and FX-57 systems.Please go there.Warranty period there is eternity for any product. :rofl:
undertaker said:
LMAO!!!! :rofl:

BTW,there is a place called Heaven where we all have 7800GTX SLI and FX-57 systems.Please go there.Warranty period there is eternity for any product. :rofl:

wow man.. tech wise we are keeping up with heaven then.. :rofl:
techboy i beg you.
Yes twinmos is available.
There like 20 other threads with memory discuession in it.
Read them.
Read the overclocking thread. You will find good info there too.
Use search option. You will find all your answers.
Go to known IT market places. Ask dealers. Ask your friends in delhi.
There is also a thread with phone and ontact nos of many dealers in india by quad master.
See that.....................
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techboy:Read my post on page 2 and u'll know where to find original hynix in Delhi.
If u ask where to find original hynix again ,I'll personally request the admin to ban you for life.
BTW:For the rest of the Delhi guyz,this guy is the person the dealers call for RAM.And Computers Infinite sucks,they add 10% to the operating price as their margin. :@
we dont know..

wait..why dont u buy TA and tell us how are the RAMs?? :D

also,didn't person/people used to tell hynix d43 to give good performance / stability?

will ddr 533 work with my system without increasing the fsb?
TA is a very good brand.Its is made only with those chips that fail quality standards.And its the RAM of choice in NP.So if u want to set a record in memtest86 errors,TA is highly recommended.
Will ddr 533 hynix d 43 work with my system by default while keeping fsb at 200mhz so as to not oc my cpu?

should i buy it if i get it for under 4k?
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