aryayush said:
Being in India and with no means to lay my hands on “stuff†apart from the Internet, I have no way to share original content. And neither, I presume, do you. I don’t know why people talk about seeding as if it’s easy, or even realistically possible for a lot of files, to do. If you have any experience with BitTorrent, and specially private trackers, at all, you know that’s not true, even if you refuse to admit it publicly.
That's not true. Who says you don't have original stuff to upload? If you have to be useful, you will find a way. Why not buy some DVDs, rip them and upload them. I know you'll be miles behind the releasers, but these days, anything goes!
Let us not deviate from the topic at hand, which is being patient and having the will to share and give back what you have taken from the community.
No original content, no problem. Just seed. Its that simple you know.
I cannot understand what your problem is against seeding the files you download.
aryayush said:
I’m glad we’re reaching a consensus here. My point is that if you can pay Rs. 300 per month (and Rs. 500 if you want a lot of high definition content), if you think time is more important than money, then direct downloads are the best option.
The money is more important! You spend all the time to make that F'ing money! LOL Or do you have some tree from where you just pluck the money? :rofl: Seriously, when you have worked hard enough to get that money, then you realize its importance. Because that money will allow you to get your HD content.
But I am again deviating from the main point in contention. I asked you this earlier, how will students manage? How will all those people, who do not want to pay for pirated material, manage? Not by paying obviously!
aryayush said:
If, on the other hand, paying is just not an option at all, of course BitTorrent is great. I said that right out of the gate. But you did make one excellent point that I overlookedâ€â€the learning experience. My article was to point out to you the convenience of direct downloads. But if you are an enthusiast and want to get hands-on training about the various file-sharing protocols, it pays to invest time and effort into using BitTorrent. I try to avoid using it if I can but I do not regret all that it has given me in terms of knowledge.
Well said.
aryayush said:
Also, regardless of which option you pick, it’s generally a good idea to pay attention to the other one as well. Because there will always be times when you’ll not find a particular file you’re looking for on one of the two protocols and being able to grab it from the other one will come in handy.
I said that already in my earlier post.
aryayush said:
I still would like to restate, however, that if you’ve been busting your ass trying to get a BitTorrent invite or struggling with the ratio requirements, don’t be afraid of being called a leecher and try out direct downloads. If you live in India, you’re a leecher anyway, even if it’s not by choice.
I think you are the only one who has been busting his ass to get an invite and to maintain a ratio.
Calling everyone a leecher isn't going to change the state of affairs.
You know what? You work for your invites. You work to maintain that ratio. Nothing comes for free. You should know that very well as you pay a good amount just to maintain your premium accounts. It is just like real life, where you work hard to earn money. Money, that buys you your premium accounts. Same way, you work at seeding, which gives you a good ratio over time. That good ratio becomes proof of your steadfastness and brings you invites to better trackers where speed and even ratios are not a problem.
Everything works incrementally. There are no short-cuts in life brother.
In my first reply I said that you are comparing two very different things. Such a discussion won't lead anyone anywhere.
This is already nasty brother!

Any discussion that compares Bittorrent to HTTP (AKA Rapidshare) is gonna turn nasty sooner or later. People will always take sides.