Who didnt cry after seeing "Up"(movie)

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I'm not married and I'm not chick... but UP did bring tears to my eyes. Like vij said, the first 10 mins were one of those in movie. After the first 10 mins were over, I sort of chuckled... for how Pixar pulled a kind of wall-e in those mins (beautiful background score and great, great acting in animation without any dialogs... and yet you understand it and it touches your heart).

@eggman: It was tragic for Carl, because though as couple they had good run... he could not fulfill the promise of great adventure he promised her and himself. Before they could make that adventurous journey which bought them together in the first place, her life came to an end.
I reached the cinema hall a bit late, to see those scenes going by without any dialogues !

I was like WTF !

The emotions were felt when i watched the sequence again in HD @ home !
Watched it just now.

OK movie. A little overhyped. After seeing the movie, I googled for it and saw the reviews, etc.... The movie doesnt deserve so much.

But as you say, the first 10 mins are quite moving. However, crying? Not for me. Not by a long shot. But then again, people are different. People have seen different things in their life and respond differently. I was moved.

It was an ok movie frankly. Nothing great. No great comedy, no great emotion, etc.... At times I found it stupid.... but never mind! :P
Ok, so some guy with a loving wife has to hold back tears watching this while I without even a girlfriend found this to be as bland as any other Pixar movie. I wonder what the moral of the story is...
Saw around 30 mins of it ... its damn nice .... the starting part was a bit too depressing .. felt the sadness D: ....
IMHO, It was moving but not to the extent of holding back tears.

The movie was quite good though !

Another home run by Pixar. :)
@Chiron: The moral of the story????

It's never too late have an adventure.

It's never too late to keep your promise.

It's never too late to befriend a total stranger.

It's never too late to look UP in life.

But I guess it's wasted on you anyways.
the first 10 mins is something exactly that you should see this movie for.

people in a mature and caring relation would just connect with it instantly.. it just beautiful..
Damn you all pirates..

The film was released long back, so no point in starting a thread about it now.
Also, it's not out on DVDs/Bluray yet (have some 10 more days to go..). Which only means one thing... Everyone here is discussing about the *ahem* copy.

Shame on you guys :D
I couldnot bear PS I love for more than 20 mins.. .started crying :rofl:

lostprophets said:
Are you a chick? why would a grown man cry watching animated movie?
Agree with spindoctor, its totally overrated. Wall-E was much better
=CrAzYG33K= said:
Damn you all pirates..

The film was released long back, so no point in starting a thread about it now.
Also, it's not out on DVDs/Bluray yet (have some 10 more days to go..). Which only means one thing... Everyone here is discussing about the *ahem* copy.

Shame on you guys :D

I had watched it in the theatre and I think most of the guys here have so as well.
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