why should I buy an android phone?

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sumedhmumbai said:
There is no annoying lag and everything just works better overall.

try running IOS 4 on 3G with multitasking
Convenient illogical excuse. No one cares if Windows 7 doesn't run on your Pentium II either. The difference with Android is, you may not even get a SINGLE update. Like the Xperia X10. After dropping so much cash on it, it is still stuck on Android 1.6. The phone reaches EOL within MONTHS, not years.

The only sensible Android phone to buy is the Nexus One or HTC Desire. Everything else has bootrom signature checking and cannot load a stock Android ROM so you can't update if the company decides to stop caring about the phone. (Which happens VERY soon with Android phones).
Hey I just need one more answer...

Just had the luck that one of my friend is selling his Xperia X10. (16k since it is for me)

The phone is 3-4 months sparingly used, bought from outside. so no warranty.

As I searched, I found a lot of bad reviews on the mobile especially with the mobiles OS being still 1.6. Though SE is saying there will be an update soon, no news about that exist till now.

Is this a good buy? I know it is a good bargain since it is for 16k. But I a not that rich to invest too much on mobile phones every year when it cost above 10k. :ohyeah:

Let the replies pour in..... :cool2:
As a phone, yes it is a good phone.. good music quality, decent camera, OS runs pretty smoothly (ignore professional reviews coz if you test High-end Android phones with 2.2/2.1 as soon as they come out, even a small lag in a phone is sure to get a whipping)... From purely Android perspective 1.6 is a outdated.. Most Android phones today have 2.1 and some 2.2... And 16K for Xperia without warranty isn't exactly a bargain coz a new one is on Ebay is for 20 K so you should be able to get it for ~19 k locally...
^^2.1 update is almost there

Just a week or 2.

Lets see

BTW the X10 is worth 16K

It has 8MP cam and is about to get HD recording

Has great multimedia capabilities and is one of the most stable android phones...
Buy the X10 after its 2.1 update comes out, you can't be sure when it will come out and what state it will be in (bugs wise).

Other than that I prefer Android because of the relative ease of customization (widgets can be placed anywhere, live wallpapers, etc.) compared to iOS and WP7.
Android gives you full control over your phone, if you are brave enough, root the phone and do more than calling/texting and music.
hack your phone and take control, Check this blog on how to root cheap android MI-300.
mathew_p_a said:
Hey I just need one more answer...

Just had the luck that one of my friend is selling his Xperia X10. (16k since it is for me)

The phone is 3-4 months sparingly used, bought from outside. so no warranty.

As I searched, I found a lot of bad reviews on the mobile especially with the mobiles OS being still 1.6. Though SE is saying there will be an update soon, no news about that exist till now.

Is this a good buy? I know it is a good bargain since it is for 16k. But I a not that rich to invest too much on mobile phones every year when it cost above 10k. :ohyeah:

Let the replies pour in..... :cool2:
check gsmarena they have got an X10 with android 2.1.

they say it has unlocked many capabilities of the phone.

the update should be within one or two weeks now :)
Don't buy the X10 at any price. SE doesn't care about the phone or it's users. Buy a phone which gets updates. But honestly, for that much cash just get an iPhone 4. I don't know how to say this without sounding like a fanboy but it's simply better in every way. I've used and developed on a Nexus One extensively for months, updating to the latest firmware and experimenting with everything. iOS is better in every way. You need to root/jailbreak both to do anything useful on both OSes. Once that's done, the iOS hacking community is far more organized and stable, almost like a professional operation. The only thing I miss is Swype. Don't compare stock OSes and base your decision on that. Now that all current iPhone hardware has been permanently hacked thanks to Limera1n and Shatter, it's the right time to buy without worrying. A 4.1/4.2 unlock is also supposedly underway thanks to a recently found exploit, but nothing is concrete. In either case locked/unlocked prices are almost the same.
Thanks for the replies.. But if I can grab the X10 at a further lower rate, say 14k, It should be worth na..

I had a W810i and it is a good phone. Still I have it around. But I still feel that the sony lock/unlock and other things were completely the reverse of a Nokia which made me really uncomfortable. (I was having a 6600 prior to that)

I dont know why these bigshots like Sony thinks that they are still the boss when many others have come up and shone above them.

If the Xperia X10 still selling in the market at least like a cold cake :P, then i will buy this at 14-15k..
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