who are you? what you intend to do?

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Resident Medic
This post i am creating is meant to be different from the intro section. i want every one to respond in the following manner and give answers truly.

who are you? (name)
location (please give real not ips)
what do you do? (work, study, tp or whatever you do please include name of institute or office or employer)

what do you intend to do in future? (could be related to study, work or something which you always liked to do and may do in future)

what you curse could not do even eith your best attempts?

your best dream

your worst nightmare

and lastly any message for forums here.
i am starting with mine

i am medpal (bhavin)
surat, gujarat, india

i am an otorhinolaryngologist (i love typing this tongue twister here in tech forums as well you people like posting your tech words) it means Consultant Ear, Nose and Throat surgeon in layman terms. i run my opwn private hospital
i intend to develop my photography skills more and learn photoshop in near future. no distant dreams as of now


i love dreams the best i can remember is imaging myself holding my degree in my hands when i just joined the medical college


i love this kinda forums and the poeple over there. i have made a lot of friends in last one and half year through internet and did some quality and some crap discussions with them. i wish all the best for TE in future. :hap2:
hey.... why has no one replied in this thread????

Anyway, here goes...

NAME : Nikhil
Location: Bangalore
What do I do : Am supposed to be doing my engg in BIT (NOT Birla Institute of tehc. But Bangalore institute of technology). But in reality, I am spending half the day sitting in class reading novels in BIT(not studying) and the other half posting on TE :bleh:

I wanna be --- A good person with a good heart and loved by all.... naah!!! whom am I kidding .... :bleh: I wanna be RICH !!! RICH RICH RICH RICH. I mean Ambani rich..... Tata rich.... Let me see how to do that .... :tongue:

My best dream : Me making out with Katrina Kaif :ohyeah: :rofl: Or dreaming abt being RICH. My own private jet, a fleet of cars, etc......

My worst dream : Nothing actually.... probably losing my near and dear ones.

Message for TE: WOW!!! good job... keep it up....
I'm Sumeet aka Inzider aka ReD

Bangalore, India

I'm an Engineering student, at CMRIT, Bangalore. I also work for a couple of internet based groups. My last assignment included running an Incident Response Division for an Internet security group.

In the future, i would like to, as medpal said, see myself with degree in hand. I dream of starting my own internet security firm some day. Lets see how that works out :)

I could never stick to doing one thing in life. I don't curse that. It has been a good thing. Everything has been good, in some way or the other. It just depends on how you look at it, and how you connect the dots :)

My best dream : Life

My worst nightmare : Life

My message to TE, and it's members: Be true to yourself. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish :)


who are you? - No Name

location - South Mumbai

what do you do? - Now an official flycatcher for region - in other words RE-TIRED. Earlier worked with a Foreign Travel Agency next did a bit of Photography and then had my own Pro Film Process Lab.

what do you intend to do in future? - RELAX and take it EAZY - live each day as it comes.

what you curse could not do even with your best attempts? - PASS School Exams.... DUMBA$$....

your best dream - Cannot say on an open forum :tongue:

your worst nightmare - Not fulfilling my Best Dream :D

and lastly any message for forums here - GREAT FORUM and GREAT PEOPLE HERE !!! :clap:
Hehe, nice Eazy !

Well let me Quote from my site, no patience to type it again :bleh:

I am 15 years old, I live at Vasco some place in Goa. I am doing my Eleventh (Science) and I plan to do my engineering and follow it up with a MBA degree.

My interests are pretty diversified. They range from Computers, Football (Manchester United), Formula 1(obviously Micheal even though he is not doing too well !) to Cars and every electronic gadget on this planet. I feel I’m interesting for a new person to meet (my colleagues feel otherwise). I love making new freinds, especially those with the same interests as me.
@ Eazy ----- No harm in giving your name here!!!! And do you mean to say you are really retired??? you must be OOOLDD!!!! :bleh: :tongue:

Anyway keep the replies coming guys...
seems missed the thread..
name : Archana
trivandrum kerala india

just finished my btech CS engg exams and awaiting results.. got placed in CTS, so waiting for its call.. ( ya.. i m waiting for many things to happen :( )

intend to fulfill my dreams.. which are unlimited... ( dreams unlimited :bleh: )

very bad at controlling anger, and not forgetting the ppl and the incidents which hurt me

best dream, to live in luxury, along with happiness n contentment in the family..

worst dream, seperation/death of my family members

msg to forums : these are intended to become my 3rd home n family (;) ), and i m thankful to all, who gave me a whole bunch of friends, which i have longed for, and to those who trust me as best friend,.. :)
4get me not.. hop u all 'll love me4ever.. ;)
Shruti R Rao :buterfly: ( Sunny's :chair: elder sis )

Mysore, Karnataka. :hap2:

Completed my Engg in Computer Science ( BE ) this yr, placed in Wipro, waiting for the joining dates. :yahoo:

I want to be famous and become a billionaire retire at the age of 30! :beer:

My curse " Get Lost, Shoo.. and finally I pacify myself saying...jo bhi hota hai ache ke liye hota hai" :cool2:

My dream.. Live life King Size! :gunsmile:

Worst nightmare: Passing those BE exams every 3-5 months :ill: :Comp3:

Message for forums : TE rocks :clap: and so are its members. :thumb:
Name: Rahul Mulchandani
Location: Hyderabad
Current Occupation: Doing my B.Com First Year @ St. Mary's ,Yusufguda

Future: Intend to do MBA Finance

The Curse I could not do even with my best attempts
:Well ive never given my best to anything frankly but if it has to be one thing its got be being a good player at CS(I know how each gun is used and what nots of the game but still i cant play it well-- ive lost its practise)

My Best Dream:Cant remember but my life is currently very fine so it in itself is a dream (This is the magic of reading the Gita.u feel so relieved and happy :ohyeah::ohyeah::ohyeah: )

My Worst Nightmare:When i was in my junior college had fought with my friends.was so lonely around that time for 3 weeks.Currently ive dumped them but still keep a working relationship with them.;) ;) ;) ;)

Message for The Forums
:actually 2

Help others and God will help u
Always be humble,u will feel the hapiness from within!!!!
Who are you?
Sagir a.K.a. ~HeadShot~.

Location :
Vapi, Gujarat, India.

What do you do?
Study in 10th Std. at St. Mary's High School.

What do you intend to do in future?
I would love to start a big software company.

What you curse/could not do even with your best attempts?
I can never get myself to do what I want.

Your best dream.
Don't remember

Your worst nightmare.

Message for forums.
This place has been a great one. This was the first forum ever where I actively participated, though I don't get much time nowadays. There was once even a time when I had started feeling this place as my home. :P
what a pleasant surprise.....

nearly two months and this thread comes up alive from the grave..

keep it coming friends.

its always nice to know about some one whom you consider a friend.
Name: Manas Kulshrestha
Location: Chennai (Presently)

I work in HCL after leaving SIEMENS....Work is Good in HCL but I wish i had not left SIEMENS.

I intend to Finish my MBA and Go to Norway or some Scandinavian Country to Settle down.

NONE(Cant Tell Ya)
For TE: Be practical and Trust me, Live and Let Die Actually Works.....
Name:- Rahul

Location:- Cochin ........ basically i am from Ranchi(small rocking town with all good ol' frens ) Cochin really S****S

Currently i am doin Btech from CUSAT ....... i am least interested in this Btech ......:)

Future ...... Hmmmmm ...... dunno really but i will be into computers or automobiles ...... cars and bikes were my first love ....... then i got a 486 and then i got interest in computers .......

Best shot haven't given my best yet ........ i am really tried hard to do stompie on my bike can't seem to get it right ....... but i willl never stop trying

Worst nightmare ....... when i ended 2year relationship with mine 1st GF ...... due to some circumstances i had done that and after that for two month i was completely in different world all alone ........ i don't know wat was that but those two months were worst of my life ...... now i have a GF but no commitments no sentiments ...... this is the better way to time pass ;)

Dream:- FX57, dual 7800GTX, a modded case and a modded Nissan Skyline only:)

Message to forum :- this forum really rocks ....... keep it up guys ...... keep posting

OT --- Nissan Skyline ??? I prefer an Evo VIII or a WRX....

And you mean stoppie on your bike.... not stoMpie
Nikhil said:
OT --- Nissan Skyline ??? I prefer an Evo VIII or a WRX....

And you mean stoppie on your bike.... not stoMpie

ooops thats wrong i am a bad typo always ......:)

Name : Sanjay aka SunMysore aka SunnyBoi aka BoomShankar

Place : Mysore, Karnataka

Currently doin 4th sem BE, Info Science...3 more weeks for this $#itty exams to end....

Intend to do : just get a job and relaaaax

Nightmare (once i hafta agree with my sis) : Bloody exams every 3-4 months

Dream : 0wning a F50 and driving it all day :D

Message to the forum : .............................. (i dont say, i do :P )
Name: Blaster

Location: C:\windows\system32\msblast.exe

I am a Worm , i want to develop my self , and windows provides me a great plateforn to do so. I am enthusiastically working to bug Microsoft windows. I intend to jump from one machine to another thru RPC. :ohyeah: :cool2: :rofl:

Just kinndin

Name: Jinesh
Location: Mumbai

Me studing in Final year Bsc IT.
I intend to do Msc.
I like to read quaries and solutions posted on forum , like to listen music.

I like to develop website :ohyeah: .

Finally ,a message to forum .....

No body is perfact in this world ,and i am not an exception
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