Car & Bike Which small car ?

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1. what are the major factor on which one should deside on Diesel or Petrol engine

2. Are tube less tyres gives jittery ride on bad roads.

1. Depends on how much distance you travel. Diesels typically cost a lot more than petrol so spending the additional must be justified based upon how much distance one does.

2. Nope.
And I believe the Fabia has also slashed its 1.2L Petrol to the 5-5.5L range.

Looks fugly, but the interiors and build quality is ace.
in my opinion Palio 1.3 mulijet is the best when u consider all aspects, viz, space, safety, build quality, ride quality, power of the AC etc.
fabia? owning one will set you back worse than a ford. Like the old timers say, a skoda customer and his money are soon parted :lol:
L10 has some isse at oil fiter charge and poor service charge where i test l10 is nice car

if u want l10 automatic is available for 5l top model auto matic is easy

but manual is hard if u want u drive comfortable ;) and safety using smooth automatic gear where i test many hyundai car

or if u like Getz 1.3 prime petorl or CRDI 1.5 is better and long space also it come full model with leather and front solid wood finish
Anish said:
And I believe the Fabia has also slashed its 1.2L Petrol to the 5-5.5L range.

Looks fugly, but the interiors and build quality is ace.

69bhp on a 1000 kilo car = slower than an auto :P.
greenhorn said:
fabia? owning one will set you back worse than a ford. Like the old timers say, a skoda customer and his money are soon parted :lol:
Yeah but nothing much really goes wrong with them, they're built like tanks, atleast the 1st Gen Octavia is.
switch take the vista fits perfectly in the budget , lots of space. and gr8 mileage and since the engine is not theirs its even better. i have it and can vouch for it :p
A general advice about Diesel cars "Go for Diesel cars only if you run 40-50Kms or more per day else the benefit is not much of going Diesel"

The new Vista I test drove is quite different & does not require 5000Kms service, it can be now done at every 10000Kms & the car is very swift in pickup give a very good mileage 15-18 in city condition & 18-21 on highways under ideal condition, I have decided in favor of Vista which I will be buying in Feb next year.
What about the maintaince of Vista as I have heard auto experts vouching for maruti model as unlike other thier spare parts are readily available in open market.
1st gen octavias are great cars and built like tanks, right up to 90k kms, after which the old timers statement kicks in :P

the vista may have a recommended service interval of 10,000k, but given that the tata A.S.S use the cheapest oil they have, 5k is more the recommended option. Or you can buy something better and ask them to use that instead. I'm planning to do that from my next service.

@47shailesh, as long as the car is going to be covered by warranty, shouldnt matter much. the vista has 2 years base and another 2 years extended warranty. tata and maruti parts are cheap. even fiat's been dropping prices lately. Now ford - them you should worry about :P
i dont get what tata is offering with the vista (price-wise). Apart from the fiat quadrajet diesel option (which looks great on paper), it doesnt have abs and airbags which some of the other models have (or do they?) and yet it seems to be the highest priced variant. Can anyone enlighten me?
swift ABS is virtually unavailable these days. and even then, they take longer to deliver than regular swifts ( which have a long waiting period anyway :p)

tata claimed at launch that the abs/airbags version would be released in 6 months
greenhorn said:
1st gen octavias are great cars and built like tanks, right up to 90k kms, after which the old timers statement kicks in :P
Yeah hehe that's true, but we haven't faced any major issues, though I think the car has hardly done 65k :P
Vista does not have ABS/airbags but on Indian Roads do we need ABS when we cant driver over 100-120kms on any Indian highway.

Vista is cheaper of than other Diesel models/variants & the qudrajet makes it almost petrol like pickup.
yeah, did a little more reading. there seemed to be some misinformation on the site. It said that some of the v2 models had abs and airbags and were cheaper than the vista which did not. Checked up on the tata motors site just now and found out that none of the indicas have abs and airbags.

Edit: See, this is what is confusing me, now i see it on another site. And they also mention the price of 4.76 L. Which is less than the highest vista variant with the fiat engine and no abs\airbags. So again, i raise the point; what is tata thinking with its positioning?
indica v2 DLX was available with airbags and ABS at one point ( and yes, it was cheaper than the vista quadrajet) . the DLG and DLX versions have been discontinued now that the vista has been launched, hence the info is not there any more now.

what it looked like

it was made available as a feature developed for their euro spec cityrover. they are still working on abs/airbags for the export version for the vista , and once that is launched , it should be available here too i guess. the average indian buyer doesnt give a hoot about it, and tata knows this , and hence their launch here without it
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