Why Are Young Adults Facing a Cancer Surge? The Alarming Truth

Colorectal surgeon Dr. Frank Frizelle's unsettling experience with young cancer patients sparked a deeper investigation into rising early-onset cancers globally. Data reveals a staggering 79% increase in diagnoses among individuals under 50 since 1990, highlighting a concerning trend across multiple countries. Despite advancements in detection, the rise can't be solely attributed to improved screening; lifestyle changes, environmental factors, and potential prenatal exposures may be at play. Young adults, often healthier than previous generations, are now facing unprecedented cancer risks, prompting urgent calls for targeted research and tailored treatment approaches.

What lifestyle changes do you think could help reduce cancer risks in younger populations?

Source: https://time.com/7213490/why-are-young-people-getting-cancer/
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My younger sister & bil from Toronto periodically get shipped ayurveda meds from this doctor based in Ayyappa Society, Madhapur, Hyderabad since 2005. My other elder sister buys them and sends them to Canada.
When I used to go along with my younger sister & bil to the clinic in 2007 or so we used to go there by 5am in the morning and get out by 9 am. After 9am it's not possible to even stand there huge rush. My younger sister has got a part of her intestines removed because of food poisoning in 2005. Since then she used to visit this clinic and after she left india in 2010, she gets her meds shipped to her every 3 months.
Address is:
Andariki Ayurvedam, Sri Swamy Ayyappa Society, Petrol Bunk, Plot No: 143, near C.G.R International School, opposite Road, Madhapur, Hyderabad.

Now everybody in our family & relatives are using his meds & gets various massages done plus acupunctures from him. He gives roots, leaves & flowers and we should grinding them and mix them in any thing if you cannot drink them in water.
His name is Dr.Elchuri. Genuine guy.
Andariki Ayurvedam means in Ayurvedam for everybody.
Here is just dial link: https://jsdl.in/RSL-AAT1739768663
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Can lead to drug discovery..will get integrated into modern medicine if found useful .
I invite you to think about corporate incentive structures, and how corporates fund most large trials that lead to drug approvals. Today, the only drugs that get funding for large trials are the ones where billions can be made due to patents. "Modern science" has been compromised by this - and citizen need to wake up and understand how economics drives the process of generation of evidence, which ultimately decides what is accepted as "medicine" by centralised drug regulators.
No wonder that very few non-patented repurposed drug trials of modern medicine drugs are done itself. In fact the economic-media system runs hit stories on such non patented modern medicine drugs as well, to make sure patented ones are sold.
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AQI in almost all the places in india is horrible
I can smell the dust when i go out after using air purifier at home. Roadside can be horrible here.


WIth ayurveda, a lot of times what you get are life long 'medicines', atleast in my experience. And no clarity on exactly what is your problem. Just excuses, fear mongering, and faith and an idiotic belief that ancient people knew better.
Jad se nikalte rehnge lifelong.

Whatever the failings of proven/modern medicines and systems around it - it does not justify believing in quackery.
Is microwave/ microwave oven a risk for cancer? Any evidence for the same
arent micro plastics even for silicon based containers a concern for this? this is the main reason, we try our best to avoid using our microwave/use glass utensils when possible
Whatever the failings of proven/modern medicines and systems around it - it does not justify believing in quackery.
we will have opposite opinions on this so I wont debate much on it, Ayurveda itself is not quack, ayurvedic doctors who are not qualified are the quacks.
Ayurveda itself is not quack, ayurvedic doctors who are not qualified are the quacks.
yeah not interested either. Same old arguments of a mythical not-quack ayurvedic dr.
I have seen many over my lifetime in metro city due to unshakeable family beliefs - they were all quacks with good patient 'handling' skills.
Same as homeopathy/naturopathy/etc. Just because some herbs work and were discovered over time does not make an entire system of medicine valid.

With so many people who go to these 'drs' in India, there is no reason why they couldn't test everything out scientifically - esp given the favorable govt in power.
Proof should be before applying into practice. But they will only come with excuses/conspiracies/faith etc..

Anyway, i am ignoring this thread. If people want coffee enema, who am i to argue.
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I invite you to think about corporate incentive structures, and how corporates fund most large trials that lead to drug approvals. Today, the only drugs that get funding for large trials are the ones where billions can be made due to patents. "Modern science" has been compromised by this - and citizen need to wake up and understand how economics drives the process of generation of evidence, which ultimately decides what is accepted as "medicine" by centralised drug regulators.
No wonder that very few non-patented repurposed drug trials of modern medicine drugs are done itself. In fact the economic-media system runs hit stories on such non patented modern medicine drugs as well, to make sure patented ones are sold.
Trials getting funded by large pharmas is a real thing. Often they stop funding when the progress is not in their favour. There's a huge scope for bias at every level in these studies. But drugs won't get approved based on a single trial and even after an approval new trials will keep coming which will alter the financial viability in the long run. But there are trials where results were not in favor of the drug resulting in huge losses. Since we are far from being an ideal world the only thing possible at present is to trust the regulatory bodies and the government, they are supposed to represent us.
We live in a capitalist world. Everything we enjoy today is someone's business. Research and development will only happen in areas where profits can be made. The benefit is mutual.
In my opinion our government is doing a reasonable job when it comes to regulations. Still a long way to go when it comes to public health.
We live in a capitalist world. Everything we enjoy today is someone's business. Research and development will only happen in areas where profits can be made. The benefit is mutual.
There is plenty of profits in Ayurveda. Lots of money, its not cheap. They are just as much capitalist as anyone, its not always a dirty word but can be when taken to extremes.

They themselves know that they are frauds, and so instead of proving will come up with such nonsense excuses. If they prove things, they can can export it and take it to the entire world.
India could then be ayurveda powerhouse. But alas it doesn't work.

I wish all BJP people who approve and force ayurveda and homeopathy into the system, would practice what they preach and go to ayurveda when they get critical health issues.
I am out..
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Wondering what gets purified without knowing the active ingredient...still zero evidence and only noise.
Unfortunately, all will have to wait for Chinese and western researchers to find that out for Ayurveda related medicinal plants from here. Because in India, chances are dim because of obvious reasons.
If it's not hurting human, only removing ailments, it's purifying.
Some medicines together with professionals, hurt the patient more than decease, well then you know what needs purification.

Found this story popped up today: https://opendigest.in/76-year-old-kerala-woman-beats-cancer-without-chemo-hits-gym-for-fitness/
(btw, not at all recommending anyone to follow this)

Irrespective, whenever threads regarding general health and food comes up, the discussion automatically turns to Ayurveda, then threads get overheated.
Probably because people find the so called 'everything modern' is not necessarily 'always genuine' and have an underlying wish to go towards natural way of life. But, their life situation may not be allowing this and the knowledge we have about ourselves may not be enough to bring meaningful change.
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I dont recommend Ayurveda to anyone because in my case, we have a highly decorated doctor in our immediate family and we all basically just follow their advice, same for homeopathy medicines, but for anyone saying Ayurveda/Homeopathy is quack is just plain ignorant
Unfortunately, all will have to wait for Chinese and western researchers to find that out for Ayurveda related medicinal plants from here. Because in India, chances are dim because of obvious reasons.
If it's not hurting human, only removing ailments, it's purifying.
Some medicines together with professionals, hurt the patient more than decease, well then you know what needs purification.

Found this story popped up today: https://opendigest.in/76-year-old-kerala-woman-beats-cancer-without-chemo-hits-gym-for-fitness/
(btw, not at all recommending anyone to follow this)

Irrespective, whenever threads regarding general health and food comes up, the discussion automatically turns to Ayurveda, then threads get overheated.
Probably because people find the so called 'everything modern' is not necessarily 'always genuine' and have an underlying wish to go towards natural way of life. But, their life situation may not be allowing this and the knowledge we have about ourselves may not be enough to bring meaningful change.
But she underwent mastectomy bro. Also unlikely to be stage 4
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But she underwent mastectomy bro. Also unlikely to be stage 4
Right, not at all a method to follow. Got surprised she could survive in full health 20+ years after that without chemo. Treated at right time and a lucky exception may be.
Only shared it since that news popped in my view just now.
My younger sister took chemo for uterus cancer and then went for a final review in Dec,24 when they noticed clots in her brain so she was again got admitted in the hospital in Jan,25 for a month and now came home but on meds now. She has resumed her IT job working from home now while my BIL still takes meds for his lymph nodes cancer. My BIL occasionally goes to Toronto univ for teaching but stays at home mostly guiding students & applicants who visit his Volant Overseas Consultancy located in Hyderabad, Secunderabad & Warangal, Telangana. He attends the students & applicants via video conferencing. He on weekdays teaches Maths to my kid & to my 4 nieces. While she used to teach Physics before likewise but stopped now.
Then that person can consider themselves lucky... Isn't that rare ? Probably happened because of very early detection and the type of cancer she had.
Early detection is almost 100 percent cure with modern medicine, that is uptil stage 2 I think. In india people often presents very late, like in stage 3 or 4 . It's the other way around in western world due to better awareness and screening programmes.
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The cancer rates are rising because of increased 5g usage. (Please note the sarcasm)
My younger sister took chemo for uterus cancer and then went for a final review in Dec,24 when they noticed clots in her brain so she was again got admitted in the hospital in Jan,25 for a month and now came home but on meds now. She has resumed her IT job working from home now while my BIL still takes meds for his lymph nodes cancer. My BIL occasionally goes to Toronto univ for teaching but stays at home mostly guiding students & applicants who visit his Volant Overseas Consultancy located in Hyderabad, Secunderabad & Warangal, Telangana. He attends the students & applicants via video conferencing. He on weekdays teaches Maths to my kid & to my 4 nieces. While she used to teach Physics before likewise but stopped now.
I hope she gets well
The cancer rates are rising because of increased 5g usage. (Please note the sarcasm)
Probably in response to your sarcasming :)
News posted at 12:55 IST, 17-Feb-25:
If this is true, wondering how humans might be effected.
all i can say on this matter is avoid processed food, especially the gmo kind. but the only problem is vetting out gmo doesn't seem to be a high priority in india. more like it's getting more support for gmo crops.
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