Why BitTorrent sucks (if you have a little money).

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apextwin146 said:
BT sites are more secure than some Scene FTP servers ... Also since you are the kinda guy who can easily pay out for stuff try donating on trackers so that you get into the Anonymous List which means that your ips wont be tracked and recorded ..

But you can see IP addr's of all those in the swarm, no ?

Having said that i've yet to hear of individual downloaders being busted, they usually go for the top prize, the site itself, see oink or TPB.
greenhorn said:
dude reminds me of the kids in school who wouldnt share

"My dad paid for it, and its mine, I dont want to give it to anyone :no:"
I have uploaded 1.69TB on TorrentLeech. As someone who’s spent years burning the midnight oil and leaving files seeded for weeks trying to get some upload in, I hardly qualify as being a non-sharer. Being in India and with no means to lay my hands on “stuff†apart from the Internet, I have no way to share original content. And neither, I presume, do you. I don’t know why people talk about seeding as if it’s easy, or even realistically possible for a lot of files, to do. If you have any experience with BitTorrent, and specially private trackers, at all, you know that’s not true, even if you refuse to admit it publicly.

I’m glad we’re reaching a consensus here. My point is that if you can pay Rs. 300 per month (and Rs. 500 if you want a lot of high definition content), if you think time is more important than money, then direct downloads are the best option.

If, on the other hand, paying is just not an option at all, of course BitTorrent is great. I said that right out of the gate. But you did make one excellent point that I overlooked—the learning experience. My article was to point out to you the convenience of direct downloads. But if you are an enthusiast and want to get hands-on training about the various file-sharing protocols, it pays to invest time and effort into using BitTorrent. I try to avoid using it if I can but I do not regret all that it has given me in terms of knowledge.

Also, regardless of which option you pick, it’s generally a good idea to pay attention to the other one as well. Because there will always be times when you’ll not find a particular file you’re looking for on one of the two protocols and being able to grab it from the other one will come in handy.

I still would like to restate, however, that if you’ve been busting your ass trying to get a BitTorrent invite or struggling with the ratio requirements, don’t be afraid of being called a leecher and try out direct downloads. If you live in India, you’re a leecher anyway, even if it’s not by choice.

If you expect anyone to converse with you, get rid of that filthy mouth of yours first. I don’t need to listen to your comments about my job or skills. I’m sure the company I write for has a far better grasp of my writing skills than you could possibly hope to achieve. Shut up and mind your own business if you can’t burden yourself with learning how to be courteous and polite.
I dont download much off bittorent. and what i do is usually kinda rare, so I seed it as long as folks are downloading. Its not that hard if you try :)
My isp has blocked most ports which means no BT for me. So I jumped onto the RS/MS bandwagon and am happily downloading :hap2:
you could have introduced yourself in a much better manner than this :P

the whole article is so biased and less meaningful..

u are talkin abt uploads not happnin.. ??

i have uploaded more than 756GB in last 4 yrs @ desitorrents while i jumped from broadband speed of 96kbps UL to 2Mb NU...

u just need the free will to do so..
DesiTorrents is an Indian website and you’re competing for upload space with other Indians who have lousy Internet connections as well. On sites like HD-Bits and TorrentLeech, it’s very difficult to get any upload time in. I’ve had occasions where I’ve left files to seed for weeks on end and have only been able to upload 10MB even though there were hundreds of leechers. BitTorrent clients are smart enough to go for the seeders that have the fastest uploading speeds in the swarm and we Indians therefore find ourselves to be the least preferred, and thus ignored, seeders.
Wait 1 point whatever we download from Bittorent / Direct Downloads its all pirated and so its actually stolen. Why would you pay for something which is meant to be distributed free.

If you buy a cell phone without bill and box wouldnt you pay much lesser than what you should its the same thing.

Also if you CAN pay and REALLY WANT to pay then you can donate to a private tracker and become ratio free or buy about 100gb from time to time whenever needed, and its way cheaper than direct downloads.

1 more advantage of torrents is that when your downloading and even after n number of disturbances the files downloaded will not be corrupt.

Anyways, whatever works for you.

Whenever I download from TPB I seed back guess why because if some guy hadn't seeded in the 1st place this stuff wouldn't be up on RS.

If your talking about 0 day trackers there are many trackers like IPT and LL which you can easily seed back and the speed of releasing is also the same anyways in most cases the 1st copy which is released is nuked so its better to wait and get the proper.
blr_p said:
But you can see IP addr's of all those in the swarm, no ?
Having said that i've yet to hear of individual downloaders being busted, they usually go for the top prize, the site itself, see oink or TPB.

Thats incorrect .. The tracker tracks only those IP Address that are classified as public .. If your account has Anonymous access then it doesnt report your address to the Tracker .. I suggest you check out SCC and thier donation plans ...
aryayush said:
I have uploaded 1.69TB on TorrentLeech. As someone who’s spent years burning the midnight oil and leaving files seeded for weeks trying to get some upload in, I hardly qualify as being a non-sharer. Being in India and with no means to lay my hands on “stuff” apart from the Internet, I have no way to share original content. And neither, I presume, do you. I don’t know why people talk about seeding as if it’s easy, or even realistically possible for a lot of files, to do. If you have any experience with BitTorrent, and specially private trackers, at all, you know that’s not true, even if you refuse to admit it publicly.
If you expect anyone to converse with you, get rid of that filthy mouth of yours first. I don’t need to listen to your comments about my job or skills. I’m sure the company I write for has a far better grasp of my writing skills than you could possibly hope to achieve. Shut up and mind your own business if you can’t burden yourself with learning how to be courteous and polite.

Last year i had practically three seedboxes running with me .. EAch was costing me abt 500 Rs per month .. In one month i used to upload to any god damn tracker abt 1tb .. Now do the maths ..
Hell i uploaded 2tb in TL + 2tb Revtt last year when the popular games were out .. I could have agreed with you on SCT and BitMeTv but i guess u dont even knw what that is ..
RS- 80 - 150gb per month max ... Torrents you can stretch to any limit ..
You should knw what to seed and how to seed .. Obviously is you are gonna seed non popular stuff then no one will download from you resulting in no upoad like you .. If you have been in the scene for a while then you should knw that there are release catalogs for movies and games availble .. Just get those and seed the popular ones ..
Its not that hard if u apply your brain or atleast you can try to rather than just acting clueless abt everything ..

On another note one is only polite to ppl whom he deems worthy of...
Apart from that : Please be ready for some international Spat (more like you wil be drenched in that) ... Posted this on FST and you seem to be international joker of the month ...

Could you please tell me how long were you trying to get invites man?
I'll just be a spectator for this discussion for now. I know this will get nasty somewhere down the line. ;)

Just wanted to add that I have completely shifted to HTTP download for a whole year now. Started using RS Premium last year in July & since then never looked back at Torrent. I, for one, agree with aryayush. I know how painful it's been for me having a 2Mbps NU plan & getting just 23-43KBps download speed via Torrent. Waiting for seeders & peers to build up, getting invites for private trackers, port forwarding, tweaking the clients etc. had been a really head bashing task. I was never able to utilise my full bandwidth speed (except for once over HD-Bits.ro may be).

Once I shifted to RS Premium, life has been so much easier. Never had any issues with it & always got my optimum download speed. I could surf & download simultaneously without any problems. I don't mind paying 200 bucks for it. Also I have found a wide array of content which I could somehow never find on any Torrent site.
Just to touch up another fact that Most of the releases that you see on popular RS/MU boards are gotten from the PvT Trackers only ..
Y dont you do an excersice ... Lets see your level of knowledge ..
Can you compare the Pre times of a PvT tracker like scT or SCC and compare them with those of a RS Board .. RS Boards get games atleast 8-9 hrs later than the trackers man ..
Direct downloads is not the source of Content whereas BT can now be classified as a Content source .. Content dsnt originate in RS Servers u knw ..
Rapidshare is only for leechers who arnt at all bothered abt the community aspect of sharing .. y pay for somethiing every month when its available for free ...
Anyways i suggest the OP to actually give BT a proper try .. Since you are kinda guy whose in the internet the whole day trying joining some IRC Channels and forums .. Get to knw ppl there and then ask for invites .. From what i have seen most of the ppl just enter a forum and start asking for a invite which seems like begging to others( and probably what you would have done) ..

If possible try joining ratio free trackers like TheGFT,Pretome and FtN .. Then you wudnt have to worry abt the ratios :P
apextwin146 said:
Rapidshare is only for leechers who arnt at all bothered abt the community aspect of sharing .. y pay for somethiing every month when its available for free ...
If that was the case then it would be the least popular means for HTTP downloading. If you move your head over to the other side & look at the HTTP scene, there are a lot of people who upload over HTTP based websites & Rapidshare is just one of them. We choose to pay for it because it provides the designated service. PERIOD. Also people upload content on RS because they have an added benefit of gaining RS points, where in you can extend your a/c for free. So if you're a heavy uploader then you can get a free a/c(s) depending on how much you upload. :)
^^ So true, one is paid, other is not.

But just an observation - the article has been written with extreme bias towards BT. If its a rant then ok; but if you are trying to be informative, then it lost its purpose somewhere around the second para.

+ Could you lower the font size, my reading speed decreased by half.
Ethan_Hunt said:
If that was the case then it would be the least popular means for HTTP downloading. If you move your head over to the other side & look at the HTTP scene, there are a lot of people who upload over HTTP based websites & Rapidshare is just one of them. We choose to pay for it because it provides the designated service. PERIOD. Also people upload content on RS because they have an added benefit of gaining RS points, where in you can extend your a/c for free. So if you're a heavy uploader then you can get a free a/c(s) depending on how much you upload. :)

Did you read my reply in which i mentioned pre times? Pls check that and let me knw for any warez site u use .. AS i already pointed the source for most of the content is Scene .. from the scene the stuff goes to BT Trackers with 3-5 seconds and then from there to Rapidshare .. Ppl upload to RS the content from scene that they get from Trackers ..
Trust me on that as ihave been into this for years now ...
aryayush said:
Being in India and with no means to lay my hands on “stuff†apart from the Internet, I have no way to share original content. And neither, I presume, do you. I don’t know why people talk about seeding as if it’s easy, or even realistically possible for a lot of files, to do. If you have any experience with BitTorrent, and specially private trackers, at all, you know that’s not true, even if you refuse to admit it publicly.

That's not true. Who says you don't have original stuff to upload? If you have to be useful, you will find a way. Why not buy some DVDs, rip them and upload them. I know you'll be miles behind the releasers, but these days, anything goes!
Let us not deviate from the topic at hand, which is being patient and having the will to share and give back what you have taken from the community.
No original content, no problem. Just seed. Its that simple you know.
I cannot understand what your problem is against seeding the files you download.

aryayush said:
I’m glad we’re reaching a consensus here. My point is that if you can pay Rs. 300 per month (and Rs. 500 if you want a lot of high definition content), if you think time is more important than money, then direct downloads are the best option.

The money is more important! You spend all the time to make that F'ing money! LOL Or do you have some tree from where you just pluck the money? :rofl: Seriously, when you have worked hard enough to get that money, then you realize its importance. Because that money will allow you to get your HD content.
But I am again deviating from the main point in contention. I asked you this earlier, how will students manage? How will all those people, who do not want to pay for pirated material, manage? Not by paying obviously!

aryayush said:
If, on the other hand, paying is just not an option at all, of course BitTorrent is great. I said that right out of the gate. But you did make one excellent point that I overlooked—the learning experience. My article was to point out to you the convenience of direct downloads. But if you are an enthusiast and want to get hands-on training about the various file-sharing protocols, it pays to invest time and effort into using BitTorrent. I try to avoid using it if I can but I do not regret all that it has given me in terms of knowledge.

Well said.:)

aryayush said:
Also, regardless of which option you pick, it’s generally a good idea to pay attention to the other one as well. Because there will always be times when you’ll not find a particular file you’re looking for on one of the two protocols and being able to grab it from the other one will come in handy.

I said that already in my earlier post.

aryayush said:
I still would like to restate, however, that if you’ve been busting your ass trying to get a BitTorrent invite or struggling with the ratio requirements, don’t be afraid of being called a leecher and try out direct downloads. If you live in India, you’re a leecher anyway, even if it’s not by choice.

I think you are the only one who has been busting his ass to get an invite and to maintain a ratio.
Calling everyone a leecher isn't going to change the state of affairs.

You know what? You work for your invites. You work to maintain that ratio. Nothing comes for free. You should know that very well as you pay a good amount just to maintain your premium accounts. It is just like real life, where you work hard to earn money. Money, that buys you your premium accounts. Same way, you work at seeding, which gives you a good ratio over time. That good ratio becomes proof of your steadfastness and brings you invites to better trackers where speed and even ratios are not a problem.
Everything works incrementally. There are no short-cuts in life brother.

In my first reply I said that you are comparing two very different things. Such a discussion won't lead anyone anywhere.


This is already nasty brother! :D Any discussion that compares Bittorrent to HTTP (AKA Rapidshare) is gonna turn nasty sooner or later. People will always take sides.
apextwin146 said:
Did you read my reply in which i mentioned pre times? Pls check that and let me knw for any warez site u use .. AS i already pointed the source for most of the content is Scene .. from the scene the stuff goes to BT Trackers with 3-5 seconds and then from there to Rapidshare .. Ppl upload to RS the content from scene that they get from Trackers ..
Trust me on that as ihave been into this for years now ...
So have I. I'm not a newbie here. I don't care what the source is as long as I receive the desired material without any delay. I wouldn't want my speed to boost only after a bunch of seeders decide to build up. Plain and simple.

Just out of curiosity, let me ask you, how long does it take "you" to download once the source has posted the required file? Do you get instant flood of seeders?

I have seen stuff being uploaded by people on RS within 1-2 hours (or may be less) of it being originated on Torrents. And guess what, I don't have to wait for anything to build up. Just enqueue & download at full speed.

@phoenix844884: I don't mind people taking sides, but while doing so they need to understand others opinions as well. Also having a clean discussion is what counts, regardless of what we feel works best for us. I don't diss BitTorrent. No, sir. I had a rather unsatisfactory experience with it & hence I shared that part. ;)
I agree on most of points mentioned by the thread starter.
I always had intentions to maintain proper ratio, even go beyond it for the community, but the damn net speeds don't let me achieve a good ratio.
Many times I end up seeding more content than I downloaded but it doesn't reflect on the ratio.

I've tried talking on IRC, etc. & must say the attitude of the private trackers is pathetic, some are good but maximum are unable to talk in a condusive manner.

Though the huge positive of things being free cannot be ignored!
U write this because u cant get into private trackers and dont have access to high speeds.
Well i am one of the lucky ones who have both :p
torrents ftw

Awesome article man!! :D

I've really been thinking about the 'feds/police tracking us' thing!!
Is it possible here?

btw one thing I like about bit torrent is like, just dl the torrent, start and forget!
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