iOS Why is iPhone so useless but so famed?

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Ok I understand that Apple iOS is butter smooth and every app is optimized for individual iPhones. But I can state several reasons why I find iPhone to be useless except for the camera and showoff(considering I'm using iPhone Xs since October 2018) -

No Parallel Space all app cloning( All Dual account apps are fake and only offer social account cloning )
No Call recording (All call recording apps on iOS store are fake and offer cloud based call recording for which you will need to merge the call manually each time while placing a call)
No Data clear option for apps- meaning u will have to reinstall the app all over again to create a fresh account
No Screen recording- Screen recording seems to be useless on the iPhone Xs due to a software issue(Latest update)
No Applock
No 3.5mm headphone jack( Let's just cut this off since we have dedicated AirPods and inthebox EarPods for iPhones)
Low Resolution Screen Display
Low battery capacity
Several other software limitations

So basically an iPhone is for dumb people who only want it for showoff?
I feel even camera is over hyped. I have seen so many youtubers film their youtube videos with iphones that i can make out by seeing a video if an iphone was used for shooting it. and this is not due to quality. this is due to the blocky grain we see in videos and pics. iphones have that distinct grain on the videos even in 720p videos (that look like 360p quality) that i haven't seen in other mobiles. Not saying other mobiles have grain free video or pictures, i'm just saying that other mobiles do not have that tell tale mark of same vertical grain type images.
Ok I understand that Apple iOS is butter smooth and every app is optimized for individual iPhones. But I can state several reasons why I find iPhone to be useless except for the camera and showoff(considering I'm using iPhone Xs since October 2018) -

No Parallel Space all app cloning( All Dual account apps are fake and only offer social account cloning )
No Call recording (All call recording apps on iOS store are fake and offer cloud based call recording for which you will need to merge the call manually each time while placing a call)
No Data clear option for apps- meaning u will have to reinstall the app all over again to create a fresh account
No Screen recording- Screen recording seems to be useless on the iPhone Xs due to a software issue(Latest update)
No Applock
No 3.5mm headphone jack( Let's just cut this off since we have dedicated AirPods and inthebox EarPods for iPhones)
Low Resolution Screen Display
Low battery capacity
Several other software limitations

So basically an iPhone is for dumb people who only want it for showoff?
exactly my thoughts, anyhow I cannot afford any iphones
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Its just a status symbol to flaunt something too costly yet useless for the given price. I feel its a sheer waste of financial resources.
Any cheap android can very well beat even the costliest of iphones on the earth in terms of Customization and usability where the ratio is simply 10:100. (10:iphone 100:android)

I will better invest this huge sum in something profitable or paying emis.

More importantly those middle class people who really value for money will always choose wisely and wont fall for those shitty peer pressures and fake prestige & status.

Iphones are for kids, noobs and for very ltd. tech savvy people whereas android is a vast open world for anyone who wants to keep exploring and customizing without any limitations & still if anything just bypass those limitations.

Btw the scenario is slowly changing as off late many popular stars and richies have been flaunting Androids (that too chinese brands).
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Why so much hate on the iPhone? Define useless? I'm on a 6S for 4 years and love it. Still crunches what it needs to without batting an eyelid pushing the latest version of iOS.

Just cos someone owns an iPhone don't make him a Chu or whatever.
There are people on both sides:
1. A friend had 30k budget. We pushed him for Oneplus 6. He settled for iPhone 6s. They guy admits that show-off was a factor in the decision.
2. A friend bought Iphone 7. Realised it was a mistake. Sold it and bought a PS4.

People are happy with their choices, who are we to judge?
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I will agree that majority of the masses in India wants to flaunt iphones just for status sake or fearing peer pressure.
But in the west esp US it is kind of a basic phone brand just how we had Nokia in its era.
Have seen people in steal-beg-borrow situation where they actually preferred starving and saving whatever money they have just for buying a piece of iphone in the end.
I personally never found anything so fancy about it. Its just a small phone with limited and secured functionality. Nothing compared to android.

My wifey wanted to gift us a couple iphone on our anniversary I straightway said Hell No!! No need to waste lacs on crap like this.
And glad the same money was used for some medial emergencies later on. She applauded my decision.
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Iphone X is the equivalent of 6h SOT. I would not call that low battery. Its good battery, barely.

Why do you need more resolution on such a tiny screen. That low resolution helps with battery savings as it takes less work to move pixels around. I'd rather see companies improve the quality of screens and keep pixel count low than trying to cram yet more pixels into a new screen.

I'm typing this on a laptop with a 15" screen that is capable of 4k yet i've reduced it to FHD because that's all that is needed.

As for call recording this is becoming an issue even on Android with Pie. Never a problem earlier. Why the heck do they want to create this problem for no good reason.

Still not possible in Android to record a whatsapp call unless you use speakerphone so i keep my phone calls to the cell network only.
As for call recording this is becoming an issue even on Android with Pie. Never a problem earlier. Why the heck do they want to create this problem for no good reason.

Still not possible in Android to record a whatsapp call unless you use speakerphone so i keep my phone calls to the cell network only.
Call recording is easily available even on Pie if the device has inbuilt app lock and call recording like One Plus 6T or Mi. But incase of an iPhone made entirely for showoff, it doesn't even have basic functions. There is no way one can use an iPhone as a primary phone because of lack of call recording which is risky. Tomorrow if someone calls you and start trash talking with you or abusing you or some call centre guy making fun of you, then you must have sort of proof in your hand, which you can replay to your friends or family and take suggestions as on what to do. An iPhone is the very definition of being fooled by peer pressure
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Call recording is easily available even on Pie if the device has inbuilt app lock and call recording like One Plus 6T or Mi. But incase of an iPhone made entirely for showoff, it doesn't even have basic functions. There is no way one can use an iPhone as a primary phone because of lack of call recording which is risky
Whats the relation or logic between a primary phone and call recording btw?
Most of us use only a single phone with either dual or single sim but it doesn't necessarily mean we keep recording all calls on our only phone aka primary one. I assume not everyone of us get threat calls etc.
I got inbuilt call recorder but seldom use it except when it is necessity on a rare occasion else I dont even bother or care about it.

It is just an optional feature (not mandatory) on which iphone developers were never able to work upon solely due to the security and privacy concerns of Apple. And now Google also following apple on these very concerns.
But now Apple store got some call recording apps.

For Pie users just root your phones and enjoy call recording apps.
Whats the relation or logic between a primary phone and call recording btw?
Most of us use only a single phone with either dual or single sim but it doesn't necessarily mean we keep recording all calls on our only phone aka primary one. I assume not everyone of us get threat calls etc.
I got inbuilt call recorder but seldom use it except when it is necessity on a rare occasion else I dont even bother or care about it.

It is just an optional feature (not mandatory) on which iphone developers were never able to work upon solely due to the security and privacy concerns of Apple. And now Google also following apple on these very concerns.
But now Apple store got some call recording apps.

For Pie users just root your phones and enjoy call recording apps.

For your kind information, all those apps are paid/week, and they only offer cloud based call recording for which you have to manually merge the call with cloud phone no. every time or use the in-app call facility which uses your phone no. If you are so rich that you can afford virtual call recording apps and can manually merge calls to cloud numbers every time you make a call, then good for you
Call recording is easily available even on Pie if the device has inbuilt app lock and call recording like One Plus 6T or Mi.
Which app are you using to record calls on Pie ?

That is NOT what the people who make ACR say about Pie. In fact one has to use a different app store to update that app now as the google play has rules that screw with numbers. You dont see the number of the recording like in the past. This makes the app effectively useless.

I find it extremely irritating that things that worked without question start breaking for no good reason with OS updates. I'm still on N having refused O for this simple reason. Can't roll back.

But incase of an iPhone made entirely for showoff, it doesn't even have basic functions. There is no way one can use an iPhone as a primary phone because of lack of call recording which is risky. Tomorrow if someone calls you and start trash talking with you or abusing you or some call centre guy making fun of you, then you must have sort of proof in your hand, which you can replay to your friends or family and take suggestions as on what to do.
I record all calls as i find it useful to keep a record of things. Saves misunderstandings.
Which app are you using to record calls on Pie ?

That is NOT what the people who make ACR say about Pie. In fact one has to use a different app store to update that app now as the google play store because it won't record numbers properly. This makes the app effectively useless/

I record all calls as i find it useful to keep a record of things. Saves misunderstandings.

I use the One Plus 6T IN-BUILT Call recorder. It's available with the phone itself from the beginning no matter which Android version you use(WITHOUT ANY ROOTING). And it's currently on Android PIE
I use the One Plus 6T IN-BUILT Call recorder. It's available with the phone itself from the beginning no matter which Android version you use(WITHOUT ANY ROOTING)
Does it automatically record calls without being prompted and both sides. Whether on BT or not ?

LG has one too but its quite basic and requires you to hit the record button instead of doing it automatically like ACR.

See, i don't want to be tied to phone just to have this feature. An app should handle it regardless of the phone. Pie screws with call recording apps.
Does it automatically record calls without being prompted and both sides. Whether on BT or not ?

See, i don't want to be tied to phone just to have this feature. An app should handle it regardless of the phone.

Yes it works like a flawless call recorder on Android PIE. But doesn't record facebook messenger or whatsapp calls ofcourse
Yes it works like a flawless call recorder. But doesn't record facebook messenger or whatsapp calls ofcourse
no way to do facebook or whatsapp, So oneplus has found a way around google's Pie restrictions. Great.

The days when i thought google could do no wrong are long over. I hate both google & apple
Whats the relation or logic between a primary phone and call recording btw?
Most of us use only a single phone with either dual or single sim but it doesn't necessarily mean we keep recording all calls on our only phone aka primary one. I assume not everyone of us get threat calls etc.
I got inbuilt call recorder but seldom use it except when it is necessity on a rare occasion else I dont even bother or care about it.

It is just an optional feature (not mandatory) on which iphone developers were never able to work upon solely due to the security and privacy concerns of Apple. And now Google also following apple on these very concerns.
But now Apple store got some call recording apps.

For Pie users just root your phones and enjoy call recording apps.

Also I would like to point out that call recording is extremely important. I always listen to every call recording to keep a record of everything or if I missed some part in the call, I can hear to it again. Atleast for me it is very important
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