Other Which tablet to buy? Android, iOS, Win 8? EDIT: Bought Nexus 7 32GB


A Nobody.
Hi all,

So After some time, I am buying a tablet again.


1. You tube videos. :D
2. Watching TV shows and Movies in bed or lying down. :D
3. Browsing, Mails etc
4. Would love some Doc/Spreadsheet viewing Editing capability
5. Comic books. cbr, cbz formats and such
6. PDF's. Large PDF magazines, comics with lots of pic and all. :D

1. I plan to use this device with Corsair Voyager Air or Kingston MobileLite. So the space available in tab
is not that big of a deal for me. i think.
2. I am a huge fan of using devices like in a continuation. Like My desktop in personal laptop and HTPC looks the same. and will MOSTLY contain the same things. Thats why i spend so much on external stand alone storage.

Budget: Will decide after you guys recommend me some models.

Thanks in Advance.
For all device usage, iPad wins hands down.
If you can wait few months , get iPad 5.

If urgent then,iPad 4.

Only manufacturer to remain in business so far is Samsung , rest all giving up due to no volume.
Remains nexus for pure quick updates , nexus 7 second generation is coming.
So wait for it.

Windows in current gen is useless.
Wait till second generation surface tab to come,which I believe will happen in near future.
Wait for 8.1 to release.

Android tab manufacturer are few.
Samsung already said about.
Second major is amazon.
They sell on cost to cost basis.

Third major is Barnes and noble.
They also gave up and put up fire sale kind of from time to time.

When it came when it went , nobody knew about their flyer tablet.

Only one or two models and premium market positioning and I don't believe it has breaks even so far.

Tell me if I miss some manufacturer.
Asus I don't count for simple reason.
They are selling because nexus branding.
Well, I am planning to get one in 2 or 3 weeks. So...

Ipad 5 and ipad mini 2, people are saying Sept to November this year. So.. :(
Android. I am not a big fan. Even the nexus 4 i use, I get bored. very easily. :).
Thinking abt Surface Pro and Acer Iconia W700 also.
Get three on those fire sales.
Should cost around 300-350.
You get retina panel as well as cost protection.

No point in spending 800-900 on surface pro when haswell is proven performance than ivy bridge in power consumption.
It will get out of date pretty soon.
iPad 3 routinely goes in fire sale mode on eBay deals of the day on eBay.Com

Will post as and when I get link to same.
Keep watch on ebay deals on eBay.com
i dont understand the procedure for that surface offer. :(

So basically what everyone is saying... Not a good time to spend top money on tablets. ? correct?
iPad hands down.
Get ipad 3 to save some money and get awesone display in the bargain. Win-win all round.
If you are the kind of person who wants the latest version and tech, and your budget alllows, go for iPad 4. If you can wait a bit and budget is no bar then iPad 5 is 3 months away.

On the Android front there is only one name that comes to mind - Samsung.
Notable mentions are Tab 10.1, Note 10.1, or Note 8.0 depending onyour preference for screen size. Again, yearly refreshes for both Galaxy Note tablets are just around the corner, couple of months tops.

I am also in the same boat, but I have some time on my hands. I'm waiting to see what the major tablet manufacturers have in store with their latest iterations.
But amount of loss with Samsung and android is phenomenal.
It's like loosing more than 50% in one year. While apple retains at least 60-70% resale value.
Does apple and windows support files larger than 4gb unlike android??

I dont know when the hell will android start supporting files larger than 4gb so that we can watch actual full hd movies on full hd displays.
It is almost pointless to watch FULL HD videos on the screens of tablets / phones which have 1080p display. If you are doing video out to your TV then that is another thing.
I dont plan to sell the Note 8. :). Keep it.. or give to someone home when i go back. :D

And i dont want to watch full HD vids on 10" screen. just want the option. :D :D :D

Nexus 10 is going to be outdated when they release a new one in 2 or 3 months. so no.

To be fair, that applies for every tablet on the market today.

Personally, I am going to pick up a Haswell Y-series Windows 8.1 device this fall, not interested in anything else. Let's hope they launch Surface Pro 2 in India.

If you are buying in next 2 to 3 weeks, the only tablets in India that make sense are iPad 4 and Kindle Fire HD 8.9. I would have definitely said Xperia Tablet Z but sadly it is grossly overpriced. Not as badly overpriced as the Windows stuff though... (PS: only talking about India) Also, not sure about availability of Nexus 10? I have to say, for watching Youtube or movies lying down the Kindle is a really nice form factor - just the right size. iPad is unfortunately the wrong aspect ratio for watching videos. If you are looking at options abroad then there are others to consider.