I second this.. Bought a 6s right on the day of release. Still running strong. Notice that I use the word strong, and not 'okay' or 'fine' or any similar word. Moreover, it is running the latest OS without a hitch. I do whole-heartedly agree that I don't like the direction in which Apple is going today.
If you were a mobile developer/game developer, you would understand just how much easy/better it is to code in iOS, than in Android. There's a reason why most famous applications usually launch first on iOS and then on Android. And just please, can we not resort to blind name calling and generalization? Each person has their own specific usecase, and they buy devices according to it. Why do others even judge? And as for the status symbol, I have covered my 6s from head to toe (yes, it even covers the Apple logo at the back) in the thickest Spigen case that I could find at the time of launch. I couldn't care less for the logo or branding, anyway. Ultimately, it is the user experience and each person's individual usecase that matters.
Honestly, why would you buy a phone for showoff? I agree it is expensive, but ultimately your money is what's going down the drain! I would actually like to go through all your problems, one-by-one.
1.) No parallel space for app cloning (dual apps)
First off, you knew beforehand that you needed this feature. Why proceed with the Xs? These days people read reviews of the device they want to buy for months on an end, to make a wise purchase. You could have done that.. And yes, I do agree that it can be useful, but once again the Xs series was only the start of the iPhones to have dual SIM feature, so maybe they might enable it in a future update. You never know..
2.) No Call recording
Same question as the previous one.. As you said in one of the succeeding posts
When it is that important, and you knew iPhones wouldn't provide native call recording functionality, why fall into the trap? And I did notice one TE member posted the link for third-party call recording apps, which are paid. It's just a simple assumption by app developers that if a customer is willing to buy a phone for more than a lakh, he would not hesitate to pay a meagre Rs. 100 to 300 bucks for an application, which may be of utmost importance to him.
3.) No Data Clear Option for apps
This one, I will give it to you. Even I'm pissed off at Apple for not providing this feature.
4.) No screen recording
Well, I'm pretty sure the feature is present, and maybe there is a bug that is affecting only the Xs batch of phones. Just give it a couple of days, there will be a fix!
5.) No App Lock
I never really get the concept of App Locks. You have a centralized locking system (a.k.a. FaceID). Why would you want to have multiple passwords within the UI itself? That would only lead to a slower experience. But yeah, if you
really needed it, you could have bought any phone at 1/5th the price and had that feature.
6.) No 3.5mm headphone jack
One of the main reasons for me not upgrading to the latest ones. But apparently, you don't have much problem with it. And moreover, apart from the S10 series, most of the top flagship phones these days omit that feature.
7.) Low Resolution Screen Display

This is like saying the orange wasn't good just because the color wasn't a flashy orange!

There are so many things that go into making a display, a great one. Heck, the phone that I have (6s) has a less than 720p screen, but I really have no qualms about it. In fact, I am extremely happy with it! Fine, let us go by your assumption that it is a
low resolution display. Considering the Xs has something with a greater than 1080p resolution, it actually hits the right spot between preserving battery life and display quality. We already saw what happened when Sony launched the first phone with 4K display about 3-4 years back (I think). The battery sucked, and Sony enabled the 4K option only during the camera app. The rest of the times it downscaled it to a lower resolution. And moreover, the Xs Max has more than 2K pixels on the horizontal and just a few pixels less than 2K on the vertical. If that is low ...
8.) Low battery capacity
I agree, this is where Apple lacks the most. But don't just be fooled by the battery capacity that is on the spec sheet. That only tells part of the story. The other part is what we can't really see. It is the optimizations that Apple does, to make it run more efficiently. iOS 11 was such a big mess, but I'm sure they corrected almost all of it in iOS 12 (someone correct me if I'm wrong).
9.) Several other software limitations
Well, you can have only one of the two: Privacy
(OR) Convenience. Apple chooses the former, Google
CHOSE the latter, but I'm guessing from other Android user's messages that even Google is slowly changing to the former.
You knew what you were getting yourself into. This is like you dumping a bucket of worms on yourself, and complaining about it. It's all about perspective and usecases. I'm just sad you didn't analyze all that before buying. Now, if you want to have a sane, and a reasonable conversation, I'm all ears. Any name calling or stupid generalizations, might as well stop from typing because I'm just gonna skip it!