I have a friend who does same what neha is saying. He blackmails corrupt officials, fixes a meeting later & makes 'peace'![]()
^Yup, thats what peace means![]()
btw he is the same guy who makes buttload of money with NGO [we discussed about this too in TE, hope you remember]. He is good at exploiting Gov & making money. And says Arvind Kejrival is his guru, LOL
^^ I recently had a number of dealings with Dadar Police Station for official work. When it came to cases of RTI activists being killed or beaten, I noticed that most of the so called 'RTI Activists' were in fact blackmailers. They used to collect sensitive information and then extort money from the person against whom the information could spell trouble.
The RTI Act is one of the most misused pieces of legislation. Similarly, Section 498A IPC and the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act are the other 2 commonly misused pieces of legislation.
And if the RTI activists are using information just to blackmail people with it and extort money, I would rather prefer them being dead. When I ask common people if they have ever used the RTI for any genuine benefit, the reply is almost always negative. In fact, despite being a final year law student who is practicing, I have used the RTI only about a dozen times for some official work.
And the information is only given to the applicant and not published as such!
How can 'sensitive information' be privy to RTI ?
How so ?
The blackmailed public official isnt the bad guy, its the RTI activist.
The RTI Act is one of the most misused pieces of legislation. Similarly, Section 498A IPC and the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act are the other 2 commonly misused pieces of legislation.
^^ Sensitive information here means information sensitive enough to cause discomfort to a public officer or any person to whom such information pertains...
What were you thinking?? Defense secrets??![]()
^^ For that you need to be either a lawyer (law student) or a police officer or a member of the Judiciary. It is too much to explain in too small a space. Please google the sections/acts and you will still get enough information explaining 'how so?'...
^^ So, isn't that exactly what I said in the first place??
After saying anything and everything here, I can bet that everyone posting here is just gonna go back and live his own life. That is how it works.![]()
#blr_p : I know that you have a knack for posting comments and counter comments and arguing with people for any length of time... Well, here's news: I don't give a damn for what you think.
I posted a view which was substantiated by another member #avi by giving an example. Now, if you are so keen on typing lengthy passages and improving your English, please find sumone else!.
And the fact that you do not know how the sections and acts I mentioned are being misused clearly indicates your lack of general knowledge. I would suggest you start reading up on a good national daily.
Ohh... And BTW, the last time I argued with a member in GT, that member got banned for a week. Not to mention that our relationship got sour forever. It's in our best interest to try and avoid anything like that.
So, as you cannot stop me from posting anything that I want and as I am not at all interesting in proving any of my points to you, let's just keep our views about each other to ourselves! I sincerely hope we do not have to quote each other again...![]()
After saying anything and everything here, I can bet that everyone posting here is just gonna go back and live his own life. That is how it works.![]()
@ OP: I am not saying that your views are wrong. Just that nothing is gonna happen over it! I am just being practical.
The RTI Act is one of the most misused pieces of legislation. Similarly, Section 498A IPC and the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act are the other 2 commonly misused pieces of legislation.
I for one definitely agree that RTI is one of the most misabused/abused/overused legislation.
I for one definitely agree that RTI is one of the most misabused/abused/overused legislation.
Can anyone, who knows about RTI start an thread on it.
I'll give you something better than a thread. I'll give you a forum!! Here: http://www.rtiindia.org/forum/content/![]()
5) The CIC does not go into merits of the case or quote any sections as to why the information need not be disclosed. She just deduces that the applicant is settling personal score and 'dismisses the appeal'.
Finally, we get one source..
Search for the word 'abuse' on that page finds this..
HC fines man Rs 50,000 for seeking private info under RTI
Read the comments below (esp. Atul Patankar) to see how contentious the ruling is.