Did know mac boy was into torrents also.
I am also bored of private trackers. What a waste of life. i.e precious Time.
I am also bored of private trackers. What a waste of life. i.e precious Time.
apextwin146 said:Just to touch up another fact that Most of the releases that you see on popular RS/MU boards are gotten from the PvT Trackers only ..
Y dont you do an excersice ... Lets see your level of knowledge ..
Can you compare the Pre times of a PvT tracker like scT or SCC and compare them with those of a RS Board .. RS Boards get games atleast 8-9 hrs later than the trackers man ..
apextwin146 said:Thats incorrect .. The tracker tracks only those IP Address that are classified as public .. If your account has Anonymous access then it doesnt report your address to the Tracker .. I suggest you check out SCC and thier donation plans ...
Care to explain to me how it works and what the subscription prices are? Does it have movies in 1080p high definition? Is there any way to try it out before paying for it?
Ha ha ha! You’re kidding, right? That’s exactly what it’s about. It may not be for you (for which I congratulate you) but it is for most of the people here. But I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that. I wouldn’t spend even ten rupees on something if it didn’t seem worth it to me, so I don’t expect anyone to spend five hundred bucks for something just because I think it’s good either. My problem is not that people are not willing to pay for it; my problem is that they’re not willing to try or are ignorant about the options.ReekingArchvile said:trust me its not abt 400-500 bux
Good point. However, I have two rebuttals:ReekingArchvile said:we indians still have the heeby the jeebies while making a online transact, if there was a proper gateway where we could pay in INR and was reachable to us easily ( in the form of a Indian RS agency or something ) ..every user on this forum even a 13 year old would had a RS account.
Think about it we all know what you are trying to say but to diss a free thing is just unfair on your part, online transaction is still a taboo and will be for a long time until someone markets it really well,
Er, I already use a premium e-mail service which I pay $99 per year for. It has more features than Gmail and is more reliable and fast. I never hesitate to pay for quality, specially for something as important as e-mail, which my entire work life is pinned on.ReekingArchvile said:just imagine if one of our Email services went paid and promised this and that while another service coexisted for free which just got the job done, what would you opt for?
I don’t understand this Indian mentality. A joke is only funny if there is a goofy smiley next to it. If someone posts a controversial statement without adding an “IMHO†next to it, it is regarded as flaming. What the hell! “IMO†expands to “In My Opinionâ€. Well, guess what, everything I write anywhere is my own opinion, unless I specify otherwise. Why do I have to go around stating that something is my opinion? It makes no freaking sense! I refuse to cow down to this meek attitude just so that I am not flamed by some oversensitive pinheads on an online forum. Honestly, the quality of anything I write (which is sullied by redundant additions like “IMHOâ€) is more important to me than what anyone else thinks of me (unless they happen to be people I personally know and whose opinion I respect).ReekingArchvile said:Adding a Big IMO sometimes saves a lot of flames .
Originally Posted by aryayush
This is the part that genuinely surprises me. Are you telling me that you use only public trackers and get everything you want at decent speeds and are satisfied with the experience? If yes, man, you must have stumbled upon a secret formula, because I’ve tried to do that so many times and have put in genuine efforts into getting it to work but it simply hasn’t for me.
aryayush said:OK, here’s an apt analogy. One of my cousins commutes to and from New Delhi to his office in Gurgaon every day. He has one of those passes that allows him to use the toll road and he pays a certain sum per month for it, even though he could just as easily take the longer toll-free road and save those bucks.
Why? Because time is money. And his saving half-an-hour every day is worth much more than spending Rs. 250 per month. In an exactly similar fashion, every hour I save by using direct downloads instead of BitTorrent (and you’ve got to be kidding me if you claim that BitTorrent doesn’t require you to spend more time than direct downloads) is more precious to me than the five hundred odd bucks I spend each month to get that luxury.
2. And if you really (really? seriously?) are scared of online transactions, there are tens (if not hundreds) of RapidShare dealers all over India who sell genuine accounts for prices as low as Rs. 200 (because they earn it via points, essentially for free) and you can pay them simply by recharging their prepaid mobile. I mean, it’s as secure as it gets, specially once you’ve dealt with one person and have had a flawless transaction.