Why no pics of the 'objects' being shot down in the US/Can ?

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It's the US, so pretty sure they won't release the files. And even when they do, it'll be downsized to oblivion.

Also, could be a response from US to test how China reacts. Its like 4D chess but no one knows that is going to happen next, because they know what's going to happen next will not happen because the other party knows what will happen.
So why haven't we seen even one ?
Haven't even seen one what?

Spy balloons are not a new tech. They've been around for more than 200 years.
Not the first one. The more interesting cylindrical and octagonal ones .

“We’re calling them objects for a reason. I’m not able to categorize how they stay aloft.”
Not the first one. The more interesting cylindrical and octagonal ones .

“We’re calling them objects for a reason. I’m not able to categorize how they stay aloft.”
Which basically means 'we have not yet figured out what technology it is' and till they get to disassemble and possibly reverse engineer it, that's what they will say.

That's how military talks, or should talk. They don't speculate. They just deal with facts on hand.
I always ask myself why aliens only go to USA first and not any other country in this planet. Then i remember that they are just making drama to get higher military budgets to waste.

Just reading the source of the headline should give you the truth behind such comments.

I Haven't Ruled Out Anything.' U.S. General Doesn't Eliminate Aliens As UFOs Mount​

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I always ask myself why aliens only go to USA first and not any other country in this planet.
Haven't you seen the movies? They want to destroy the white house.
Not the military bases, not the missile silos, not their airfields or aircraft carries, just the white house.
Man! you need to get with the program

Also, these aliens who figured out interstellar travel and came all the way from another star system are somehow just fascinated by slow AF US ships, and haven't figured out a better surveillance technology than good old binoculars.
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First time they have had to deal with incursions from China and see how they react

Ya, we should sit down together and compare notes. We can tell them how we handle the midgets from up north :D

For instance the last encounter didn't go so well for them. They tried to surprise 50 of our guys at 3AM with 300 of theirs to take a ridge we captured back in '87. Since we control it we can see into their territory. If they capture it they can see the roads leading to Tawang. Seeing in military speak means you can interdict it.

Their 300 got outnumbered by 400 of ours who then proceeded to kick the living daylights out of them. Chased them back to their base and threatened to kill them. It was at this point they fired warning shots to tell us to back off. What do you expect when you throw conscripts at pros? these guys can't even handle the altitude and need oxygen cylinders. Our guys have to tough it out at the heights with none of that for at least three months.

I know this happened because China played it down in their press, the usual Pak bots weren't out offering Burnol.

Only the Indian opposition was jumping up and down. That happens when we win. Like when we smashed Balakote.
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Haven't you seen the movies? They want to destroy the white house.
Not the military bases, not the missile silos, not their airfields or aircraft carries, just the white house.
Man! you need to get with the program

Also, these aliens who figured out interstellar travel and came the way from another star systems are somehow just fascinated by slow AF US ships, and haven't figured out a better surveillance technology than good old binoculars.
Chinese have to do something to save face. US subs can sneak up close to the Chinese coast and intelligence gather without the Chinese being any the wiser. That is the missing context here. Recall that incident of the US sub that hit something and had to limp back a while ago.

Chinese are far behind in the SIGINT game. Yet, the media makes it look like it's the Americans on the backfoot :facepalm:

So the Americans have been sneaking up on them for ages with subs maybe one time too many and China decided to respond with balloons which are much cheaper and over their heads in a blatant manner.

The message to the US is to stop spying on China. The Americans must have pulled off something big recently, hehe. Or more likely XJP needs to distract his people from internal problems by externalising them. The same will be done with India.

None of this going to stop, its just psychological warfare. Everything with the CCP is political. Not so much military.

This theory going around that there are hardline factions in the PLA that want to sabotage relations with the US and that XJP cannot control them is nonsense.

If it is happening to the extent that Blinken has to cancel a visit then you can be sure it's been greenlighted from the top.

We've seen the same back in 2014 when XJP is on a state visit and surprise, surprise his guys are also paying us a visit at the border at the same time?

This' rogue PLA commander' theory got floated back then too.

The PLA is not China's army like the army is for most other countries. The job of the PLA is to defend the CCP. You can be sure they don't move unless they get their orders.
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So, there were indications of aliens in the past?
I think they recently released some grainy videos of fighter jet pilots trying to chase some really fast moving object. Plus there were reports that their ships were being followed by some kind of super fast drones. No videos of those drones though. They don't provide any evidence and expect everyone to believe them since they're sitting on a pedestal.
US military's first shot at unknown octagonal object over Lake Huron missed,

The U.S. military jet that downed an unknown object in the Michigan sky on Sunday missed on its first attempt over Lake Huron, officials told Fox News.

The Air Force F-16 jet was using Sidewinder missiles to attack the target.

"The first Sidewinder heat-seeking missile missed the target," one official said.

It wasn't clear where the missile that missed ultimately landed. The second missile took down the target. Each of the missiles costs more than $400,000.
I think they recently released some grainy videos of fighter jet pilots trying to chase some really fast moving object. Plus there were reports that their ships were being followed by some kind of super fast drones. No videos of those drones though. They don't provide any evidence and expect everyone to believe them since they're sitting on a pedestal.
It's more likely that USA's military has a black project that very few people are aware of. Such projects are classified for years if not decades.

Examples of United States military aircraft developed as black projects include the Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk stealth attack aircraft and the Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit stealth bomber, both of which were highly classified and publicly denied until they were ready to be announced to the public.
The thinking is the balloon payload contained a one-shot jammer to make the AIM-9 miss.

Sidewinders don't miss especially not against a balloon. They are supposed to chase after jets and brought down Abhinandan

Something else was noticed when they brought the balloon down. A small secondary explosion occurred after. A self-destruct mechanism had engaged probably automatically as a safety measure if the gyros detected a sudden acceleration.
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